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NEW ORLEANS ENTRIEa Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race 78 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Wet ind Horses VYgt 6034 Gismonda 4 95 5911 Paskola i 97 5960 Hano Belle 4 97 6022tSauterne 4 99 6057 JdgeBullock4100 6037Trilbv 5 102 5876 BofFordhm4102 6037 PeteKitchen4104 5270 Hardenburg 4107 4107fBy fBy Tremont By Springbok Second Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgrt 6025 Lonalia 92 5975 Gomez 94 5962 Pop Dixon 97 5756 Olivia L 97 6023 Miss Miles 97 5962 Brescia 97 5959 Squire Gillam 97 5992 Jack Hayes 99 5991 Candy 102 5991 Sugar Cane 104 5680Sharon 107 5320HarryS 107 6055 Elyria 107 107Third Third Race1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses W Wrt rt 5878 Martha Smith692 6024 Helen II II 4 92 5838 Little Frank6 92 6027 Mamie G 4 92 5978Dorothy 1114 94 5862 Old Pugh 6 94 5916 Elano 5 99 5993 Loudon 8 99 6036 B McKenzie 6 99 6036 Fasig 4 100 5993 IPickwick 9105 9105fourth fourth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Handicap Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wart 5961 Gaston 91 5973 Glen Albyn 94 5956 Lady Britannic 94 4099 E Henderson 99 6055 Cannonade 109 5924 John Carr 110 1105823Anger 5823Anger 113 5924 Alvin W 114 114v v buuu itucu 78 Wile Wile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling nd Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 6039 CCRumrill4 97 6039 Sobriquet4 100 6039 Stark 5 100 S993 Nover 4 102 6026 Gracie C 6 105 5787 Buckmore 5 105 5925 Jamboree 6 107 5700 Lord Nelson 6 108 108Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Soiling SoilingInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wfft 5878 Gladioli 4 90 5799 Pisa 5 93 604 Victoress 4 95 5592 Ruth V 4 93 6037 Marquise 4 100 6027 Ben Wilson 9 100 605 Text 11 103 6037 Maggie S 4 104 5966 Montell 7 105 5793 Dorah Wood 5 107 BARKSDALE UNTfcl S SProbabilitiea Probabilitiea Weather clear track good goodFirst First Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Maidens Selling SellingInd Ind WgtHenry Horses Wet Ind Horses Wgt Henry H 5 117 6001 Bedford i7117 6004 Mount Maid4115 Hoyden 5 11J 11Jfi004 fi004 Kerplunk 3 105 Gyta 4 105 3581 Recover 3 105 Mamie M 4 105 6004 Ransack 5 105 6004 BounieEloiso3105 BounieEloiso3105Second Second Race 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horset vVsrt vVsrt59S5 59S5 Tea Caddy 112 Eddie WolflU5 WolflU5ZiKl ZiKl Prince PotomaclOS Jessie R 107 5354 Hint 107 5985 Kassala 107 5354 Aunt Sally 107 600 ISanspareil 107 5985 Lizzie M 107 6U17 Leowicka 107 Third Kace 3 4 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances Allowancesnd nd Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wirt WirtLilliput5 Lilliput5 115 Tenacious6115 Tenacious6115Kirkover Kirkover a 112 6005 Forenzo 5 112 112Bert Bert 6 110 6005 Gold Fly 5 110 6019 BaukCaxhier4110 Wexford 4 107 6030 Brilliancy 4 105 6008 Bettie Hill4105 Hill4105Fourth Fourth Raca 4 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Maidens Soiling nd Horses Wet Ind Horses Wat O9kaleeta6120 60C4 TurquoiBe5l20 TurquoiBe5l206018fLa 6018fLa Salle4 120 Nihilist 3 110 110RP RP 5 110 6004 Oxia 4 105 105Mary Mary Larson 3 105 3884 Republica3105 5985 Mafia 3 105 Little Lady 6 105 105By By Iroquois Fifth Kace 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses W t 6031 Burgundy 5 115 6058 Traitor 6 115 1156016Busirus 6016Busirus 6112 6031 Ray Lewis UJllO 6019 Gypsy a 110 Pocahontas 6110 6016 AlHelmbolt 4107 Czar 4 107 107Fred Fred Munch 4107 6005 PockotPiece4107 PockotPiece4107Sixth Sixth Race34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wgrt Ind Hoi ee Wfrt 5990 Eclipse 9 115 6021 Jack Rose a 115 6019 Touraine 7 115 6006 Mohawk 5 112 6060 Queen dOra110 5606 Wnut Ridge4107 Ridge4107Dr Dr Wiley 4 107 6033 Tomoka 4 107 107Plnt Plnt Smiles 4 105 6005 Heresy 4 105