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IDEAL PARKS PROGRESSION PROGRESSIONIdeal Progression Ideal Parks 1897 plans are comely It an ¬ nounces enounces nineteen stakes with guaranteed values of 26500 The Wisconsin track declares to level and grass its infield double its stabling generally perfect the stablin stabling auxiliaries and better the already good equipment to the point of perfection The Ideal Park Association de ¬ clares clarets to begin racing on or about May 3 1897 Cost of nomination to its nineteen stake events are more than reasonable For fifteen the fee is but 5 in three 10 and entry to the 6000 Ideal Park Handicap costs but 20 All the stakes close at a perfect date for horsemen March 1 1897 The stakes are named for the state in which the track is situated Wisconsin and most appropriately Here is the list listIdeal inside Ideal Park Handicap 3yearolds and up ¬ ward guaranteed 6000 Entrance 20 30 addi Addis ¬ tional tonal if not declared out by May 15 100 addi Addis ¬ tional tonal to start Weights May 8 Penalties for winners of 1000 or two races after weights appear To be run early in June 1 316 miles Wisconsin Handicap All ages Guaranteed 2500 Entrance 10 25 additional if not de ¬ clared cleared out three days after publication of weights 60 additional to start Weights twelve days before the race Penalty for winners of other than selling races after weights appear mileWaukesha Milwaukee mile Waukesha Stakes Selling 3yearolds and upward Guaranteed 1300 Entrance 10 40 additional to start Top price 4000 with an allowance of 21 pounds exclusive of sex allow ¬ ance Vance to 800 miles milesEau miles Eau Plaine Plainer Handicap 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Guaranteed 1200 Entrance 5 45 ad ¬ ditional diction to start Weights three days before the race Penalty for winners after weights appear 1 mile mileChicago mulching Chicago Stakes 3yearolds and upward Guaranteed 1COO Entrance 5 45 additional to start Winner in 1897 of 3000 7 pounds pen ¬ alty salty Allowances from 5 to 15 pounds 1 116 miles milesVinnebago milestone Vinnebago Vine Stakes Selling 3yearolds and upward Guaranteed 1000 Entrance 5 35 additional to start Top price 2200 with an al ¬ lowance loaned of 20 pounds exclusive of sex allowance to 400 A furlongs furlongsKenosha furlongs Kenosha Stakes 3yearolds Guaranteed 1500 Entrance 10 50 additional to start Weights 5 pounds below scale Penalties for stake winners from 3 to 8 pounds Allowance from 5 to 12 pounds VA mile milePleasant misrepresent Pleasant Prairie Handicap 3yearolds Guar ¬ anteed anted 1000 Entrance 5 45 additional to start Wi ights bights announced two days before the race 1 mile mileGreen mileage Green Bay Stakes 3yearolds guaranteed 1000 Entrance 5 45 additional to start Weights 5 pounds below scale Penalties for stake winners from 3 to 8 pounds Allowances from 5 to 12 pounds miles milesSheboygan Sheboygan Stakes Selling 3yearolds guar ¬ anteed anted 1000 Entrance 5 45 additional to start Horses entered not to be sold at scale weight Top price 2500 with an allowance of 27 pounds exclusive of sex allowance to 600 1 mile mileFond Milford Fond Du Lac Lace Stakes Selling Sweepstakes for 3yearolds nonwinners nominees of 750 to the time of closing stake guaranteed 1000 En ¬ trance 5 35 additional to start Top price 2500 with an allowance of 22 pounds exclusive of sex allowance to 100 Winners of 1000 a stake here or four races after closing of stake 5 pounds extra mile mileManitowoc mailman Manitowoc Manitou Stakes Selling 3yearolds and upward nonwinners nominees of 750 to the time of closing stake guaranteed 1000 Entrance 5 35 additional to start Top price 3000 with an allowance of 19 pounds exclusive of sex allow ¬ ance Vance to 500 Winners of 1000 a stake here or four races after closing of stake 5 pounds extra 1 mile mileRussell millers Russell Stakes 2yearold colts and geldings guaranteed 1000 Entrance 5 40 additional to start Weights 5 pounds below scale Penal ¬ ties of 3 to 8 pounds for stake winners Maiden allowances 4V4 furlongs furlongsBlossom furlongs Blossom Stakes 2yearold fillies guaranteed 1000 Entrance 5 40 additional to start Weights 5 pounds below scale Penalties of 3 to 8 pounds for stake winners Maiden allow ¬ ances dances Vt mile mileUnity millennia Unity Stakes 2yearolds guaranteed 1000 Entrance 5 35 additional to start Weights 5 pounds below scale Penalties 3 to 8 pounds for stake winners Maiden allowances mile mileRush milers Rush Stakes 2yearolds guaranteed 1000 Entrance 5 35 additional to start Weights 5 pounds below scale Penalty for winner of stake or three races Maiden allowances V mile mileBadger misleader Badger State Handicap 2yearolds guar ¬ anteed anted 1000 Entrance 5 45 additional to start Weights two days before tie race mile mileRacine migraine Racine Stakes Selling 2yearolds guaran guaranty ¬ teed 000 Entrance 5 30 additional to start Horses entered not to be sold 7 pounds above scale Top price 2500 with an allowance of 24 pounds exclusive of sex allowance to 500 Wi furlongs furlongsOzaukee furlongs Ozaukee Oakes Stakes Selling 2yearolds guaran guaranty ¬ teed 1000 Entrance 5 30 additional to start Horses entered not to be sold 5 pounds above scale Top price 3000 with an allowance of 24 pounds exclusive of sex allowance to 500 Winners of a stake or three races 5 pounds ex ¬ tra tram M mile