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WINDSOR ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather rainy track sloppy sloppyFirst sloppy First Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 4074 Bombard 3 89 4209 Lady Dixon 3 89 893779tLona 3779tLona 5 94 4164 Lady Lilac 4 94 4079 Potndam Putnam 4 7 4186 OldDminin6 99 4136 Tremor 4 102 4164 WMountain3104 4167 Onaretto Narrator 3 104 104tBy tBy Toby Young London Londonf London f ecojud becloud Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 4137 Lady Hope 98 3884 Windsor 98 4165 Billy Fischer 105 3993Van Kirkman105 4124 Allegro 105 40S3JPrincess MaudlOS Mauls 3826 Annie Duncan105 3998 Spoons 108 4 165 Merry Chim Chime es 108 4 165 John Car r 108 1084124Elyria 4124Elyria 108 108Third Third Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 4076 Spaghetti 4 107 4209Elano 4 107 1074123F 4123F M B 4 107 3925 LadyDoleful3107 4084 Partner 4 107 4208Wightman a110 a110Fourth Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 3908 Julie dOr doer 3 94 4126 Hulbert Hubert 5 94 4136 Borderer 5 97 3883 Lucinda a 99 4081 Sauteur Saunter 4 104 99 Leonell Leone 4 104 4167 Commission 5 104 4209 Le Grande 6 104 104Filth Filth Race 1116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 4168 Helen H II 3 92 4140 P Kitchen 3 92 4126 Hilda 3 92 3911fLa Salle Sale 3 95 951594Herman 1594Herman 6 102 tBy Toby Falsetto