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NEW ORLEANS ENTRIER Probabilities Weather cloudy track heavy heavyFirst First Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wet Ind Horses Wgt 6495 Ella Penzance493 6538 CarlHolland493 6538 MagHarrisS 96 6538 fSHgo 7 96 6579 Bustup 6 102 6581 Gil Fordham4103 6207 Will Elliott 7 103 OklhmaChf4 103 6534 Hardeuburg 4105 5839 Roy Prince6106 6576 Whiff 5 106 6555 Chicot 5 108 6524 R QBan 6 110 By Mr Pickwick PickwickSecond Second Race 12 Mile 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses W Wrt rt 6523 Lillian Russell 93 6523 Floss 95 6493 Sue Sue 101 6553 Octave 101 101Sarmatia Sarmatia 105 6553Onr Lizzie 110 110Third Third Race l Mile and 2O Yards Yards4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 6494 May Ashby 4 88 6580Hry Owsley 895 6538 Glendaga 5 100 6580 Eau Claire 7 100 6579 Jamboree 6 105 6507 Brakeman 6 113 6534D Pulsifer 8 113 113Fourth Fourth Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap HandicapInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 6555 Baal Gad 4 90 6579 Sir John 5 93 6579 Jamboree 6 98 6457 Gaston 3 98 6537 Marquise 41U2 6554 Domingo 16 104 6552 VanBrunt 5 108 108Fifth Fifth Kace 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wet 6578 Sedan 107 Jim Kelly 107 6557 Frank Daly 110 6557 Martin K 110 6578 Pommery Sec 110 6578 Al Kyris 110 5696 Boarder 110 110Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds Selling Sellingfnd fnd Horses Wgt Ind Horses W t 6578 Prince Proverb 91 6104 Princess Maud 94 6556 Ollean 94 6497Ilia 99 9965i7Robt 65i7Robt Bonner 101 6577Seelbach 101 1016480Candy 6480Candy 102 6459 Styx 102 6504 Sen Penrose 104 b483Pop Dixonl04