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IRON HILL flARYLAND fairyland Date Dis Dais Time TimeDec Timed First FirstMetropolis Wt Second SecondllOIFassett Wt Third Wt Jockeys Dec 15 f 1 0754 0754Mm Metropolis llOIFassett 110 Pope Unreel Mm 121 Jonah White WhiteCanadian Whitecap 108 Conspirator 108 Bragalonne Burgeoned 108 Heinrichs Heimlich 1 m 149 Canadian 107 Brooklyn 112 Dr Jones 110 Houlahan Goulash 5 f 107 Benefactor 110O phan han 110 Kirkover Kirk llONeel lonely Zoe Zone 107 McHenry Cherry 110 Apples 107 Neel Kneel Brown Dick DickPrince Duckpin 11 Shustie Susie 107StLawrence II llOlTbmas Dec 25 f 1 04 Prince L 111 Crown 108 Con Lucey Lucy 108 Heiurichs Heimlich 5 f 106 Myers Mayer 106 R P 111 Ed Taylor 106 Coudrier Courier Mm 11734 Simpleton 112 Mohawk m Dr Wiley Wily 108 Heinrichs Heimlich 4Y4 f 58 Pedigree 112 Blue Piece 107 Valley Girl 102 Houlahan Goulash 654 6Kz Light4J4 f 125 First Light 1G9 Claurece Clarence 108 Miss Pearl 104 Heinrichs Heimlich 4J4 f 57VS Blue Front FrontDec Fronted 100 Cozette Coquette 97 Mountain Maid 107 J Muiphy Murphy Dec 3 5 f 104 Lady Richm Rich Richmond 107 Pickpocket 110 Schuylkill 113 Neary Nary 4 4 i 59 Schoolmarrr Schoolmarm 102 Matt White WhiteMike Whiten 110 Glover Vendigl0954 Houlahan Goulash 42 f 57 Mike Brown 110 Jack Lovell Lowell 110 Benvolio Envoi 110 Thomas 6 f 125 Bronston Brownstone 110 Lochinvar Blotching 110 Plenty 110 Heinrichs Heimlich BurgundyDec Burgundy 5 f 103 Burgundy 110 Milwaukee 1H May Brilla Barilla 107 Heinrichs Heimlich Dec 44 1 59 March 107 Eclipse Jr JrTattersall Ratters 112 Hormia Hori 104 Heinrichs Heimlich 6 f 128M Tattersall llu flu Dr Jones 110 Gypsy 107 Heinrichs Heimlich m 120 Lottie Loftier F 114 Grampian Gambian 122 Eloroy Helotry 122 Neel Kneel 5 f 105 Sannie Annie 107 One Chance 110 Kassala Assail 110 Patton 5 f 104 Hernani Herman 119 Mask 109 Miss Bowser Browser 10Keefe Disqualified was Wang Race awarded to Mask Dec 54V4f 582 Lottie Loftier A 108 Ellsworth BellSouth 110 Apples 107Houlaban M m 1 23 Des Brosses Bosses 112 Gracie 112 B of Freedom 112 Brophy Trophy 5 f 1 08 Con Lucey Lucy 115 Farragut Farrago 115 Jeneola Jeanne 107 Donnelly Donnelley 654 f 131 Tancred Lanced 14 Marie Lovell Lowell Ill 111 First Light 111 Ashburn Ashbin 7 f 137 137Dec Electro 127 Miss Carrie 96 Crown 127 Ashburn Ashbin Dec 7 5 f 110 1104i4 Sparkle 101 Little Alice 134 McHenry Cherry 132 Bender 4i4 f 102 Privateer 115 Uncertain 112 Kossman Oscan 115 Higgins m 1234 Gold Dollar 112 112Doc Doc Birch Bird 112 Airline 109 Neel Kneel 654 f 133 Marie Lovell Lowell 124 Roller 127 First Light 124 Neel Kneel FernseedDec Versed 454 f 1024 Mr Wavorly Savory 104 Fernseed Versed 124 The Alien 104 Neel Kneel Dec 8 454 f 102 Ceremony 119 Juauita Unaudited 119 Nina 119 Neel Kneel 454 f 102 Reform 122 Tourrain Outran 12i Mask 122 Morris 5 f 110 Marguerite II 109 Rosita Rosetta L09 Arda Rda 109 Heinri Heir bs 654 f 131 Finnwaten Innate 109 Tancred Lanced TancredMm Lanced 112 Miss Edith 104 Heinrichs Heimlich HumminDec Humid M Mm m 123 123Dec Dr Jones lid 110 Hummin Humming Humming BirdllO Bordello 110 Candelabra lid Carson Dec 9 Wt f 102 1026j Eliza Belle 105 Gypsy Sypsy 109 Plenty 112 Carson 654 6j f 134 Simpleton 110 Forenzo Foreknow 110 Phillip 110 Heinrichs Heimlich 41 f 103 103M JoJap Hi zar czar 10S Pearl Brock BrockHis Bronchi If 5 Heinrichs Heimlich M m 122 122M Dulcie Dulcimer Lorondiel04 His Grace GraceCozette Bracteolate 112 Harris 112 Ashburn Ashbin M m 126 126Dec Cozette Coquette 99 Rhynister Rhymster Rhymester 102 JOR OR Cutley Cutlery 102 H Brown Dec Decl04V4f 104lz f 59 Meadows 115 Vreline Reline 112 Irish Lass LassHID Lashed 112 Parsons M m 12254 Gracie HID Monarch 115 Leowicka Erotica LeowickaDr Flowchart 100 Jones 5 f 10654 Gorman 10 Dr Reed 108 Dr Johnson JohnsonWah Johnson W ± Donnelly Donnelley 454 f 100 Minuetonka Minuet Minuetonka6H 12 Wall Wah Wash Jim 115 Little Jim 115 Brooks 6H f 130 Claurice Laurie 109 Velvet Rose RoseMask Rosemead 115 Crown 112 Delehanty Elephant Dec 11 454 f 59 Mask llf lf Beuvolio Bevel 115 Miss Bowser Browser 11 W Morris Mm 121 Thurless Hurdles lit Lawrence P PDr Dr 110 Helen P 107Carson m 131 Dr Jones 112 Mohawk 112 Tattersall 11 Carson 64 f 127 Marie larie Laurie Lovell Lowell 119 Electro 122 Mr Waverly Avery 94 Houlahan Goulash 42 454 f 58 Apples 112 Juauita Unaudited II IIJack Hijack 112 McHenry Cherry llf lf Donnelly Donnelley Dec 12 125 5 f 1 106 06 Jack Rosa 115 Paulette llv Alva Kirkover Kirk 115 Morris 62 654 f 1255 12554 Haritonft Wharton Haritonftll Horizontally II 112 Canadian 115 Corn Cob 115 Ashburu Asher Mm 119 Lady Richmnd Richmond 109 Plenty 112 AnnieT Annie 109 Lynch ll16ml53 Buccaner Buccaneer 105 Fagin Fain 10 Forenzo Foreknow 105 Dorsey Dose 5 f 105 Dr Reed 115 Matt White 115 Fasset Asset 115 Coleman