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OAKLAND ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track good First Race 34 Mile MileWelterweights Welterweights3yearolds Welterweights 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 6138 Valdos 3 98 6137 Roidrunner6 119 6046 Mike Rico 4 113 6040 Greenleaf 3 104 6113 Nephew 6 119 6080 Billy Ayres a 116 123 Marionette 4 111 6160 Monitor 4 113 6041 HyGratton 41113 6160Irma5 1U 6164 Mahogany 6 116 6183 Sir Richard 7119 7119ecojud ecojud Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wgt Ind Ho es Wet 6160 Jack Atkins4 102 6137 Olive 5 100 6098 Lovedal 6 J05 6137 Minnie Cee 8 100 5161 Premata 5 100 6137 Monita 6 102 6098 Examiner 5 102 6076 La = t Chance6jl02 6137 J Richelieu a105 6164 America 5 100 6160 Monterey 5 105 6160 Pecksniff 6 105 6137 Miss Ruth 5 100 6142 Du Pio Pico4102 6101 Sooladain i5102 i5102Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wet 6078 Begonia V 100 5474 Sugar Foot 102 6183 PF 102 5687 Miss Maggie M 100 6078 Don Clarencio 105 4597 Tom Smith 105 6099 Beruardillo 102 6117 Personne 110 110Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowancesfnd fnd Horses Wst Ind Horses Wgt 5948 PJaubert 4 100 6100 PeterII5 106 6048 Ostler Joe 4 103 6118 Argentina 4 105 6138 Philip H 3 95 6118 Draught 3 9R 9RMfth Mfth Race 7 12 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling Sellingfnd fnd Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt Wgt6113Alvarado 6113Alvarado 4 101 6049 ChartreuseII6 5 6141 Cabrillo 5 100 6044Midlo 4 97 6047 Applause 5 99 99Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile MileWelter Weights3yearolds Welter Weights 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt bOSO Braw Scot 8 116 6051 Principle 3 98 6117 RdelTierra3101 6042 LadyLooram3 98 6139Lost 986139Lost Girl3105 6117 Estaca 3 104 60M 10460M Elmer F 6 116 5999 Potontatel6 119 6049 California5114 6080 Peril 7 114 6139 Viking 3 98 5003 Manchester5 119