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IDEAL PARK FORM GHART HART GHARTIDEAL GABRIEL IDEAL PARK WIS IS October 24 Fortyninth Fortnight Day Ideal Park Racing Association Fall Meeting VVeathor Vector clear track fast Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer 14J t FIRST RACE a4 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling InrT Inert Horses Wt St 1A 4 StrHn Stern Jockeys Owners Up Cl FT 4586 HIS HEbCHAX Theca bCHAX Bach 103 4j I I VlAl3 Jackson Elkton Elton Stk St Farm 10 20 8 4551fJOE MANCINI ANACIN 103 2 3 Wrf Ref 22 Magnusson Manson Ruddy Bros Brows 2 3 1 7545S4 4166 LUCY BELLE 103 5 2H 2n 2yt 31A W Jones L S Williams 4 4 75 45S4 454 DANTES ANTES 101 INK 4Vi f K 4il24i L Sodon Sodom T W Coulter 662 4584 FORUM 101 6 73 44 52 52 Caywood Cawed Hariem Harem Stable 431 4510 MURIEL T 93 3 f 61HS2 6 6 Armstrong O A Arthur 30 60 20 4 86 FLOREANNA FORAMINA 103 11 92 10 111A11A JWeber Weber B F Falk 462 4303 LULU T 103 8ij 82 92 9 8 Upton Upon M Wynn 20 30 10 46U1 AGATINE AGAIN 11 62 82 92 W Hicks Green River Stbl Stable 12 30 10 4l22iHINDA 4122iHINDA 103 9 10 11 10 IQi Ii Dorsey Dose G G Moshier Mushier 10 20 8 4390 CHALANGE HAULAGE 103 7 5K 71 11 11 D Davis J F Nichols 10 30 10 fDisqualified Disqualified Time 24 0 1024 1154 1154Winner Winner B c 3 by Charaxus Caraculs Va Belle BellePost Belle Post 6 minutes Start good Won handily second with something left after an early drive next three also hard driven Joe Maucini Machining borein Boeing at head of stretch almost carrying Lucy Belle Forum and Dantes Antes over the fence Forum was off in a pocket and could never get out Muriel T ran afair affair race so did Floreanua Foreman from where she got off offScratched Scratched Devault Default 103 The Rook 103 SECOND RACE 6 12 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances mil Horses Wt St J4 H A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4585 THERESA H 103 fti ft 1 I INK INK IH Gouin Gouging Eagle Stable 572 4597 F GARNER 95 TH 31 21 3l2 2N Strode Astoria Stable 10 15 6 4507 ROCKWOOD ROCKWEED 100j 9 82 82 61 3 W Taylor W C Fessenden Essence 6 10 4 44Vj 4463 CANNONADE 105 3 4V 4Vj 3K 2i 4U4 Irving Wm Hawley 75 65 25 252K 1 4439 JERSEY LAD 108 2VJ 2 2K 41442 52 DDavis Davis T D Carter 10 15 6 65iy57NK 3345 ODD GENIUS 103 I K 51 5iy57NK WAVA WAVE Caywood Cawed Oakley Ankle Stable 6 3 1 19NK 4392 HESSVILLE 103 8V 9 9NK 91H81 73 ARobeitsnJ Robertson Bienock Benzoic 20 30 10 1061A 4410 LAS CASES 93 6 6 61A f llAW lAW 85 Jackson Marsh Harding Hoarding 15 25 8 4463 FARMER LEIGH 100 10 10 104261MAJESTA 109 93 L Soden Sodden T W Coulter 20 25 8 4261MAJESTA 103 4 71 7iV6 10 10 WJones Jones LSWilliams Swill 8 15 6 6Time 122Winnei Time 242 49M 102 l152 122 Winnei Winnie Ch f by George Kinney Marie to toPost topmost Post 1 minute Start fair Won hand ridden next four driving hard Boy rode Theresa H well She wanted to swerve at sixteenth pole Rockwood Rockweed was pounds the best and should have won He was off badly and ridden worse Strode finished weakly on F Garner Cannonade hung when the pinch came So did Jersey Lad Odd Genius had some speed and Farmer Leigh none noneScratched nondescript Scratched Croesus Cress 98 Oreusa Ores 103 Why 103 Nairete Aigrette 103 Leowicka Erotica 03 Overweights Overweighs 03Overweights Farmer Leigh 2 pounds Rockwood Rockweed 21A 4645 THIRD RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 300 All Ages Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 45S6ABUSE 98 I 13 14 13 Clay Foster Bros Brows 85 910 out 4549 UNCAS UNCAPS 95 3 55 4i2 Jackson J Brenock Redneck 682 4549 854549CALIFORNIA VIRGIE VIRILE DIXON 95 2 2K K 33 3 3 Dorsey Dose E T McConnell 4 6 85 4549CALIFORNIA 100 5 2 2 45 L Soden Sodden T W Coulter 2 2 45 ELLA 45ELLA PENZANCE PENANCE 95 71 4 55 5 J Weber Fargo Stable 10 40 12 4189 JACK OF SPADES 103 4NK 6 o 510 615 D Davis Kentucky Stable 862 862451o 451o SIS FLORENCE 100 62 111 W Hicks VLee Lee 100 200 40 40Time Time 23 48 54 Winner 54Winner B c 3 by Plevna Pena Abukru Laburnum AbukruPost Burps Post 8 minutes Start good