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MORRIS PARK FORM GHART HART GHARTMORRIS HARMONICS MORRIS PARK N Y October 29 Tenth Day Westchoster Esthete Racing Association Fall Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Col Cool H W Simmons Starter C H Pettingill Petting 4T I O FIRST RACE 78 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Selling Maiden I 4t Jockeys Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Ul PI 4321DOLANDO 22 v2 23 13 Johnson Thomas Welch S5 75 12 12p 44H1 HRAZIOSA RAZORS p 14 11 23 Mitchell Ohas Has Littlefleld Littered 5 7 2yz 4A72 RUNAWAY 3 3 31 32 Neumeyer Mummery F L Parker 683 6 PATROL 54 43 41 42 Charlton Carlton M F Dwyer 2 8 1 ilU7 DALGRETTI 6 7 61 51 Tighe Tighten Fleming Black 10 12 5 4 32 FIND OUT 7 52 51 61 Koisse Kissed Covington Coving Kent 20 30 10 4620 EMO ELMO TIONAL TONAL 8887 Wapshire Washier WCDaly Cuddly 15 20 8 4559 NAYAHOE NAVAHO Wi 61 7 8 Leahany Lehman M F Stephenson 20 30 10 4572 FLAMES 9999 Pattori Pastor P S P Randolph 10 12 5 4330 NICK JOHNSON 93 10 10 0 10 10 10 Swan N NJJohnson J Johnson 15 20 8 46S6 SIB D1XON JR 11011 11 1 11 11 11 Dunn F Burlew Burble 683 29Winner Time 683Time 25 51M 1 16K 1 29 BarbicheStart Brioches Winner B g 3 by Powhattan Barbiche Brioche Start fair Won easily Dolando Orlando raced over Graziosa Gracious in the end The latter had a lot of speed but couid could not hold it Patrol was never a factor Maiden jockeys are not fancied by the public publicScratched publics Scratched Beau Ideal 105 Campania Campanula 98 Crimea 93 Overweights Overweighs 93Overweights Dolando Orlando 4 pounds Dalgretti Algarve 3 Find Out 1 Emotional 4 Flames 4 4 7 4 SECOND RAC AC 0 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 9 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4560 BILLALI BILLABLE 97 1 INK in 12 yt OConnor O'Connor W J Daly Dally 10 15 6 4569 MAUD ADAMS 92 7 3 41 3VS 22 Maher J A McLaughlin 462 4569 45245601TAKANASSEE IROQUOISE IROQUOIS 93 5 2 2x 2 3 Hirsch Perry Belmont 452 45601TAKANASSEE 102 3 41 SNK SANK 41 41 T Sloan Kensico Keens Stable 45 45 out 4560 LEEDSVILLE LEEDS 1U7 4 6 5 51 52 J Hill DGideon Gideon 562 4619 SIMONIAN SIMON 97 8 7786 OLeary O'Leary A Clason Carson 30 30 10 3756 ESTACA EST 105 6 8877 Waller Wailer Santa Anita Stbl Stable 10 8 3 4529 IRANIAN 108 2 5VS 6 6 8 Clayton J J McCafferty 8 10 4 4529SALVA CEA EA 94 10 10 9 9 9 Hewitt W A Chanler Chandler 10 15 6 4529 SLY 105 11 11 10 10 10 Gifford Lassen Larsen Stable 30 40 12 4426 RED SPIDER 97 9 9 11 11 11 Nutt Mutt M F Stephenson 6 83 4329 B OF FREEDOM 95 12 12 12 12 12 Wapshire Washier D Higgius Higgins 30 30 10 4529 VALLEY GIRL 10813 13 13 13 13 HHarris Harris JTBarrett 30 30 10 10Time Time 24i 492 1 OOM BOOM 1 13 Winner 13Winner Br g by Rayon dOr doer She SheStart Shasta Start fair Won driving Billali Billable had speed to give away Adams ran the best race Maher could n t help her much Takanassee Tallahassee was vilely ridden Sloan was busy on her getting in and out of pockets all through the stretch stretchScratched stretches Scratched Ross 0 108 Flying Squadron 102 Rollins Collins 97 Floridas Florida 97 Chic 92 Overweights Overweighs 92Overweights Iroquoise Iroquois 1 pound Leedsville Leeds 2 Iranian 3 Salva Salvia Cea Ea 2 Sly 3 Bird of Freedom 3 I T I I THIRD RACE 5 13 Furlongs 2yearolds The Silverbroob Silverrod Selling Stakes 4t 4 4t4t Value 2000 ind bind Horses Wt St M 1A StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl fi 4683 TRAGEDIAN 77712 Hewitt J E Seagram 6 10 4 4425 CLEOPHUS CLOTHS 5 5NK 5 2i12 Simms Sims M F Dwyer 65 45 out 4478 NANA H 41 41 41 3 Lamley Langley W Hayward 5 8 Zy 4427 CELOSO CELLOS 21 21 2 42 TSloan Sloan Santa Anita Stable 5 6 46S4 HI DADDY 100 4 31 31 31A 51 OLeary O'Leary Mrs L Curtis 