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WINDSOR ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track slow slowFirst loftiest First Race 34 Mile 3year olds and upward Selling 4023 BeckySharpe3 89 3927 SimW Siam 3 89 4285 Rapalatchie Appalachia 3 89 4215 Bombard 3 89 4281 Hesperia Hesperus a 94 4309 Lady Dixon 3 94 4285 Little Sadie 3 94 4219 Edith 5 94 4313 Hulbert Hubert 5 99 4313 Nover Mover 3 99 4312 Lay On 5 99 3853 Wolsey Wools 5 104 4215 Tremor 4 102 4219 BSchoenfld5102 4205 Pete Kelly 4 102 102Second Second Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances 4083 Little Ben 105 3926 Store Ciolini Colin 105 4261 Negoncio Begonia 105 4206 Extenuate 105 4206 Reformation 105 4216 Windsor 105 105Sister Sister Maggie 105 4284 Winniota Winnie 105 4309 Barney Adler 105 4002 Vano Van 105 3145 Idle Hour 108 4261 Rolandis Roland 108 4284 Beware 108 108Third Third Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 3883 Pyramis Pyramids 3 94 3925 Stark 4 94 4313 Beefeater 3 99 Netties Betties Pet fr 99 4167 Commission 5 99 4166 Longbrook Logbook 5 104 4262 Sandowno Sundown 6 107 Appomattox5107 4312 Lauretta Laurent D 4 99 4186Remnant 113 99 99Fourth Fourth Race 6l Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances 4311 Bloomer 3 99 4311 Tutuilla Attila 4 104 4311 Ardath Marathi 3 104 4167 Gladioli 3 104 4313 Hardenburg Harden 3U07 4283 Alto June 4 109 3693 Alamo 4 109 3925Morven 5 109 109Fifth Fifth Kace Ace 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 4281 Springal Springdale 3 98 4311 Pete Kitchen3 98 984283Hilda 4283Hilda 3 104 3968 Lightfoot Light 5 107 10742B3 42B3 See Attempt4107 4167 Designer 5 110 4313 Brendoo Brando 4 110