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CALIFORNIA JOCKSY JOCKS CLUB STAKES The California Jockey Club which opens the f uidly idly appointed Oakland track next Monday JL 26 early stakes which are worth 30500 and c o n Xov Xv mbiT ambit 1 Horsemen should not over i k their conditions mainly displayed on the tutside outside page of DAILY RACING FORM Ton of the stakes each having a guaranteed value of 1000 are free of entrance This is a n w departure and one that will certainly ap I il to owiers osiers Nominations not declared by January 1 are subject to a 10 fee and those not declared by the time of the closing of entries tb day preceding the race to a fee of 20 addi Addis ¬ tional tonal These stakes are as follows For 3year cliis clinics California Maiden Stakes San Pablo Stakes and the Shell Mound Handicap For al ages San Leandro Alejandro Selling Stakes Berkeley Handicap Piedmont Handicap Emeryville Emery Handicap Alameda Handicap Golden Gate Handicap and Oakland Handicap The follow ¬ ing King stakes also close November 1 Burns Handi Hand ¬ cap all ages 510000 Thornton Horton Stakes for 3 yearolds earls and upward 3000 Palace Hotel Handicap all ages 2000 Gunst Gust Selling Stakes all ages 1500 Baldwin Hotftl Outfit Handicap all ages 1500 Follansbee Flans Handicap all ages 1250 McLaughlin Selling Stakes all ages 1 50 Pacific Union Selling Stakes all ages 1500 Produce Eschange Exchange Stakes 2yearold maidens at time of entry 1250 Palo Alto Han ¬ dicap dicta 2yearolds 1250 Lissak Lisa Selling Stakes 3yearolds 1250 Rancho del Paso Handicap 3yearolds 1250 Naglee Magee Sell ¬ ing King Stakes all ages 1250 Burlingame Burling Steeplechase Handicap 3yearolds and up ¬ ward 1000 Flood Stakes handicap hurdle race 3yearolds and upward 1000 and Athen Athena ¬ ian Club Steeplechase Handicap 3yearolds and upward 1500 All of the above values are guaranteed Entries close Nov 1 and should be addressed to R B Milroy Milo Secretary 214 Sut Shut ter tear Street San Francisco Cal