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THE SACRAMENTO WINNERS Here is a list of the winners at the Sacra moc mock to Cal meeting from September 3 to 19 19September September 3 Howard ch g 5 by Tyraut Tyrant Mayletto Mallet 106 mile 1 14H 14HAmelia Amelia S ch f 2 by Take Notice Whisban Waistband 99 mile 1 03 03Arnotte Arnotte Annotate ch f 4 by Midlothian Militia Filena Filename 96 1 mile 142 142Vinctor Vinctor Victor b c 4 by Brutus Bruits Mollie H 115 1 116 mile 1 48 48Chartreuse Chartreuse II ch m 5 by Cheviot Zara Sara 104 11A furlongs 136 136September September 4 Howard S br c 2 by Whistle Jacket Zelica Celia 113 mile 1 02 02Seaside Seaside ch m 5 by Mariner Marin 105 mile 115 Torsino Torsion b f 3 by Torso Borgu Borg W Bertie Betties W 109 1 mile 14254 Lobengula Globing br c 4 by Hudson Zulu 117 154 miles 157 157Geyser Geyser br c 2 by Ben AH Hot Springs 108 5Vi furlongs 1 0954 0954September September 5 Alma b f 2 by Take Notice Picnic 98 51A furlongs 1 08 08Miss Miss Pollard b f 3 by Idalium Idealism dam by Kyrlo Kyle Daly Dally 100 1 mile 14313 14313The The Nursery Stakes 4075 for twoyearolds toeholds six furlongs Candelaria Candelabra b c 118 by Midloth Maillot ¬ ian Cossette Cassette Time 1 1654 1654Vinctor Vinctor Victor b c 4 by Brutus Bruits Mollie H 112 mile 11454 11454Hezogs Hezogs Wheezes b c 130 by Prince of Norfolk Haidee Halide 154 miles over five hurdles 220J September 10 Fleur Flour de Lis Lisa br f 2 by Max ¬ im Fleurette Ferreted 107 mile 101 101Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar b c 4 by Brutus Bruits Gypsette Gyps 98 lYt alt furlongs 13454 13454Caliente Caliente Alienate ch c 3 by Kyrle Kyle Daly Dally Extract 94 Vinctor Victor b c 4 by Brutus Bruits Mollie H 118 1 mile 141 141Ruinart Ruinart Ruminate br c 3 by St Carlo Queen Alta 112 1 mile and 70 yards 14654 14654September September 12 Vincitor Inciter b c 2 by Brutus Bruits Mollie H 106 M mile 1 16 16Thelma Thelma Helm br m 5 by John Happy Pansy 103 Mmile Mile 115 115Geyser Geyser br c by Ben AH Hot Springs 113 mile 11554 11554Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar b c 3 by Brutus Bruits Gypsette Gyps 105 15i miles 15554 15554La La Flecha Fleche ch f 3 by Flambeau Flam Flame 99 mile 1165 Zaragoza Farrago ch g 6 by Cheviot Bessie Hooker 120 1 miles over 5 hurdles 235 235September September 17 Dolore Dolores b f 2 by Wildidle Twiddle Rosette 103 5 2 furlongs 107J Chartreuse ch m 6 by Cheviot Zara Sara 104 Simile 114 Favorite Stakes 1025 Wheel of Fortune ch f 4 by Gano Guano Jennie B 107 154 miles 20754 20754Libertine Libertine b h 5 by Leonatus Lents Falaise Malaise 116 M mile 114 114Favory Favory Favor ch c 4 by John A Lowena Lowe R 101 M mile 1143 My Sweetheart ch f 4 by Major Ban Lib bertiflibbet certifiable 135 154 miles over 5 hurdles 21854 21854September September 18 Caliente Alienate ch c 3 by El Rio Rey Frey Hettie Hattie Humphreys Humph 90 5i mile 1 Uli Ui UliRuinart Ruinart Ruminate br c 3 by St Carlo Queen Alto 105 1 mile 1 42 42Fleur Fleur Flour de Lis Lisa br f 2 by Maxim Fleurette Ferreted 105 M mile 11454 11454Miss Miss Pollard br f 3 by Idalium Idealism dam by Kyrle Kyle Daly Dally 113 754 furlongs 1 3654 3654Little Little Cripple br g 5 by Pirate of Penzance Penance Lady Stanhope Tahoe 97 154 miles 20954 20954September September 19 Principle b g 2 by Maxim Ventura 99 554 furlongs 1 1054 1054Sabilla Sabilla Isabella ch f4 byTyrant butyrate Stella101 mile 118 118Autumn Autumn Handicap for twoyearolds toeholds one mile Lumina b f by Martenhurst Marten Vandalite Vandalize 110 Time 14554 14554Articus Articus Attics b h 5 by Argyle Glenlock Glen 104 1 116 miles 15254 15254Reddington Reddington Redding b g 3 by Emperor of Norfolk Angeliquo Angelic 140 1 mile 1 50 50Charlie Charlie Boots b g 3 by Alto Mio Milo Constella Constellate ¬ tion ion 131 156 miles over four hurdles 20554