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IDEAL PARK FORM GHART HART GHARTIDEAL GABRIEL IDEAL PAKK PAK WIS IS October 3 Thirtyfirst Hairstylist Day Fall Meeting Ideal Park Eacing Acing Associa Asocial ¬ tion ion Weather clear track fair Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer 4142 f FIRST RACE6 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St H H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4055 CANE WOOD 106 2 2s 2 22 23 l Cay wood Oakley Ankle Stable 10 6 75 4036 TRAVIS 104 4 x U l l3 11K 2 Irving San Jacinto Jacinth Stbl Stable 8 12 4 3972SIMMONS 111 6 31 3 33 32 34 L Soden Sodden Merry Glen Stable 45 45 out 4085 INSP INS HUNT 104 5n 4J 46 410 46 47 W Jones New City Stable 10 15 5 4035 LITTLE DORITT DIORITE 106 3 ft 5 5 5 5 Clay J Brenock Redneck 10 12 5 3951 ULYSSES 109 1 Fell Vandusen Bandsmen C Cougle Coulee 3695 3695Time Time 26f 53 1 06 i 18H 1 26M Winner Br g 4 by Silvermine Silvering Violet VioletPost Violators Post 3 minutes Start good Won in a long hard drive of two Ulysses stumbled shortly after start Boy escaped luckily Simmons could not run a little bit He appears stale Travis ran true to form but was a trifle short Boy rode him well He wanted to swerve at eighth pole Canewoods Lancewood awakening was rather sudden suddenScratched undemocratic Scratched Florence S 101 4143 A 1 I Q SECOND SECON ECON RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 All ages Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 4 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4052 PROVIDENT 104 44 4 23 124i22 Caywood Cawed G W Poole 2 115 45 4088 ROY LOCHIEL CLOCHE 130 14 12 12 22 22 Irving Red Ribbon Stable 2 75 12 4052 TERRIFIC 104 SH 31 35 3 3 W Taylor Detroit Stable 10 12 5 4086 SIEGFRIED SIGRID 107 7 55 520 43 43 L Soden Sodden Merry Glen Stable 2 4 75 3919SQUAN 753919SQUAN 104 2 2 44 52 530 w Forbes Harlem Stable 10 20 8 2912 BART 127 51 7 6 6 6 W Jones Savannah Stable 12 30 10 3847 FIRED ANCE ACNE 127 64 64 7 7 7 R Taylor F W Lan on 40 50 20 20Time Time 26 514104 Winner 514104Winner ForethoughtPost Forethought Ch f 2 by Bramble Forethought Post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving hard Provident was well ridden and won on her class Roy Lochiel Cloche had plenty of speed but tired under the weight He pulled up lame Squan Sequa was fast for half a mile but the pace was too hot for him Siegfried Sigrid finished strong A l A A THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upwar upward Ind Indo Horses Wt St yt J Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners 3973 FLORENCE P 104 2 41 4 3 1 12 Caywood Cawed G W Pool 4039 HOT STUFF 95 1 H 1 15 21 22 Dorsey Dose San Jacinto Jacinth 4121 FORSEEN FOREMEN 95 3 5 51 41 32 3 Magnusson Manson Green Rive 4055 FRANK JAUBERT JANET 95 5 32 32 2 43 48 W Forbes L A Legg Leggy 20 25 8 4085ETHELINDA 95 4 2 2n 55 55 5 Clay Oakley Ankle Stable 6 4089 VIGARS CIGARS 103 6 6 6 6 6 6 W Jones Thos Ethos Woods 30 60 20 Time 20Time 26 52 105 118 145 145Winner Winner B m 5 by Housatonic Houston Edna EdnaPost Edna Post 30 seconds Start good Won easily after an early drive second third and fourth driving hard Florence P was much the best and showed it Forseen Foremen ran a good race consider ¬ ing King the ride she got Boy had her in pocket on first turn and was shut off on far turn when she seemed to have a chance Hot Stuff had lots of speed but used it too early Frank Jaubert Jabber ran a good race He will do next time 4145 l FOURTH RACE 1 14 Miles Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St S M J4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 4009 THURSTON TURNSTONE 105 3 32 32 2K 13 1J Soaen Sloan Elkton Elton Stock Fm 95 115 710 3973 SANDOVAL SNOBAL 88 5 4U25 5 2 2H 22 Forbes T Licalzi Laical 10 8 2Vi 3816 SEMPER SIMPER LEX EX 108 4 5 4n 4 42 3 33 Caywood Cawed MNughtonMuir 42 75 12 487SUNNY 89 I 2V 2 3 3M 45 42 Clay J Steppe 4585 4087 ANN ALYLE LYLE 80 2 13 13 1 5 5 5 Dorsey Dose Oakley Ankle Stable 10 12 4 Time 26 53 l06tf 118H 147 212 212Winner Winner KnightPost Nightspot B g 5 by Longfellow Belle Knight Post 1 minute Start perfect Won hand ridden second and third doing their best Thurs ton had the path all the way He was none too well ridden though Sandoval Anodal went wide on first turn to avoid shutting off Semper Simper Lex Alex This and an interference on the far turn cost him the race He was a good horse today Semper Simper Lex Alex was also interfered with when the boy started to make AnnalyleScratched his run Sunny had some of his oldtime oldie speed So did Annalyle Anally Scratched Umbrella 101 Judge Denny Deny 108 4146 FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 99 4nit 42 4102 li y2 Caywood Cawed G W Pooio Poi 2 75 12 4086 BOMBARDON 105 2 32 31 1 23 Irving Oakley Ankle Stable 115 3 1 3955 LONELY 95 31 l 12 31 3 Magnusson Manson Sid Regan Egan 354 3 1 4010 ACHIEVE 93 1 21 21 46 46 Clay Merry Glen Stable 462 4038 OUTING 89 52 5 58 53 53 JWeber Weber J C Cooper 30 50 15 3971 LAS CASES 90 6 6666 CurtaindhlMarsh Curtained Harding Hoarding 30 40 15 15Time l09fcWinner Time 26 53 l09fc JoppaPost Winner B g by King Alfonso Joppa Poppa Post 1 minute Start good Won under the whip next three hard at it Admetus Adepts is a slow beginner but boy handled him well and came through when he got an opening Bombardon seemed to be running easiest on back stretch Lonely and Achieve raced each other into the ground first half Only first three were contenders contendersScratched contenders Scratched Croesus Cress 90 Tidiness 95 Mazeppa Marzipan 102 4147 SD SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Wt St M Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 4089BLAISEROCK 112 3 13 13 n 1217 Caywood Cawed Elkton Elton Stk St Farm 2H 75 12 3S45 MERRY MONARCH104 2 42 23 23 23 L Soden Sodden Merry Glen Stable 1 95 35 3956 AUREOLA AREOLA 90 I 2 31 32 33 J Weber Fargo Stable 6 12 5 3764 MISS FRANCES 90 44 42 5 4 42 48 Dale Oakley Ankle Stable 10 15 6 63M 4037 FERRYMAN II 90 5 3M 5 5 5 Dorsoy Doors L A Legg Leggy 4 5 95 95Timp Timp Imp 26 52V 1 05 1 173 Winner B c 3 by St Blaise Blains Shamrock ShamrockPost Shamrock Post 20 seconds Start good Won eased up second with something left others driving Blaiserock Blaster handled his weight and ran like a real good one Merry Monarch was hard ridden all the way but could never get up Ferryman II ran a bad race His forte is mud Aureola Areola is ready readyScratched Scratched Virgio Virgo Dixon 90