5 6 4569XMAS 108 6 6666 Doggett Doge Stockwell Stock Stable 8 10 4 4379 CASSEOPIA CASSIOPEIA 110 1 H2 1 lz 7 Littlefield Littered A HDH HUD Morris 672 672Time Time 12J4 25 49l 106 Winner VevayStart Devastate Ch c by Egmont Segment Vevay Velvety Start fair Won easily Tragedian came like a race horse at the end passing the whole field in a gallop a few hundred feet from the wire Cleophus Cloths had bad luck She was shut off at eighth pole when making her run She closed very strong Caseeopia Cassiopeia gave it up Tragedian was bid up to 3005 by J Rowe and bought in inScratched unscratched Scratched George Rose 106 Azure 103 n A PC FOURTH RACE 78 Mile 3yearold fillies The Woodburn Woodbury Stakes Value ± t ttO to 2000 Ind Indo Horses Wt St yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4531 LOUISE N 100 3 12 12 12 iyt it yz Hirsch A Nelson 3yt 21A 45 4481 JUNO 100 4 31A 2 2yt 23 2 Nutt Mutt G Winslow 683 4133 AMANDA V 100 5 5 6 5 5 3 OLeary O'Leary J E Madden 331 4327 RELIGION RELIGION4685ARGENTINA 100 1 2 3U 3 3 41 Lamley Langley F D Beard 8 10 4 4685ARGENTINA 107 2 4x 4s 41 42 51 T Sloan SantaAnitaStable Anticipatable 2 2 1 4568MISS CELESTJNA100 665666 Waller Wailer Chas Boyle 8 10 4 4Time Time 253S 51 i16 130 Winner 130Winner Ch f 3 by Luke Blackburn Louise T T6tart 6tart good Won driving Louise ran a good race Juno came strong at finish Amanda got a poor ride She had a lot of speed and will do in same class Louise N was bid up to 805 by W Onley Only and bought in inScratched unscratched Scratched Souffle 120 4746 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 600 3 yearolds earls Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4531 CASSETTE 110 2 4H 5y2 3yt 31 li Doggett Doge A Clason Carson 4 6 4622RAM1RO 104687TOM 106 7 6 7 42 41 2 T Sloan Santa Anita Stbl Stable 6 10 4687TOM CROMWELL121 8 7 8 8 6 3 Slmms Slams M F Dwyer 75 95 35 4624 PREMIER 109 1 IKK VIKKI in2liz 12 41 OLeary O'Leary Jas Jabs McLaughlin 12 15 6 4527 SEPTOUR EMPTOR 114 6 8 6 7 8 5 Hamilton R Boyle 631 4682 TRILLETTE TRIPLET 99 4 3 SH 6 5V 6 Nutt Mutt Wolfe Hill Stable 8 10 4 4687 BELLPORT BALLOT 96 3 21 2n22iH2k 7 Hirsch Jefferson Stable 5 4 S5 4685 DR GRIMES 110 5 5V2 41 51 7 8 Clayton F Burlew Burble 20 30 10 4568 BEAUMONT 94 9 9 9 9 9 9 Hewitt Preakness Realness Stable 50 60 20 By 20By Gano Guano Time 25 50J4 103 l15Mi l4l l4lWinner Winner Br f by Uncas Uncaps Castalia Catalina CastaliaStart Catalina Start fair Won driving Cassette had a lot in hand Ramiro is a much improved horse Cromwell got away last and could never get up He made up a lot of ground on the end Prem Proem ¬ ier bier weakened so did Bellnort Ballot Hewitt was suspended for his indifferent ride on Beaumont Scratched BeaumontScratched Beaumont Souffle 122 Howard Mann 112 112Overweights Overweights Overweighs Dr Grimes 4 pounds Beaumont 4 LTLT TILT SIXTH RACE 1 110 Miles Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St l2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4686THE SWAIN 98 4 l2 U 1 11 12 OLeary O'Leary Coviugton Convolution Kent 4 4z 95 4623 GLENMOYNE LENNON 119 3 31 3Ui3H 2u 21 Taral Aral JWRogers Wringers 462 4533 BEN EDER EIDER 114 1 51 5K 6 3 3 Simms Sims M F Dwyer 75 85 35 4573 DEERS DEER LAYER 114 7 41 42 5 5i24i Doggett Doge W Rollins Collins 452 4687 MERRY PRINCE 104 6 6 6 7 7 52 Hewitt O H P Belmont 22 3 1 4481 TANIS ANIS 88 2 7 7 4 6 6 Maher J B Davis 30 30 10 4572 HANDSPUN HANDS 93 5 2 21 21 4 7 Hirsch Kendall Stable 12 15 6 Time 25 51K 1 6J4 1 41 1 472 Winner VillageStart Villages B c 4 by Galore Pride of the Village Start good Won galloping It was mere play for The Swain at the wrights Ben Eder Edger was outrun all the way He closed ground in the stratch stretch Overweights Overweighs Haudspun Hudson 3 pounds