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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKLAND OAKLAND GAL January 18 Thirtyfourth Day California Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather cloudy track fast Presiding Judge Joseph J Burke Starter James B Ferguson I O rj FIRST RACE 78 Mile Purse 350 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St 14 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op PI Cl 6047 SAN MARCO 110 7 9 9 72 6iyjl H Martin E Blazer 3 3 1 6047 OLIVE 105 6 7 8 614 4 214 R Isom A B Spreckols 65 65 25 6046 JACK RICHELIEU 110 9 614 614 41 31431 Freeman THBoyle 30 50 15 6047 MISS RUTH 98 4 51410 8 514 42 Reidy F W Graham 30 40 12 6098 MONITA 107 11 8 21 21 214 52 Thorpe M Schwartz 5 6 5261 HEARTSEASE 105 5 114 11 IH IH 6 Hennessy J C Humphrey 12 12 6041 NIC NAG 105 1 2 t 314 5 7 7 Parker W F Roeder 30 40 12 6101 ROADRUNNER 110 10 10 8 10 8 8 BrlinghmeH Lowden 10 12 5 6047 MINNIE GEE 105 2 3 414 3 9 9 Slaughter D A Honig 6 7 214 5761 BIG CHIEF 100 8 11 11 11 11 10 Spencer G Parker 50 60 20 6114 ABI P 1B5 3 4 514 9 10 11 C Sloan G Pacheco 30 40 12 12Time Time 255 515K 116 4 128 128Winner Winner Ch c 4 by St Blaise Round Dance DanceStart Start good Won driving Olive was best She had a stormy passage and was badly handi ¬ capped San Marco was hindered too throughout the race Mouita was run off her feet Heartsease is fast and will do next out Watch Ruth especially in soft going goingScratched Scratched Double Quick 110 Geo Rose 107 Premata 105 Last Chance 107 SECOND RACE 5 12 burlougs Purse 3350 3yearolds Maidens Allowances 6138 Ind Horses Wt St Vi StrFin Jockeys Owners Op 01 PI 6051 JACK O LANTERN 105 4 lli 11 12 12 K Isom W S Hobart 3 814 65 655a 3801 BASQUIL 108 5 5a 3 21 25 Thorpe T J McHale 2 85 35 6078 PHILIP H 112 9 9 7 51 314 Coady W M Murry 15 20 8 3231 CLAUDIANA 103 3 4 41 414 41 H Martin W Boots Son 25 30 10 6097 MODESTIA 110 2 88 71 5 E Jones E W Purser 562 5373 DR MARTIN 108 7 6 6 8 614 Bozeman MartinM Conn1130 40 12 5734 MOSCOW 115 1 24 2 3 7 Clawson Cella Sippy 25 30 10 6097 THE STKBROKER112 8 7998 Doggett J A Bennett 214 3 1 5461 CLAUDIA T 103 10 10 10 10 9 Spencer T H Boyle 30 40 12 6097 VALDOS 112 6 314 514 6 10 C Sloan B Benjamin 10 8 3 3067 IRON PACKER 103 11 11 11 11 11 Thompson H E Leigh 40 50 15 15Time Time 2514 50 1 0214 1 083 Winner Ch g 3 by Flambeau Gleadew Start good Won easily Basquil was badly handled He has worked well Thorpe gob him repeatedly cut off on back stretch He will beat Jack next out Philip got an easy ride He likes a distance and finished strong strongScratched Scratched Moreno 110 Da Capo 105 Cogent 115 Dutch alot 108 C 1 O Q THIRD RACE 7 13 Furlongs Purse 350 3yearolds Selli Ind Horsefa Wt St 34 14 J StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Gl PI 6040 LOST GIRL 105 6 61 41 IH mil Heunessy A Martin J J6078RIKNZI 6078RIKNZI 108 5 514 5Vi 5 214 21 Slaughter P Mitchell 6099 TEMPESTUOUS 105 4 SH 3 3 32 31 Thorpe E Vv Purser 5802 TORPEDO 108 3 414 6 43 42 41 C Sloan W F Roeder 30 40 12 60421GEO PALMER 105 9 9 9 6 514 52 R Isom A B Spreckels 1 65 25 6078 FORTUNATE 108 2 I IH 214 62 62 H Martin McNaughtouMuirS 10 4 6040 MISTRAL II 108 8 8 8 9 9 7 Freeman George Rose 30 40 18 6078 VIKING 105 7 7 7 7 7 8 Mitchell J