Sportsman's Park Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1897-01-03


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SPORTSMANS PARK ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather cloudy track muddy muddyFirst First Race 4 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wet Tnd Horses Wat 5882 Virgin S 110 5883 Archie a 112 112ABDade ABDade 5 112 Bobbj Burns5112 Burns5112Little Little Lewis6 112 Caleb a 112 1125S19 5S19 DrewMartina112 5656 Livingstone a115 5398 ZachLnsby4115 ZachLnsby4115Second Second Race 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Soiling SoilingInd Ind Horses Wet Ind Horses Wjrt 1274 Arcadia 4 103 1067 Flute 4 1 3 3Keenanna7 Keenanna7 103 TrilbySlippr4103 5881 Katie Mac 5 103 Ivanhoe 12 105 5870 Connemara 9 105 Abo Cobn 6 111 5853 Sylvanus3 114 114Third Third Race 5 12 Furlongs 3yoarolda and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 5880 Mamie Clark3 83 Cody 4 7 3256 Jenuie Wren 6103 1229 Alex Labold 5105 5105Richmond Richmond a 105 5869MarbeRck7105 5869MarbeRck7105Walter Walter O 6 105 5882 Helena Belle 4 112 5882 Warsong4112 Jerquet a 112 112Fourth Fourth Raco34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 5880 SanBenita 3 98 5870 CastaUa 4 105 5885Eechoillee 5 105 5871Cashior II 4 107 5S69 Waverly a 107 5900 Linseed 4 107 107Hopeful Hopeful 6 107 JnoBerkleyal07 JnoBerkleyal07Smuggler Smuggler 8 110 110Fifth Fifth Kace 12 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap HandicapInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horsoe Wat 5779 JackDiver a 120 Irish H 7 115 1155884m 5884m Bennett 3 115 5884 Why Not a 110 110Tony Tony Mack a 110 4592 Aunt Susie 5108 5842 Rabbit a 108 Minnie V a 106 106Pardelia Pardelia 6 106 MntainBelle5104

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Local Identifier: drf1897010301_2_5
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