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1897 LA BELLE STUD Imp Bonnie Scotland Ivy Leaf by Imp Australian Australian5ire 5ire of RambI r Clifford and Ben Brush Brushjoo joo Book Full SpendthriftImp Kapang 150 BookFull Imp The IllUsed Woodbine 100 BookFull Filled by Owner QW JOHNSON Trr rmr BURLINGTON ss isr isrA A TT F F T HJT IT AEROLITHE Nou8ntA byD ° nr nrTh ITImp Imp t tbyD Th above St lliii5 ill raak t e season of 18P6 at La Belle Stud 7 milos from Lexington Ky oi Ihj old Fraukfort PiLe Season fees due nt liine of service Eeturn privileges allow i if G tMKse is alive and io tny possession possessionTlio Tlio La BclStalJi iis were all firstclass Ra e Horses and Stake Winners Their combiner winiilngs on tfio Tarf aiticunting to nrarly S8jOLO Mares booked to my Stallions will be accoir odktrd with a good boxstall and grain feed at 10 per month during breeding season Stallions Broodmares Yearlings Horses in Training Winners for sale at all times timesI I HAVE SOLD SUCH GRAND RACE HORSES AS ASGiLlFFORD GiLlFFORD DUCAT LAZZARONE LAZZARONECHANT CHANT PE5ARRA HANDSPUN HANDSPUNURANIA URANIA BEN BRUSH AND MANY OTHERS OTHERSThe The Public and Visitors to Kentucky are welcome to La Belle f fatany atany time SUNDAYS ESPECIALLY l H EUGENE LEIGH LEIGHLEXINGTON LEXINGTON KENTUCKY