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IRON HILL FORM CHART CHARTIRON IRON HILL MD Feb 4 Winter Meeting Keystone Racing Association Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge Odin Bowie Jr Starter Thomas Flynn Orr FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling 4 H StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 32 22 12 15 Neel Capitol Stable 2 115 45 11 ISK 2 21 Andrews West Lynn Stable 662 2 ic 3 6 34 38 Burkholder Melrose Stk Farm 2Yi 85 35 5 5 414 4U4 Murphy T Fagin 783 6406 VT BRADFORD 120 5 66 5 5 Bailey A Possnor 15 20 8 6319 LIZZIE M 103 2 7776 Coudrier Geo Cuenin 12 15 6 6625BOLIVAR 625BOLIVAR 120 7 41 4y 6 7 Brooks P F McManus 6 7 2V4 2V4Time Time 26 535 108 108Winner Winner B g 5 by Eolus Ninon NinonStart Start good Wen in a gallop next three doing their best Spaniard ran a bad race Canter ¬ bury played with his field 043 S SECON Ind Horses Wt St Yt 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6354 FINN WATER 107 4 32 31 16 18 Mclntyre Jersey Stable 35 1 out outb4i2 b4i2 PRINCESS CORA 107 1 W 2 2iy32H Coudrier Hill Top Stable 682 6826395SIVA 6395SIVA 112 3 4V 41 36 36 Rigbv Mt Vornon Stbl 95 2Yt 45 6277 JEWEL 107 5 5544 Brophy J M Triplett 10 12 4 4b4u3 b4u3 BRITANNIC 112 2 1 1 Bled Burkholder Melrose Stk Farm 3 4 75 75Time Time 27K 54 J 102 102Winner Winner B m 5 by Uncas Bibelot BibelotStart Start good Won easily second and third driving Sivas race had a bad smell Finnwator was the best bestScratched Scratched Pickaway 112 Mary B 107 Wah Jim 112 Princess Alix 107 Hera 103 6489 T THIRD RACE 14 Mile Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St X Yt V StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 639X DILLON J 112 1 IH 11 14 14 Mclntyre J M Triplett 65 75 12 6352 SCANDAL 107 4 4tf 22 22 21 J Murphy T Fagin 683 6396 BRILLIANCY 111 5 5 5 41 3 A Dorsoy W Richardson 683 683JULIET JULIET 107 3 31 41 31 4tf McDermottB B Dunbar 3 2 1 1EMILY EMILY W 110 7 6655 Patton P Stire 10 15 6 6029 RACHEL 110 2 21 3Yi 6 6 EKing Winter Stable 10 15 6 5149 LUCINDA 107 6 7777 Kuhn E H Mclntyro 3 4 85 85Time Time 2SJ 5S I24i4 Winner HiawathaStart I24i4Winner Br h 7 by Blazes dam by Hiawatha Start good Won pulled up Juliet and sloth had a tough coutest The latter won Dillon J was full of speed too fall for his last race to be true Scratched Hay Tay 112 Johnny 112 Cloverdale 107 Overweights Brilliancy 4 pounds Emily W 3 Rachel 3 FOURTH RACE GS Mile Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St M Y3 StrFin Jockeyg Owners Op Cl PI 6339 BELVNA 115 5 31 32 11 I Neol NRichardson 3 2J 1 6406 SOUTHERNEST 115 1 1 14 26 24 Delehanty W S Watson 2YZ 3 1 1627H 627H GIMME 115 3 lYi 41 3VS 31 A Moore J M Triplett 85 2 45 45t6352SPAKKLE t6352SPAKKLE 108 4 5 5 5 41 Mclntyre J Wilson 452 452ELMSTONE ELMSTONE 120 6 6665 Patton R Russell 15 25 10 6276 QUILLA 115 2 21 21A 11A 6 Andrews Wm Lewis 8 10 4 4Time Time 27 55 109 Winner 109Winner Br m 5 by Belvidere Virginia Bush BushStart Start good Won easily second eased up after a long ride Quilla quit early and all over Sparkle todayScratched lost his glint today Scratched Queen dOr 115 Sannie 103 Overweights Sparkle 5 pounds 6441 FIFTH RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 150 All ages Selling Ind Horses Wt St 3i Fin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6167 HKLEN RYAN 81 1 2Vs iVt 1B IVs Higgins Melrose Stk Farm 45 1 out 6356 MOUNTAIN MAID 121 3 36Jr6 22 3 910 6Jr6 GYTA 114 2 1V 34 34 36 Neel A B Clear 85 2 12 6379 HENRY H 126 5 55 4la 41 Heslin S D Jackson 8 10 4 6167 DR SEARLES 84 4 W Wt 5 5 Jones Jersey Stable 3 4 65 65Time Time 28K 55 = K 104 104Winner Winner B f 2 by Longview Mettle MettleStart Start g od Won driving A cheap lot Ryan was the best Henry H was seriously in his own way Scratched Jim Donlon 130 Hoyden 125 Crack Shot 114 Republica 109 109Overweights Overweights Gyta 5 pounds 6442 5IXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St M V 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6339 CHARLIE B 117 1 1 li 12 iua Heinrichs JWJones 45 1 out 6395 PALMYRA 107 2 3 3tf 21 21 J Moore O Green 683 6836215STOREKEEPER 6215STOREKEEPER 112 4 4a 41 3 34 Stevens O J Seen 683 6404 GONZALES 112 3 21 22 41 42 J Murphy T Fagin 2 3 45 6262 HENRY HIGGINS 116 5 6655 Neel Gordon Stable 4 4 1 6354 WHITE SEAL 112 6 5566 Cox A Worely 8 10 4 4Time Time 28ls 58H 125 125Winner Winner B g 6 by Obelisk Ella B BStart Start fair Won easily second and third mildly driving Gonzales1 race was a shock Store ¬ keeper was closing at the finisb finisbScratched Scratched Little Jim 112 Mclnerney 112 By A Neck 112 Collusion 107 107Overweights Overweights Charlie B 5 pounds Henry Higgins 4