untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1896-10-18


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IDEAL PARK RACING ASSN ASS INAUGURAL MEETING 1896 AUGUST 29th TO NOVEHBER NOVEMBER 30th 1896 1896FIVE FIVE OR MORE RACES DAILY RAIN OR SHINE SHINECOMMENCING COMMENCING AT 215 Pn IDEAL PARK is located at Ideal Park Wis Wigs forty = seven miles from Chicago on the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul R R RSpecial Special Special trains to the track in 50 minutes leave Union Depot Canal riadison Radisson and Adams streets at 1145 am 1215 1240 100 and 115 pm Returning leave track at 430 pm and immediately immediatelyafter immediately after the races racesADMISSION ADMISSION 100 Including Retnrn Return Trip on Special Trains and Entrance to Grand Stand Track Post Office OfficeRUSSELL Officers fl NATHANSON NATHAN Secy Sec SecyCHICAGO RUSSELL ILL CHICAGO OFFICE 932 nONADNOCK noncan BUILDING SHIP HORSES FREIGHT AlsTD Alls EXPRESS MATTER VIA C M ST P RR TO RUSSELL ILL Bookmakers can get Necessary Supplies from Mike Sweeny Sweden at the Track Daily Racing Forms Selection Assn Ass The Telegraphic Service over Racing Forms Daily Selections has been remodeled and in future subscribers at 4 per week will be sent only a succinct telegram of some twenty words night rate Western Union AUTUflN Autumn flEETING OPENS AUGUST 25 25Five Message containing the refined selections in all the races of the fol fool ¬ lowing day Five or flora Races Daily RAIN OR SHINE The Track is Safe Fast and Well Cared For ForWater Formatter TWENTYSEVEN TWENTY STAKES TO BE RUN Water Excellent Stabling Gomfortable Comfortable GomfortableRace Comfortable DURING THE Race Conditions in loine line With Material Winter and Spring Meetings 1896 = = 97 97Beginning W A PARflER Parlor PHIL OILMAN JOHN J CARTER Beginning October 19 1896 PARflERSecretary Preference Secretary Presiding CARTERPresiding Judge 50000 IN STAKES OAKLAND RACE TRACK OAKLAND CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIAA CALIFORNIA 1 A Perfect Course as to footing stabling stand and ring UI AT PUI UI JL Hlf Half J A l P STAKES TO CLOSE NOVEflBER November ist Kist 1896 Ten stakes each i 000 guaranteed in value are free of entrance They all close Novem Novena ¬ Half Yearly Form ber beer i Three are for 3yearolds and seven for all ages Nominations not declared January i re subject to a 10 fee and those not declared by the time of closing entries the day preced precede ¬ ing King the race to one of 20 more One thousand pages of Charts in soft Morocco covers California Maiden Stakes 3yearolds mile Piedmont Handicap All ages high weights San Pablo Stakes 3yearolds selling 1 mile 78 mile from June 2 to November 30 inclusive An Index Shell Mound Handicap 3year olds mile Emeryville Emery Handicap All ages 6H furl San Leandro Alejandro Stakes All ages selling 714 Alameda Handicap All ages 1 mile milefurlongs furlongs Golden Gate Handicap All ages 11A 11ABerkely of 75 pages on linen paper strongly lettered letteredFor lettered All high weights longs Handicap M Berkely Berkeley mile ages Oakland Handicap All ages 134 miles For sale only to those ordering in advance at 15 per copy One of the following list of seventeen Stakes The Inaugural closes October 1st All the rest close Quarterly Form November 1 Inaugural Handicap All ages Guaranteed Pacific Union Stakes All ages selling J1500 Nearly 500 of Charts in flexible leather covers pages Entries close October 1 1 mile mileBurns milieu guaranteed 1 18 miles milesPalo Miles Burns Handicap All ages 10000 guaran guaranty ¬ Palo Alto Handicap 2yoarolds 1250 guar ¬ from 23 to November 30 inclusive A teed 134 miles milesThornton milestone anteed anted mile mileLissak Mills August Thornton Horton Stakes 3yearolds and upward 10 Lissak Lisa Stakes 3yearolds selling 1250 guar ¬ pounds below scale 3000 guaranteed 4 miles milesPalace Miles anteed anted J mile mileRancho ileac perfect Index For sale to subscribers in advance Palace Hotel Handicap All ages 2000 Rancho del Paso Handicap 3yearolds 1250 guaranteed 1 116 miles milesGunst miles guaranteed 1 mile mileNaglee mileage at 6 Gunst Gust Stakes All ages selling 1500 guar ¬ Naglee Magee Stakes All ages selling 1250 guar ¬ per copy copyDelivery copyeditor anteed anted 1 116 miles milesBaldwin anteed anted mile mileBurlinghame mislabeling Baldwin Hotel Handicap All ages 1500 Burlinghame Brigham Handicap 3yearolds and up ¬ Delivery of the above books express prepaid within guaranteed 1 mile mileFollansbee ward Steeplechase 1000 guaranteed Short Follansbee Flans Handicap All ages 1250 guar ¬ course about 1 miles milesFlood miles 500 miles of Chicago guaranteed by or before antee Santee 78 mile mileMcLaughlin Flood Handicap 3yearolds and upward McLaughlin Stakes All ages selling 1250 Over eight hurdles 1000 guaranteed 2 miles milesAthenian mildest December 8 To all points in the United States guaranteed 1 mile mileProduce miller Athenian Club Handicap 3yearolds and up ¬ Produce Exchange Stakes 2yearold maid ¬ ward Steeplechase 1500 guaranteed Full ens Jens November 1 1250 guaranteed 54 fur ¬ course about 234 miles milesR mileRs and Canada delivery is guaranteed by December 11 11The longs longsT longest The Edition of both publications is limited Orders T H WILLIAMS JR R B filLROY filler JRPresident Repression President filLROYSecretary Secretary will be entered as they arrive and money return = 304 SUTTER UTTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO CAL ed at once to subscribers who cannot be supplied

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1896101801/drf1896101801_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1896101801_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800