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MORRIS PARK ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Ivace Vance 78 Mile MileAll Illegally All Ages Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 4254 Taric3 112 4425 Mast James3 107 4568 Laurelton Laurel 3 107 4746 Beaumont 3 104 P Margaret 3104 4568 L Woodlds3 104 4568 Bonhomme Bonhomie 3 104 4568 South Africa 3104 4568 Pharisee 3 104 4619 Kinnekinck Kinetic 2 84 4331 Callibee Caliber 2 84 Praetorian 2 84 4529 One Chance 2 81 4743 Simonian Simon 2 81 4619 Atlantus Atlantis 2 81 4619 Sonnet 2 81 4331 Myrtle L 3 81 4619 Riddle 2 81 81Secoud Secoud Second Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward upwardThe upward The Auction Selling Stakes Stakesnd Stakes nd Horses Wart Ind Indo Horses Wfft Waft 4747 Glenmoyne Lennon 6 119 4778 Brandy wine4 115 4778 Halfling Halloing 4 115 4623Harry Reed4112 4746 Premier 3 110 4745 Argentina 3 107 4776 Rubicon 5 105 4777 Beldemere Beldame 5 9 4747 Merry Prince3 100 4777 Jeff erson person 3 8 Third Kace Ace Eclipse Course 2yearolds The White Plains Handicap 4000 guaranteed ind bind Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses Wet 4684 The Friar 124 4744 Casseopia Cassiopeia 104 4684 Typhoon II 120 4778Uhallenger 118 4778 Geo Geol Rose Ill 4684 Voter 109 4684 Sunny Slope 100 4744 Xmas 100 100Try Try Again 100 4684 Bannock 9S 4683 MissPritn Misprint 90 90Fourth Fourth Race 1 12 Miles Morris Park Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearoldsInd 3yearolds Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 4571 The Winnerll8 4779 Souffle 115 4779 Ramiro 95 4686 Kingstone Kingston 95 95By By Gano Guano GanoFifth Granolith Fifth Kace Ace 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wut Ut 4746 PremierCS PremierS 112 4682 Magian Meagan 4 111 4777 Brisk 3 109 4686 Marshall 6 108 4776 L Diamond4105 4687 Sapelo Apollo 3 105 4745 Louise N 5 102 4777 Beddemere Bessemer 5 101 4742 Patrol 3 98 4745 M Colestina3 94 94Sixth Sixth Race 1 14 Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap nd Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wet 4746 TCromwell3115 4747 Deerslayer Deerstalker 4 115 4620Hard Mann3109 4747 The Swain 4j 107 4746Cassette 3 107 4747 Mry Mary Prince3103 4776 Forget 3 100 4746 Bellport Heliport 3 88 4745 Argentina 3 WO WOSeventh Observant Seventh Race 3 Miles MilesHandicap Handicap Steeplechase SteeplechaseInd Steeplechase Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgti Wagtail 4561DofAbercn6173 4780 Midgley Midge 4 165 4780 R del Mar 6 149 4561 Decapod Decapods 6 146 4557 St Luke 13 138 Tidman Timpani 5 135 4558 Hustler 7 135 47SO Baroness 4 135