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RACING GOSSIP GOSSIPThe Gossip The California Jockey Club through Presi Paresis dent Williams has issued an order to Starter Ferguson that seems to cut a sharp figure on future starting when the barrier is used It is especially important from the angle of regular ¬ ity city and reads as follows In future the start ¬ er shall use a recall flag under the following re ¬ strictions striations When the barrier is raised if every horse breaks no matter how straggling or un ¬ even the start may be there must be no recall Should a horse be left standing at the post the atarter starter shall lift his flag and the front flag shall be raised in response which shall be a recall You are instructed to severely punish by fine or suspension any jockey who either purposely pulls up a horse or in any way delays the start Should a horse flinch from the barrier and there seems no reasonable certainty of getting him off the judges will ring the bell which will be a mandatory order to disregard the horse horseBroadchnrchwriting Broadchnrchwriting from New Orleans after talking with President George not William Henry Wheeler of the Washington Park Club says From remarks made by Mr Wheeler it can be inferred there is a bright prospect for the revival of racing in Illinois the coming season In other words the cooperation of the Wash ¬ ington Kingston Park Club cau au be relied on and such cooperation may be considered as essential to success So that it is quite safe to say the splendid sport that used to be seen at the famous Washington Park track will soon be revived in all its pristine vigor Of course this with the opening of the other tracks will de ¬ pend spend on forthcoming legislative action but everything indicates there will be favorable legislation At that no measure for continu continua ¬ ous onus racing will be found in the now bill So far as I can learn there will be a thirty day racing law with no foreign book attachment and with a speculative clause that will he helpful to both the running and trotting clubs clubsTully lustfully Tully Coulter bought two colts at the recent Haggin Haggling sale in San Francisco the record of which is shown below He has named the Fresno Misfortune colt half brother to lola and California Front de Boeuf Beowulf The name is literary and from the villain of Scotts Scots noble romance Ivanhoe Ivan The suggestion comes from the colts grand dam Rebecca the heroine of the same glorious tale The Fresno Marian colt has been dubbed Little John That name is both literary and reminiscent Marian or Mafd Mad Marian was Robin Hoods sweetheart Little John was the lieutenant of the outlaw of Sher Sheer ¬ wood Forest Little John is a brother to Sir John who was a noble racehorse Marian Lit ¬ tle tale Johns dam not only throw Sir John but produced Sykeston Shyest who had he not been a cripple would have been a grand race horse The Haggin Haggling and Reed estate sale record is below belowCh bellow Ch c by Islington Wilmington Aunt Jane H E Leigh 500 B c by Midlothian Militia Glendair Glendale M Gray 460 Ch c by Sir Modred Molded Fidelity Dr Rowell Roswell 390 B 390B c by Morello Marcello Clarissa Claries H E Leigh 350 B 350B f by Midlothian Militia Mabel Abel Col Cool D Brown 310 B f by Sir Modred Molded Evangelino Evangel E Cor Cora Corrigan rigan riga 350 Ch 350Ch c by Salvator Salvatore Ethel J B Smith 300 Ch 300Ch f by Torso Judith E F Smith 300 Ch 300Ch f by Prestonpans Preston Glad Eyes E Cor Cora Corrigan rigan riga 260 Ch 260Ch WFisher Fisher c by Prestonpans Preston Kate Fletcher W Fisher 220 Ch 220Ch f by Torso Cuisine D M Burns 220 B 220B f by St Andrew Gipsy E F Smith 220 Ch 220Ch c by Islington Wilmington Little Flush E Corri Corrie Corrigan gan Egan 210 B 210B f by Prestonpans Preston Carrie PDunne Dunne 200 Ch 200Ch c by Kismet Emotion J C Humphrey Humph 200 B f by Tyrant Firefly JCHumphrey Chump 200 B f by Salvator Salvatore Easter WGGoodman 150 B f by Salvator Salvatore Dalnshire Alongshore Lass W G Goodman GGoodman Goodman 15Q B 15QB f by Prestonpans Preston Filena Filename Joe McCarty McCarthy 150 B f by St Andrew Glencola Genoa J McGovern McGee 135 135Ch Ch f by Clieveden Cleaved Guila Gila D J Tobin 130 130B B f by Fresno Duchess of Kendal H HBuckman Buckbean Buckman Beckman 115 115Ch Ch c by Salvator Salvatore Danegeld Dangled W G Good ¬ man 110 110B B f by St Andrew Hattie Bell D J Mc ¬ Carty Arty 100 100B B f by Owas Was Lady Leinster Leicester H Buckman Beckman 105 Ch f by Torso Lenas Lena First Jim Brown 90 B f by Clievedeu Cleaved Hylena Hyena W G Goodman 80 80Ch Ch f by Anchorite Helena W Fisher 75 75B B f by Clieveden Cleaved Carolita Carolina W H McKitt McKittrick rick 75 75Ch Ch c by Owas Was Viola H E Leigh 750 750B B c by Ben Ali Turmoil L C White 600 600B B c by Sir Modred Molded Marian T W Coulter 5CO Br f by Sir Modred Molded Pansy T H Boyle 410 B c by Tyrant Queen Bess Bests Newton Co 400 B c by Fresno Misfortune T W Coulter 375 375B B c by Darebin Darwin Teacher H E Leigh 250 250r r c by Morello Marcello Yanoni Anon Thos Ethos Boyle 220 220B B f by Owas Was Poesy H Roberts 205 205B B f by Fresno Mileta Millet G E Brown 125 125Br Br f by Fresno Rose of Arizona W A AKeefer Keeper Keefer Reefer 105 105B B f by St Andrew Maid Marian C I IJones Jones Jones 100 100B B f by Ben Ali Mollie Walton Newton NewtonCo Newton Co ICO CO ICOB COB B f by Fresno Ropressa Oppress CIJohnson Scions 100 100B B f by Fresno Trophy John Taylor 100 100B B f by Clieveden Cleaved Marigold E J Jones 80 Ch f by Torso Shena Henna Van Newton Co 55 55Total Total 11310 11310Average Average 235 235Estate Estate of Simeon Simon G Reed Totojb Too f by Duncombe Buncombe Orange Leaf Burns Waterhouse Warehouse 500 500Royal Royal Aquarium ch f by Clieveden Cleaved Royal RoyalPurple Royal Purple John Mackey Mickey 150 150Perugia Perugia Peruvian br f by Duncombe Buncombe Potrero Porter Col Cool ColShaf Cols Shaf Shaft ter tear 65 65Blip Blip br f by Duncombe Buncombe Victress Victories Tom TomBurns Tambours Burns 50 50Total Total 755 755Average Average J 191