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NEW WESTERN TURF LAWS LAWSThe The Western Turf Congress did not make many changes in the rules at its last meeting but som of them were of importance The officers of the congress for 1897 are A S Labold President C C Maffit Vice President 0 L Brailey Treasurer and E C Hopper Secre ¬ tary taryCommittee Committee on Appeals E Corrigan Milton Young and W F Schulte SchulteCommittee Committee on Licenses Joseph A Murphy James H Reos and E C Hopper HopperTh Th important changes in the rules are as follows Old Rule No 4 read The express conditions of a race supersede the racing rules when they conflict conflictThis This rule in reality made all of the rules of thp congress inoperative If a Secretary desired to evade any of the rules all he had to do was te put in the conditions of the race that which was prohibited and the rnle became inoperative fr m the fact that conditions superseded rules This little Rule Nd 4 was wiped out and here Iter the rules govern as they always should I UP diti uition of a sweepstake was made clearer ItiPulJ definition brought about man argu nv nts Under the new definition races closing the day preceding that on which they are run are not considered sweepstakes although the entrance money and forfeits may go to the winner winnerHereafter Hereafter all entries must be made in tha name of the owner Stable names and farm tain PS will not bo allowed The object is to sh W who owns the horse and is responsible btabie names had become so numerous that it was almost impossible for the public to keep the ruu of them This change is to be recom ¬ mended mendedThe The rule in regard to naming horses was so changed that neither initials nor numerals can be used This change does away with ABC and the like on racing programmes programmesTrailers Trailers are required to procure a license by application to tbe secretary of the Congress tLr cost of which is WO WOThe The ffe for jockey license was raised from 5 toSlu toSluTh Th rule in regard to the enforcement of bets LOW reads Associations running under these rules will endeavor to enforce the payment of b but they shall take no cognizance of bets i which tbe money has not been put up In cUT words markers will not be collected by associations This is a good ruin as it will r ko bookmakers careful as to whom they CTvdir and will prevent some persons perhaps fiojii overplaying themselves on account of the vmut of credit in the betting ring ringTho Tho elimination of Rule No 4 will make all skiing races claiming races as the nonclaim ¬ ing cannot now be inserted If the owner of a stake horse puts it in a cheap selling race and Bh uld get beaten he runs the risk of getting it claimed at the selling price plus the purse Ihis rule will undoubtedly help racing by driv ¬ ing high class horses into the handicaps and condition races where they belong and give tlio owners with poor horses a chance to win the money set apart for them by the different racing associations