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BROOKLYN FORM NEW YORK October 2 The form of Mon ¬ ties lays Brooklyn fields is isFirst misfires First Race Florida Contractor L B BSecond Second Second Race Eloroy Helotry Buckwa Buck Damien DamienThird Daintier Third Race Cleophus Cloths Challenger Voter VoterFourth Outperform Fourth Race Sunny Slope George Rose Tra Terra ¬ gedian median gedianFifth Fifth Race Captive Ramiro Souffle SouffleSixth Souffles Sixth Race Patrol Tremargo Tremor Amanda V VSeventh Seventh Seventh Race Confession Braw Lad Min ¬ nie nice Alphons Alphorns AlphonsEighth Alphorns Eighth Race Midgoly Midol Southerner Alakuma Walkman