Pimlico Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1896-11-06


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P1ML1GO FORM CHART CHARTBALTIMORE BALTIMORE MD Nov 5 First Day Baltimore Jockey Club Fall Mooting Weather cloudy track heavy Presiding Judge Col Cool R W Simmons Starter C H Pettingill Petting 4855 FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt 3t S Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4288 MEDICA MEDIA 107 1 I 1 11 12 Nostrand Unstrained Sensation Stable 15 10 4 4742 NAVAHOE NAVAHO 107 3 2 K 21 21 2 Griffin M F Stephenson 30 50 15 4532 DECLARE 110 5 Wt 51 51 Wt Cqyle Cycle P J Dwyer 683 683F 4742 RUNAWAY 110 2 Wt 41 3 41 Doggett Doge F L Parker 45 910 out outJas outgas 4324 HERMIA HERNIA 107 4 41 Wt 41 52 Keith Jas Jabs Donahue Danaher 21A 3 1 4742 DALGRETTI 107 6 6666 Healy Fleming Black 12 15 6 4250 VENETIA II 107 7 7777 Wapshire Washier W C Daly Dally 20 30 10 3471 GALILEE 110 8 8888 Nutt Mutt Rosecourt Prosecute Stable 783 783Time Time 25J4 50 1 03 03Winner Winner B f 3 by Inspector B Tincture TinctureStart Tinctures Start good Won easily Medica Medical liked the heavy track Navahoe Navaho ran a good race but weakened sulkedScratched in the final drive Declare never got going until last sixteenth Runaway sulked Scratched Lambent 107 Illusion 110 Religion 107 Fannie B 107 4856 SECON ECON SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St k V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4569 ROSS O 111 1 2j 22 l t 12 Doggett Doge FLParker Filmmaker 2 75 12 4827 ATLANTIS lOi loci 6 6662 Hirsch WJennings Jennings 10 15 6 4683 MOHAWK PRINCE 99 4 51 olA olla V SH Maher T J Healy 3 4 75 7546S3 46S3 PASSOVER 108 5 31 3 31A Wt Coyle Cole P J Dwyer 662 4683 TRAYLINE TRAMLINE 105 3 4 41 Wt 52 Nutt Mutt W Karrick Kari 3 3 65 4743 RED SPIDER 101 2 Wt 1 23 6 Gifford M F Stephenson 10 12 5 4560 RIFLER RIFER 108 7 7777 Keefe Keene W C Daly Dally 15 20 8 8Time Time 261i 52 1 05 i 18 18Winner Winner B g by Rossington Crossing Bourne O OStart Start Start straggling Won easily Ross O won as he liked Atlantis finished very strong He likes a distance Hirsch outrode outride Maher Prince was outrun first part Trayline Tramline was driven all the way A O T rr THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl P 4481 TENDERNESS 109 2 1 IB li 13 is Hirsch M Claucy Clancy v 4 8 6i 4742 NICK JOHNSON 109 1 2 2yt 315 21 2 Doggett Doge NJJohnson 10 15 3 4831 SAPELO SCALPEL 112 3 41 4iz43 45 310 Nutt Mutt W Karrick Kari 25 15 out 4481 BON AMI AI 112 4 3 3 2 28 2 41 Healy Columbia Stable 8 10 2 4287 TOMOKA TONKA 102 5 5 5 5 5 5 Lamley Langley W C Daly Dally 50 40 8 8Time Time 26 2652lA 52lA l18l2 145 145Winner Winner CompassionStart Compassion Ch f by Rosobery Raspberry Compassion Start good Won easily Tenderness ran a good race She is much improved Johnson was hard ridden all the way Sapelo Apollo wrenched himself on first turn and pulled up very lame Bon Ami Amid tired badly 4858 F FOURTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt S St 14 V 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4331 MYRTLE L 105 5 555 U Nutt Mutt S G Loud 4 3y2 65 419 MIN ALPHONSE ALPHORNS 105 1 1 22 2y2 23 Maher S Trowbridge 2 3la 65 4827 SONNET 105 3 41 6 4y2 32 Garrigan Arian P S P Randolph 2 2 45 4191 TEA LEAF 105 2 6 42 6 42 Coyle Cole A Gray 10 10 4 4331 OSTRACISED OSTRACIZED 105 4 22 11 INK 5 Gifford M J Fitzpatrick 5 4 85 4329 PERIODICAL 105 6 3 32 3 6 Lamley Langley W C Daly Dally 6 485 485Time 1C5Winner Time 25M 5iys 1C5 Winner B f by Laureate or Potomac Vendetta VendettaStart Vendettas Start good Won driving Myrtle came with a splendid rush right at the end Alphonse Alphorns was leading speedScratched speeds but Maher rode weak finish Ostracised Ostracized had early speed Scratched Hull Down 115 Hint 105 4859 FIFTH RACE 1 18 Miles Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses WtSt Watt S J4 V4 X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4742 EMOTIONAL 84 3 4H 41 1 Wt I1 I2 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 862 4777 AMEER AIMEE 116 5 32 33 Wt 35 3s 215 Ballard F L Parker 65 2tf 710 4746 PREMIER 110 1 I VA 21 21 Zya Yak 31 Doggett Doge J McLaughlin 1 1 out 4623 ELOROY HELOTRY 98 4 5 5 5 5 Wt 42 Nutt Mutt W Onley Only 341 4328 TELEGRAM 98 2 2 21A 3 41 5 5 Nostrand Unstrained Sensation Stable 12 15 6 Time 26 52 1 05 1 18tf 1 44 1 58 58Winner Winner Ch f 3 by Sensation Kitty Koerber Overbear KoerberStart Overbears Start good Won handily Emotional was well ridden and wod wood all the way Ameer Ammeter off last and slow to begin was ridden out Premier could not last the route in the going Emotional was backed down from tens tensScratched Scratched Tinge 101 4860 SIXTH RACK 3 Miles Purse 500 HalfBreed Alfred Hunters Ind Indo Horses Wt St HI 1V4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl NADJIE NADINE 160 4 32 3 11015 11 Goodwin Godwin Mr Goodwin Godwin 3 85 35 35CALENDAR CALENDAR 16o 6 21 23 2y 2o 2l ° parr Mr Parr 5 12 5 5SANGAREE SANGAREE SANGER 160 3 42 42 310 31003200 Reeves Mr Reeves 3 10 4 4MISS MISS NINA 160 5 5 5 5 5 4 West Mr West 3 2tf 1 1TIP TIP 160 1 1 VA Wt 4 5 Thompson Mr Thompson 452 452LEICESTER LEICESTER 160 2 6 6 6 6 6 Merriman Merriment Mr Merfiman Mercian S 6 2 2Time Time 417 2 Winner B m a by Tecurnseh Tecumseh dam unknown Start good Won easily The best heavily played won all the way Tip stopped to nothing nothingScratched nothings Scratched Upset 160 Ben Hur Hour 160 The F F V 160

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1896110601/drf1896110601_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1896110601_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800