E Linnell 30 40 12 6078 WDLAND BELLE 103 1 214 2 8 8 9 EJones T W Coulter 862 6078 R CARRUTHERS 108 10 10 10 10 10 10 Doggett W M Wallace 25 30 10 10Time Time 2514 5134 1 1514 1 2214 2214Winner Winner Ch f 3 by Sobraute dam by Tyrant TyrantStart Start good Won handily The Girl was the best Price out of line Rienzi finished strong Tempestuous likes a further distance She was hemmed in on rail Palmer was badly handled and had a rough journey of it He finished in stout fashion Fortunate is fast Torpedo is good but better in mud The Belle will win a filly race She likes about five end a half furlongs furlongsScratched Scratched Don Clarencio 108 DJ Tobin 105 Sweet William 108 Mystic Maze 10S Ingle side 105 6140 FOURTH RACE 1 J 4 Miles Purse 350 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St K 54 X StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6048 R D BANDIDOS 111 4 7 7 7 31 IX Coady E W Purser 3585 6046 UNITY 95 5 H HHU 14 21 EJones L Ezell 10 15 6 66100FORMAL 6100FORMAL 111 2 4n 41 2X 2 3 W Martin D A Honig 71086 out out609SLITTLK 609SLITTLK BOB 105 6 6 SH 51 6 41 Hennessy W Fischer 67 ° 6113 HERMANITA 98 1 3 3 3 4H 51 H Martin J G Follansbee 6 8 6113 TUXEDO 100 7 2n 2tf 41 51 6 G Wilson JS Mclntosh 40 00 20 6098 FOREMOST 100 3 514 6 6 7 7 R Isom A B Spreokels 20 30 10 10Time Time 26 52 1 04 1 17H 1 48 2 OSK OSKWinner Winner Ch c 4 by True Briton Emma Collier CollierStart Start good Won easily Bandidos was best at the distance Unity hung on well Formal bolted at start and lost about ten lengths He plainly indicated lack of staying power and was not fit for such a long race Is in good shape though Hermanita was cut off on stretch turn Tuxedo can win a cheap race especially in muddy going goingScratched Scratched Doyle 100 Little Cripple 100 FIFTH RACE l Mile Purse 350 4yearolds and upward Allowances 6141 Ind Horses Wt St M 14 K StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6049 SALVABLE 109 3 2H 21 2 21 IH W Martin P Dunne 710 1 out 6100 CABRILLO 104 1 12 U 11 IH 21 R Isom R Van Brant 3 214 out 6079 SCHILLER 109 2 3 3 3 3 3 Slaughter B Schreiber 8 2 out outTime Time 251i 5134 116H 14114 14114Winner Winner B c 4 by Salvator L dia diaStart Start good Won driving Salvable wae best Cabrillo and Schiller both dislike weight weightScratched Scratched Alvarado 106 Applause 109 SIXTH RACE 5 13 Furlongs Purse 360 4yearolds Celling Ind Horses Wt St 14 14 M StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6000BENAMELA 110 1 1 1 I2 1 W Martin P Dunne 1 65 25 5993 HAZEL D 93 3 4 42 31 354 Reidy E Barroti 20 200 40 6046 PETRARCH 101 5 3 Thompson J V Humphrey ti 6041 ISABELLE 93 8 62 51 51 41 Clawson W B Dodd 20 25 8 5626 DON PIO PICO 95 2 2 21 2Vi 5n Prawley J Robbins 30 40 12 5723 VIRGIE A 93 6 5 6 1 6K 62 Broeck J B Ward 30 50 20 5981 CODA 96 4 7 6 7 7 R Isom J N Burk 10 30 10 6012 LA MASCOTA 99 9 9 8 8 8 H Martin J G Follansbee 2 2V4 1 5971 PALMERSTON 105 7 8999 Honnossy J H Shields 6 3 1 Time 24 49K 101 108 Winner Br c 4 by Ben Ali Prose ProseStart Start good Won easily Beramela is a fast horse Isabella off badly ran a good race Hazel D had lots of speed and will do to wtttch wtttchScratched Scratched Instigator 107 Jack Martin 95 Mike Rice 101 Edgemont 95 Overweights 95Overweights Palmerstou 4 pounds