Racing Gossip., Daily Racing Form, 1896-10-29


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B AGING GOSSIP GOSSIPThe Gossip The current Racing Calendar prints a lot of amendments to the Eastern racing rules which are to be passed upon by the Jockey Club at its next meeting November 12 The most important of the amendment to be submitted is in relation to the scale of weights The change proposed is a general raising of the scale for all ages and at all distances The im ¬ posts for two and threeyearold show the great ¬ est increase in the fall of the year at which sea ¬ son they have always been favored under the old scale scaleA scale A comparison of the old with the new scale shows an increase of four or five pounds during the spring and summer months the first of the marked changes appearing in September Two yearolds earls in races at a mile run in that month will carry 89 in place of 79 pounds and in Octo Oct ¬ ber beer and November there is a change of 9 pounds In short dashes at five and six furlongs the old scale was 91 pounds in September and 94 pounds in October Under the new scale they will be asked to carry 103 and 105 pounds in the months named With the older horses there is an in ¬ crease all down the line of from 3 to 11 pounds poundsRule pounds Rule 84 is to be amended by the addition of the clause No horse shall carry less than 84 pounds in any race raceAn race An addition to the regulations for race meet ¬ ings dings that will do away with big fields on nar nard ¬ row tracks is proposed It reads The num numb ¬ ber beer of starters in any overnight race shall be limited by the width of the track at the start ¬ ing King post Every horse shall be allowed five feet of the width of the track The number of starters shall be reduced to the proper number by lot or divibion division of the race at the option of the association The effect of this will be to materially improve the sport sportIn sporting In cases where an apprentice allowance is claimed an owner will not be permitted to aban ABA ¬ don such allowance except by consent of the stewards This point was raised during a recent meeting at Aqueduct by Father Bill Daly Dally The decision at the time was that the allow ¬ ance Vance could not be abandoned but leaving it at the option of the stewards is certainly a satis satins ¬ factory method of handling such cases

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