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NASHVILLE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling 5151 Keeps 3 104 5149 Damask 5 104 5010 NOsborne Nosecone 4 104 5112 EdDndridge3104 5010 Insp Ins Meade 3104 5094 Royal Prince ft 104 5151 Heretic 3 104 5010 Appomattox 5 107 5112 Zach Zech Lusby Clubby 3107 5055 Clinton 6 107 107Second Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 5052 Kiss Me 92 5052 Bonnie Bess Bests 92 5093 Forfeit 92 5150 Abbie Abide S 92 5109 Belle Lenore Lenora 92 5150 Merry Saint 92 5053 Brainblenet Rabblement 92 5093 Beware 95 5054 Glad Eyes 95 5093 Harry S 95 5053 Van Kirkman102 50i3 Spoons 105 105Third Third Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 5111 Hardenburg3 90 5111 Paramount 4 92 5095 PoteKitchen 3 97 5034 Sister lone 7 102 4954 lola 5 102 102Fourth Fourth Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling 5093 Traveler 100 5150 Ella T 100 5093 W Duchess 103 5109Lucy Overton Overtone 103 1034955Daisy 4955Daisy Maree Mare 103 5033 King Boleynl03 5093Billy Fischer 106 5011 Maddalo Addable 109 109Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 51 12 Marg Marge Allen 3 114 5096 Sim Siam W 3 114 1145153Nover 5153Nover 3 114 5094 Floreanna Foramina 5 119 5094 Sauteur Saunter 4 119 5112 F M B 4 119