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INGLESIDE INGLES ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track good goodFirst goofiest First Race 78 Mile All ages Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt RestlsHeart5107 5524 Cavallo Cavalla 2 96 96Zylpha Zylpha Sylph 4 107 170 Gracie S 6 107 5532 Broad Billow 3 107 5457 Atticus Attics 112 93 M Rodgers 5 107 5464 Claudia T 2 Jake Bauer 3 107 5457 Personne Personnel 2 Sardonyx Stardom filly293 5509 Sir Andrew 2 93 93Second Second Race 78 Mile MileAll Illegally All Ages Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 5457 Manzanillo2 93 5421 Rspido Sapid 4 107 5457 Rebekah Rebecca 2 93 5155 Modestia Modesties 2 93 18 Fond Hopes 4107 5554 The Tourist 2 96 5462 Mystic Maze2 96 5491 Popinjay 2 96 96Hard Hard Tack 4 107 5063fMiss Ban 3 107 1075532fB 5532fB Bates 3 107 5478 Masoero Maser 3 107 5532 Calphurnus Alphorns 6 110 5464 Lupula Luella 2 93 93fA fA P Murphy Co entry entryThird entry Third Race 1 14 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 5555 Grady 3 93 5494Wawona 5 101 5526 Ostler Hostler Joe 8 99 5555 RdBandidos397 5522A SpreckelslS Speckles 93 5498 F Gardner 5 102 5555 Kamsin Amassing 3 101 5555 Semper Simper Lex Alex 6106 5553 Articus Attics 5 102 102Fourth Fourth Racu Frau 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 5557 Carrie U 3 90 5557 Pollock Pollack 3 90 5555 LittleCripple5104 5492 LaMascotta3 98 5569 Bbe Babe Murphy4104 5567 Walter J 3 98 5496 BrawScot Brawls 7J104 5557 Lucille 3 95 5458 FiFi FIFO 4 99 5479 Red Glenn 4 104 5564 McFarlane 4 99 5493 Navy Blue 3 99 Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wart Wart5557Toano 5557Toano 10 104 Corriente Oriented 3 99 5497 Rutledge Rustled 3 94 Joan 3 94 5499 MajCook Macao 4 99 302 Nelson 5 102 5534 Caesarian 4 102 5558 Perseus Peruses 3 99