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NEW JOCKEY CLUB RULES The Jockey Club at its annual meeting De ¬ cember ember 11 adopted some important amendments to the racing rules rulesThe rules The first new rule of importance accepted was that relating to the capacity of tracks for ad ¬ mitting emitting a field of horses It is worded as fol fool ¬ lows lowsThe loathe The number of starters in any overnight race shall be limited by the width of the track at the starting post Every horse shall be allowed five feet of width of the track The number of start ¬ ers shall be reduced to the proper number by lot or by divisions of the race at the option of the association associationThe association The next feature which was carried unani Hunan ¬ mously mousy was an amendment to the duties of the clerk of the course relating to his keeping a record of jersons persons in arrears The rule as amended reads The clerk of the course shall be the secretary of the association he shall discharge all the duties whether expressed or implied required by the rules of racing and report to the stew ¬ ards bards all violations of the rules of racing or of the regulations of the course coming u jder jeer his notice he shall keep a complete record of all races he shall receive all stakes forfeits en ¬ trance money fines arrears and purchase money in selling races and pay over all the money col cool ¬ lected fleeced by him to the treasurer treasurerHe treasurer He shall at the expiration of ten days after the meeting notify the Secretary of the Jockey Club of all arrears then remaining unpaid unpaidThe unpaid The forfeit clerks duties were made more binding The amendments to the rule follows The forfeit clerk shall be in attendance on every race day of each meeting for the purpose of enforcintr enforcing the forfeit list and for collecting forfeits due dueHe due He shall lodge with the clerk of the course not later than noon on each race day a list of forfeits to be collected on account of horses named to start which list shall give the name or names of owners so in default with the name of the horse the amounted to be collected with the date race and place where the forfeits were contracted which list the clerk of the course shall at the end of each days racing return to the forfeit clerk with a written statement of the action taken on the forfeits in the list listSo listS So long as the name of a person is ia the for ¬ feit feint list no horse can be entered by him or under his subscription for any race whether acting as an agent or otherwise and no horse which has been entered by him or in his name or under his subscription or of which he is or was at the time of entry wholly or partly the owner can run for any race and no horse which shall be proved to the satisfaction of the stewards to be directly or indirectly under the care manage ¬ ment meant or superintendence of a person who is in default shall be qualified to be entered or run for any race and so loner as any horse is in the forfeit list such horse shall not be qualified to be entered or run for any race But the stewards of the Jockey Club may confirm entries where default is accidental or unintentional and prompt payment is made madeThis Matthias This rule shall not apply to the entry for a produce stake of mares aud Maud stallions which are in the forfeit list listIf list If a horse which or the owner of which is in the forfeit list be entered for any race in con ¬ travention ravening of thee rules the nominator of such horse may be fined 200 200The The raising of the scale of weights was the next point up for discussion The amendments adopted are In races exclusively for threeyearolds or for fouryearolds foretold the weight shall be 126 pounds and poundsIn pounding for twoyearolds toeholds 122 pounds In all handicaps the top weight shall not be less poundsIf pounds than 126 pounds If in a handicap for which there is a minor forfeit declared by a fixed time the highest weight accepting was originally less than 126 pounds it shall be raised to that weight and the equallyThe equally other acceptances equally The scale of weight for age shall be Distance Age 2 years 84 86 91 93 93 102 105 3 114 115 117 119 121 122 123 4 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 5 6 aged 127 126 126 126 126 126 126 2 years 84 88 91 9 98 103 105 3 116 life 120 122 124 126 128 4 133 133 133 133 133 13 133 5 6 aged 135 134 133 133 133 133 133 2 years 89 91 3 107 109 111 114 116117 118 4 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 5 6 aged 130 129 128 126 126 126 126 2 years yearsIK years I 105 107 109 111 113 115 117 IK Miles 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 U 6 aged 131 130 129 128 127 126 126 f2 years S4 86 I 3 106 109 110 112 115 116 117 14 13ii 130 130 130 130 130 30 L5 6 aged agedC3 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 C3 years 99 102 103 io 107 109 111 14 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 134 133 132 131 131 130 129 136 134 133 132 131 130 129 The minimum weight for any horse in any race was fixed at eightyfour eighty pounds poundsJockeys pounds Jockeys and their conduct at the post were next taken up This is jhow how the amendment reads readsAny reads Any jockey presuming to start or even to put his horse into a trot or gallop with a view to take any advantagejbefore advantage the Hags are dropped hanging behind or refusing to obey the com ¬ mands ands of the starter in any respect whatever shall be reported to the stewards The suspen suspend ¬ sion scion of a jockey shall not take effect until after the last race of the day of his sentence sentenceThe sentence The question of fines imposed upon jockeys being paid by outsiders was brought up The new rule now reads VI All fines imposed upon jockeys by the stewards of the meeting must be paid by the jockeys themselves Any person found paying the same shall be punished punishedAn punished An important amendment touching upon dead heats was carried It will prevent a repetition of one owner compelling another to run off or lose first money when the latters clatters horse has pulled up lame It in fact places the boot on the other foot and gives the owner of the crip crimp ¬ pled horse the option of dividing The amend ¬ ment meant is In races not of heats a dead heat for the first place is to be run off on the same day at the time the stewards appoint but at an interval of not IHSS IHS than twenty minutes unless the race admits of division and the owners agree to divide or one of the horses making such dead heat be withdrawn withdrawnThe withdrawn The other rules and amendments which were carried chiefly related to technicalities in con ¬ ditions editions of races racesThe raciest The rule which forbade owners trainers or any one interested in a horse from betting against him was laid over overThe overthrew The proposed new rules to regulate the sale of an animal with engagements were quashed