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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM GHART HART GHARTMILLDALE MILLDALE MOLDABLE KY November 9 Thirty fourth Day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Fall Meeting Weather clear track fair Presiding Judge John J Carter Starter Col Cool J P Chinn Chin FIKST FIST RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling i Wt St z StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4933 OLD CENTRE CENTREX 108 6 22 22 22 1 13 Dupee Dupe W T Woodard Woodward Jr85 85 35 4933 ROBINSON 105 1 W IK 1 22 22 Scherrer Sherrie R M Robinson 85 65 25 4933 BILL ELLISON 107 2 31 3Yt Wt W 3 H Marks P Stanton Co 6 12 5 4774 TWINKLE 102 4 42 4n 32 31 410 B Blevins Levin Smith Ferguson 783 4852 RAYMOND 108 5 51 51 52 52 53 Britton Briton RutledgeStevens 6585 4875 BIRMINGHAM 103 7 7 62 63 65 6 J Perkins J F Price 25 30 10 4270 DR KELLOGG 110 3 61 7 7 7 7 FWilliams Williams J E Maddox 25 30 10 4929 JERRY MACK 108 8 8 8 8 8 8 Bush W Carter 80 100 40 40Time Time 26 52J4 1 18M 1 31 31Winner Winner BagpipesStart Bagpipes B c 3 by Jim Gore Bagpipes Start good Won easily next two handily Very weak finish on Bill Ellison Robinson was used too ranch early and swerved badly in stretch Old Centre Centrex was in check to stretch Jerry had no speed at all allScratched Scratched Tariff Reform 99 Rampart 99 99Overweights Overweights Overweighs Birmingham 4 pounds Dr Kellogg 5 SECOND RACE5 12 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4854 LADY JULIET 97 1 1 13 13 12 Randall W A Smith 40 50 15 4807 ROSIN ANTE 101 2 21 25 22 2 Scherrer Sherrie Baker Gentry 65 65 25 4807 TALUCA TALC 101 8 88 5 3 C Reiff Riff E F McLean CLean 56 2 4678 LULU M 104 6 4 354 42 4i FRussell Russell Terrell There'll Ma rders orders 12 15 6 64S50J 4S50J H C 107 4 3z 4Kz 32 52 T Burns Ernespie Heresies Stable 10 10 4 4713 REMEMBER ME 97 5 77 6tf 62 Everett J Huffman 683 4728 ROBAIR CROWBAR 107 7 61 6 7 7 Britton Briton B McClelland Macmillan 2 2Ka 1 4635 BISHOP REED 104 3 51 5 8 8 Fowler J E Rodegap Bodega 15 10 4 4Time Time 25i514 109 109Winner Winner B f by Spendthrift VanaClar Ancillary VanaClarStart Annalist Start straggling Won easily next two driving Lady Juliet got the best of the start She likes to run in front Taluca Talc ran an impressive race She was virtually left at the post Bosi Boos nanti mantic was ridden hard all the way and was all out at finish finishScratched finishes Scratched Waldorf Alder 107 Madnlene Madeleine 101 4948 THIRD RACE l Mile Purse 3UO 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M K 2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4808 NIMROD IMO 104 3 41 IH 12 yz 12 Scherrer Sherrie H B Durham 85 65 25 4806 UNO NO 104 1 5 61 4K 55 2 F Russell Graves Gorman 8 5 2 4786 REPRIEVE 98 2 2H 3 31 2 SH C Reiff Riff E F McLean CLean 662 4853 SKATE 106 6 4 2H 3z 4 VanKuren Anuran T A Tierney Etienne 452 4524836AIMEE 4836AIMEE 104 5 7 7 7 42 515 Britton Briton Goodwill Stable 652 4836 LISMORE ISOPRENE 104 7 8 6 6 6 6 Randall A Godfrey Geoffrey 12 15 6 4929 PARSON 104 8 3 21 5lz 7 7 Bibbs Bibs Himyar Shimmy Stable 40 50 15 4931 PEEP ODAY DAY II 97K 4118888 Everett W A McConnell 12 15 6 6Time Time 251451 117 143 143Winner Winner B c 3 by Springbok Edith Start good Won easily next three driving Skate ran a good race Uno Juno was interfered with on the back stretch Nimrod Imo was never extended extendedScratched extended Scratched Kitty B 95 95Overweights Overweights Overweighs Peep oDay today II 2y3 pounds HOT FOURTH RACE 1 I 4 Miles Purse 300 Over 5 Hurdles Handicap 1 4944 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PJ 4556 SCAMP 135 2 12 15 15 12 is Custer Cluster T OHearn Hear 2l 2 45 4810DESIGNER 142 6 25 2102 21 220 Whitiock Whittier P Stanton Co 431 4787 UNCLE JIM 165 1 42 31 3io 32 3 Hamilton T Hums 85 2 45 4440TIPPECANOE 126 5655 4io 415 J Young Wm Kunze Kuhn 12 15 6 4S34 ZALD1VAR 150 3 5 41 45 5 5 Bell Nashville Stable 552 4934 CUIDADO CIAO 128 4 3 refused Level Kyle Prichard Richard 12 15 6 6By By Voltiguer Voltage Time 221J Winner B g 4 by Vagabond Florence D DStart Start Start good Won easily second and third driving Cuidado Ciao refused the second jump The weight was too much for Uncle Jim Scamp ran and jumped well today todayScratched Scratched Shears 130 Col Cool Barrett Barrette 125 4945 FIFTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 4852 EARTH 104 6 62 51 4a IH Fowler Ed Brown 2 75 12 4908 KENOSHA 104 2 21 Stf St 3 2K JPorkins Pokiness W C Overton Overtone 552 4711 EST NE REGINA 104 1 IH IH 2 31 Britton Briton EMHilton Semitone 662 4838 CARRIE F 104 4 51 21 l2 41 Scherrer Sherrie J Thomas 8 83 4710 MELLIE NELLIE 104 9 9 8 7 55 C Reiff Riff E F McLean CLean 562 4650 SONG BIRD 104 5 3 61 6 61 Dupee Dupe Argyle Stable 10 8 3 3937 ELSINA BELINDA 108 7 7 4 VA 1 B Blevins Levin Smitb Smith Ferguson 30 40 12 4173 MARGARET LYNE LYE 104 3 41 7 8 8 Randall J T Jones 8 10 4 4MAIDEN MAIDEN BLUSH 100 8 8999 Everett W A McConnell 25 30 10 10Time Time 25K50K 103 103Winner Winner b f by Esher Esther Sinaloa Signal SinaloaStart Inhalator Start good Won driving next three ridden out Earth ran a good race showing a wonder ¬ ful foul burst of speed through the stretch Carrie F and Est no Regina both tired a furlong from home Kenosha was game to the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Dulcenoa Dulcetness 104 Infelice Inflicted 100