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IDEAL PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First l ace 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Maidens Selling 3305 DadsDghtor3 96 2 02 Amanda 3 96 3843 MissDauahy4 6 4085 Nmiwa Mia 3 93 3889 Lienad Lena 4 96 4118 M Portland3 96 4226 Alice W 3 96 Indifferent 3 96 4193 Terranet Errant 3 96 2155 Dave Sloan 4 104 4163 Verus Veers 4 104 4 36 Tartar 3 105 4195 Good Advice 3105 4051 Cinder Sal 3 101 101Second Second Race 5 12 Furloncrs Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances 4159 Katie L 100 4159 Aceta Acetate 90 4197 Croesus Cress 98 4194 Paul Griggs Rigs 103 3983 Tidiness 105 4086 Vanessa 105 4194 Admetns Admen 110 Third Race 34 Mile All ages Allowances 4143 Squan Sequa 2 78 3987 VirgioDixon3 97 3249 LuluT Lulu a 102 3494 In ira 4 105 4 162 Cossack 6 109 4196Redskiu 6 109 3874 Miss Young4K117 Young4K117ooarth ooarth oath Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 4196 Millie M 3 94 4160 S Florence 5 94 4231 Rosalind III 3J 94 4163 Ida M 3 96 4143 RoyLochiela 104 4163 Hi Henry 5 103 4147Blaiserock 3 112 112ontn ontn ont Race 34 Mile 3yearrolds Allowances 3653 Uncas Uncaps 87 4198 Aureola Areola 87 4118 Martha R 97 4144 Hot Stuff 97 3891 Helchax Hellcat 100 4163 Judge Baker 1W 14055 JfSauterne Fastened 102 tBy Toby Tremont Fremont