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RACING GOSSIP GOSSIPDAILY GOSSIPED DAILY RACING FORMS people are keenly in lino limo on form They selected the probable win ¬ ners nears of twentyone twenty races at New Orleans and San Francisco Thursday and Friday But eighteen of these races were run In the eigh Leigh ¬ teen events thirteen winners were named In seven races at New Orleans five of the winners were chosen and in eleven races at Ingleside Ingles seven were named Among tho thou Thursdays selec select ¬ tions ions at Now Orleans were Domingo 4 tol tool Robert Bonner Boner 4 to 1 and Linnette Lunette 11 to 5 5Fridays Fridays FORM nominated the winners of the only two regular races that were run Banquo Banquet II 11 to 5 and Lizetta Cliental 4 to 5 For Thursdays races at San Francisco Geyser 6 to 5 Moylan Mayan evens and Babe Murphy 2K to 1 were nomi Naomi ¬ nated mated There were five races For Fridays six Ingleside Ingles events the first four winners were se ¬ lected fleeced Roltaire Voltaire 6 to 1 Salvable 9 to 20 Belli Elli ¬ cose chose 3 to 10 and Captive 1 to 2 Theres Theresa no information or stable secrets about this It is just the form of the horses as they should run on what they have shown Jockey Britton Briton was recently suspended for an act against turf discipline Such a ruling is proper He cu Tommy Bums with his whip after tho thou fifth race at Latonia Antonia Burns com plainedand pained the judges tookproper topographer action Britton Briton tried to justify his act by declaring that Burns on Infelice Inflicted had cut him off and nearly driven his mount Est ne Rogina Regina over the rails The judges saw nothing of this and gave Britton Briton no Credit on such a score Yet it may have oc ¬ curred cured Burns is apt to do such tricks Ho was guilty of them here Hothorsolls Shorthorns death can be partly charged to young Burns The boy who causes such accidents is dangerous and though personal discipline may be out of line turf judicialism judicial may well be moulded molded on the plan of Portias Portia plea to do a great right do a little wrong Britton Briton is well punished But Master Burns should be kept in line