Won staggering second third and fourth out to the ounce Abuse raced California and Virgie Virile Dixon off their feet first quarter Hes Hess a very fast colt but does not like a route Uncas Uncaps was not in action when start was made He ran a good game race Ella Peuzance Penance showed a bit of speed She can win a cheap selling race Jack of Spades was in his own way So was Sister Florence FlorenceScratched Florence Scratched Loretta 95 Headlight 100 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3 yearolds earls and upward Owners Handicap Ind Indo Horses WtSt Watt M ys 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4525 P1NKEY POT1ER 95 SH 3H8211H1 Clay J E Cushing 4587REDSKIN 100 2 4 4 31 21 2 L Soden Sodden T W Coulter 65 1310 out 4550LOGAN out4550LOGAN 100 H2 21 25 4 4 3H2 JS ields Fields A Shields 4 3 out 4587 OMBRELLA UMBRELLA 99 4 1 INK iyt it yt 4 y Jones S C Wagner 2 135 out 43Winner Time outTime outline 25 50M 1 03 1 16H 1 43 Winner Ch g 3 by Ferg Erg Kyle Remnant RemnantPost Remnant Post 3 minutes Start good Won in the hardest kind of a drive third and fourth eased up Redskin sulked for threequarters treasurers He respondod responded to the whip on far turn and seemed to bo win ¬ ning Ming at the head of stretch There he pricked his ears again and would not try Clay rode a beautiful race on Pinkey Pinkeye Potter His finish was powerful The colt is also game Logan and Umbrella retired at head of stretch Umbrella seems to have gone back backScratched backscratcher Scratched Thurston Turnstone 100 100Overweights Overweights Overweighs Umbrella IVi IV pounds A AH FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3873DOMITOR 98 2 23 IK in2i2 DDavis Davis Oakley Ankle Stable 4 Zz 7H 7H4H 4548 SQUAN SEQUA 84 3 4H 3 ic 2 23 W Forbes Harlem Stable 12 6 85 300DSUTTON 104 4 510 520 4 K 3J Irving Terra Cotta Stbl Stable 1 4 65 65SXK 4585 VANESSA 90H l SXK ASK 42 550 41 clay W H Roller 10 12 4 4438UNCLE SIMON 92 5 1 26 3iVz530 Jackson S M Sexton 2 95 12 4194 LILLIAN WILKES 75 6 6666 J Carter Detroit Stable 30 40 12 Time 24 4914 1 02k 1 08 Winner Ch c by Inspector B Rosa Buckden Buckbean BuckdenPost Buckbean Post 2 minutes Start good Won handily second driving and swerving third all out Uncle Simon had some speed but not his usual amount He tired badly Domitor Dormitory was the best and showed it He was the well played good thing Squan Sequa was poorly ridden Boy had no hold of his head whatever in the stretch Button is nowhere near a race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Admetus Adepts 106 106Overweights Overweights Overweighs Domitor Dormitory 4 pounds Vanessa 2V4 4648 SIXTH RACK 34 Mile Purse 3UO 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners OD Cl PI 4598JBRYAN 103 4 3 K 2 IN 1 Caywood Cawed Geo Geol Wilde 452 4524 OAUFIELD OUTFIELD 104 5n l lit it li 2n 22 Clay Foter Footer Bros Brows 165 145 1 4508 SERENA 98 2 21 3iy A 33 Dorsey Dose Terra Cotta Stbl Stable 6 3z 65 654509TERRA 4509TERRA ARCHER 98 3 c 82 51 5 4 J Weber Ogden Stable 40 50 20 4524 SIDKEL SIDE 103 l 41 41 4 51 W Jones P J Miles 531 4526 DOCTOR G 101 9 9 8 82 6iV2 Magnusson Manson Merry Glen Stbl Stable 4 6 64460FRANK 4460FRANK JAUBERT JANET 98 8 SH 61 61 7 Jackson L A Legg Leggy 30 40 15 4524 CANEWOOD CAMEO 105 11A 11A 72 72 81 o W Hicks Oakley Ankle Stable 20 25 8 4598 ROSALIND III 98 10 10 10 95 95 Strode F W Cooper 60 100 40 40GLENBEAU GLENBEAU GLEBE 101 6 61 9 10 10 D Davis Kentucky Stable 30 40 15 15Time Time 25 49K 102 115 115Winner Winner Ch g 6 by Chance Narka Nark NarkaPost Markups Post 1 minute Start good Won in a long hard drive of two third and fourth also hard at it Caufleld Caulked ran a game and true race Bryan was the best and was perfectly ridden Serena well played ran a creditable race Terra Archer also performed well He is underrated Sidkel Side was not in motion at the start He ran his race though Canewood Lancewood had no speed at all He is an in ¬ consistent performer Bryan was run up 600 and bought in inScratched unscratched Scratched Hot Stuff 98 Pinchback Pinchbeck 98