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IRON HILL FORM CHART CHARTIRON IRON HILL MD Jan 28 Winter Meeting Keystone Racing Association Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Odin Bowie Jr Starter Thomas Flynn 6335 FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 150 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wt St X H 3K StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6260 25BRIGHTWOOD ILL DO 120 1 12 11 12 1 Mclntyr Win Fay 75 65 25 BRIGHTWOOD 120 3 2 3io 2 2 Narvaez Hiverview Stable 4 10 4 6257 GRAND PRIX 120 6 3 21 3 6 310 Heinrichs G Blake 4 2 45 6275 NELLIE AGNES 111 2 65 4Vj 42 Brophy A B Clear 8 10 4 6315 FERNWOOD 120 4 5665 Delehanty Melrose Stk Farml2 15 6 6277 JOHNNY 120 5 4 4 5 6 Morris 0 Douglass 783 783Time Time 25M51M 104 104Winner LimeyStart Winner Ch h 7 by Ivydor Limey Start good Won galloping Johnnj ran a bad race Ill Dos performance was a sort of resurrection Grand Prix is not what ho was Scratched wasScratched Dory Stubbs 116 Telegram 116 OO SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St V4 f 3K StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl 1 6315 MAMIE R llfi 1 H 13 H IS Carson W Fahall 95 95 35 6200 REPETITION 120 3 4 32 21 21 Andrews F Sale 683 6200 HIMYARIC 120 2 2 2 32 3 Coleman R Barker 562 6225 BETTIE HILL 111 5 5 5 4l4 41 Rigby Louis Stable 462 6 25 HENRY H 116 6 6655 Heinrichs SDJackson 562 6241 PARTHENIA 115 8 7776 W Morris Buena Vista Stbl 2 2X 1 B14 JIM 116 4 31 41 6 7 Houlahan A Worely 562 6155 REPUBLIC II 120 7 8888 Nesry Jersey Stable 562 562Time Time 25H51K5S 25H51K5SWinner FloretteStfut Winner Br m 6 by Vocalic Florette Stfut poor Won in a gallop the next throe were driving Parthenia could not have beaten a Perchoron PerchoronScratched Scratched Ralbern 120 Tom Harding 120 6337 THIRD RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St X ft 3K StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl P 6 2 ST LAWRENCE II 120 1 U 1 12 13 W Morris Lawrence Stable 85 2H 1 6275 MISS BOWSER 115 2 2 23 22 23 Delahanty J M Triplett 85 85 35 6313 68363C9 MURRAY 120 6 66 Wi 3 Heinrichs T Herald 683 63C9 OLD SPORT 108 4 Wt 41 3 41 Dorsey G W Hayman 4 31A 65 6155 HALCYON 115 3 3 3 5 5 Bowman W M Holler 12 15 6 21APRINCESS BELLA G 115 7 7 7 6 6 Brophy G E Coleman 6 7 21A PRINCESS ALIX HSVi 5 5577 Andrews St Asaph Stable 10 12 5 6279 GONCHO 120 8 8888 Patton T N Miller 683 683Time Time 25 51 59 MeadowbrookeStart Winner 59Winner Ch g 4 by St Blaise Meadowbrooke Start fair The first five were driving Murray ran a good race Halcyon had some speed St Lnwrerce was far the best bestScratched Scratched Jack Rose 120 Sparkle 103 6338 F FOURTH RACE 6 12 Furlongs Purse 150 4yearolds and upward Selling Inl Horses Wt St V4 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 67f JACK WYNNE 113 1 16226LTLE li 12 12 12 Delehanty Jersey Stable 35 45 out outVA 6226LTLE DORRITT 105 2 2I6203LARR1SSA VA 2 216215 Kuhn T N Miller 65 75 out I6203LARR1SSA 110 4 4 41 42 31 Dorsey W E Schultze 6 8 out 5929 WALTER O 107 3 5 outi 5 5 41 Mclntyre Renown Stable 8 10 out 6 74SCANDAL lOt 5 i 33 3 31 5 a J Murphy T Fagin 8 10 out outTime Time 26K53M 11954 126 Winner CheerfulStart 126Winner Ch h 5 by Carlton Sister Cheerful Start good Won in a gallop It was no contest Dorritt was as much better than the rest as Wynne was than she sheScratched Scratched Intimidad 107 Marguerite II 102 Overweights 102Overweights Larrissa 5 pounds Scandal 5 6339 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St M Vi StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI eu33BKOOKLYN 115 1 32 32 INK 12 Delelmntj Jersey Stable 65 32 12 6 60 CHARLEY B 115 3 2n i 2 21 Heinrichs JWJones 3 2Yt 1 634 QUEEN DOR 115 2 IH 2a 32 32 W Morris C Smith 452 604 I ONG GAIN 115 5 555 41 Brophy J Furlong 8 10 4 63U6 BELV1NA 110 4 W 41 4l3 5 Dorsey N Richar Json 8 10 4 6258 GONZALES 115 6 6 6 6 6 J Murphy T Fagin 8 10 4 6307 MISS CARRIE 106 7 7777 Asburn Pleasant Val Sta 231 Time 231Time 2652K 118 PStart Winner 118Winner B g 8 by John Happy Lizzie P Start g od Won handily next three in a mild drive Charley B weakened under pressure Queen speedScratched dOr had little speed Scratched Humming Bird 115 La Prentis 110 Arda 110 Overweights 110Overweights Queen dOr 5 pounds Miss Carrie 3 634O SIXTH RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 150 4yearolds and upward Sailing Ind Horses Wt S St M V4 5K HrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI BRITANNIC 120 1 12 H is is Burkholder Melrose Stk Farm 2 75 25 6315 CRITERION 120 2 22 22 2 22 Mclntyre EThorpe 85 1 out 6315 ORPHAN 120 20 5 5 5 41 3 Murphy R P Watts 562 6217 HOYDEN 115 3 36J07 31 31 3 41 Andrews Cecil Stable 562 6J07 MOUNTAIN MAID 111 4 4SILVER 44 4 5 5 R King J Daniels 562 SILVER QUEEN 115 6 6666 Bowen Hill Top Stable 562 6315 OSWKGO 111 7 7777 Rigby A Possner 3 3 45 6132 UNCLE LUKE 120 8 8 B 8 8 Miller J Hill 5 6 i 2 Time 25i4 514 58 58Winner Winner Blk h a by Plevna Faithful FaithfulStart Start fair Won in a gallop Hoyden showed a lot of early speed Criterion finished strong Orphan too was closing at end endScratched Scratched Fan King 120 Monolithe 116