Barksdale Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-02-17


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BARKSDALE FORM CHART CHARTBARKSDALE BARKSDALE MD February 16 Twentythird Day Winter Meeting Barksdale Racing Assn Weather clear Track heavy Presiding Judge T Wood Martin Starter Chas Gould 6588 ftT Q Q FIRST HACK 4 12 Furlongs Purse 150 4yearolds and upward Maidens Sellg Ind Horses Wt St M X StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6170 WHITE SEAL 109 3 3559H 34 41 3 IH Cox F Wattle 6 20 8 559H MILDRED D 110 2 21 22 41 23 Brophy Primrose Stable 6565 PEAR LINE 107 1 12 l 12 SH R Brown Glen Stable 6565 TURQUOISE 112 4 44 5 5 42 C Hueston Maryland Stable 6464 EDNA BENNETT 107 7 7665 Patton A Mullaney 6 59 MOUNT MAID 107 6 34 24 6 Dorsey J Daniels 6471 HOYDEN 107 5 Mclutyro Cecil Stable 6564 GLOVER VENDIG 111 6 6PIOMINQO 8888 Houlahau H B Anderson 5 4 85 85PIOMINGO PIOMINQO 111 9 9999 F Hueston J J Devlin 462 462Time Time 294 595 110 Winner B g 4 by Cheviot Sentimeut SentimeutStart Start fair All the first four were driviug Turquoise was a beetle so far as speed was con ¬ cerned Vondig had no speed Brophy was outridden in the finish Overweights Mildred D 3 pounds Glover Veudig 2 Piomingo 111 6589 SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses t StrFiu Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6569 TRAITOR 115 3 44 3 22 22 Burns B Reddington 95 2 45 6 40 DORY STUBBS 115 1 22 W 3 36 Andrews A M Sexton 12 20 8 6381 CLOVERDALE 110 2 34 44 41 42 R Brown G W Havman 10 10 4 643SVENGALI 112 4 76 f 5 Asburu Pleasant Val Stbl 3 4 85 65S2 8565S2 EMILY W 110 6 5566 F Hueaton H P Stine 12 15 6 6540 FLAKEWOOD 112 7 6777 Jenkins C S Orrispn 12 15 6 65ul MAGGIE K 110 8 8888 Lynch P Halton 683 Time 683Time 294 59 1 085S Winner Ch c 4 by Woodlands Ocean Wave WaveStart Start fair Won pulling up Earn was a marvel of speed He towroped his company in a furl ng and galloped the balance of the way Scratched wayScratched Johnny 112 Rachel 110 6590 THIRD RACE G8 Mile Purse 15U 3yearolds Soiling Ind Horses Wt St J4 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 5759 ETHKL FARRELL 109 3 2 26 IB li Brophy Primrose Stable 4585 6499 SPARKLE 108 5 445 3i 23 C Hueston J Wilson 3 3 45 6542 SANN1E 109 4 33 34 41 310 Fletcher R W Bailey 10 12 4 6282 RHYMSTER 107 2 5 4 6 44 R Brown S S Tracey 10 12 4 6542 FRANK B 111 6 6655 F Hueston Columbia Stable 562 6584OX1A 5626584OX1A 105 1 11 14 2 6 Kuhn V Wilson 12 35 out Time outTime 30 J 102118 102118Winner Winner B f by Jim Gore Elsie B BStart Start good Won easily Farrell outclassed her lot Oxia quit all over when collared Sparkle readyScratched was closing at the finish Sannie is nearly ready Scratched balesman 10 Miss Carrie 105 Hint 115 115Overweights Overweights Ethel Farrell 4 pounds Sparkle 3 Sannie 4 Frank B 4 pT FOUKiH RACK G8 Mile Purse 15u 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wt St M 4 Si StrFm Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 64U3 JEHQUKL 117 6 6654UNAVAHOE 4 3 36 H C Huest Hueston Lilac Stable 662 654UNAVAHOE 117 4 12 11424 24 F Huest Hueston Monte Bello Stbl 562 653 MURRAY 117 5 564991CHEER 3 41 42 3 R Brophy T Herald 12 20 8 64991CHEER UP 105 1 165WP1CKAWAY 22 22 INK 41 Kuhn WEs elmont 85 24 1 65WP1CKAWAY 117 3 6655 Brophy W Beckett 562 6566 PRINCE POTOMAC 107 2 5566 Lynch W Lynch 24 3 1 6 u LITTLE DORR1TT 115 7 T N Miller 8 10 4 1 6266J HORACE ARGO 117 Left at the BlossTime post Fletcher W Bloss 5485 Time 3134102 1184 Winner Ch g a by Joe Daniels Guilla Start fair Won easily next four driving hard Navahoe tired badly at the end Murray was closing Jerquot was strongest and best pTQCl FIFTH RACK 3i Mile Purse 150 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt bt 4 4 btrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6582 BELOVED 105 5 5 44 38 as R Smith Hill Top Stable 562 6468 LITTLE JIM 111 1 U li 5 42 Houlahan Potomac Stable 6 8 75 6532 BRILLIANCY 119 7 6 6 6 5 A Dorsey W Richardson 552 6401 DUNCAN 109 6 7776 Brophy Pope dtab e 45 1 out 6532 MISS ORDWAY 108 8 8 8 8 7 C Hueston Winter Stable 4 5 75 6530 MONOL1THE 112 3 44 5 4 8 Miller F H Benning 15 20 8 Time 31 104 1364 Winner 1364Winner B h 5 by Enquirer Bonnie Meade MeadeStart Start good Won pulling up next two driviug Duncan could not raise a gallop Jims speed was of short duiation duiationScratched Scratched John Rudden 107 Hands Up 107 107Overweights Overweights Inquirendo 2 pounds Frank Fuller 5 Little Jim 4 Brilliancy 4 Duncan 2 Miss Ordway 3 ftlonolithe 5 6593 s SIXTH RACK 34 Mile Purse f50 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St i StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 65331 MOHICAN 1U7 1 16500SEBAST1AN 13 ii 11 11 C Hueston Fountain Val Stbl 85 2 45 6500SEBAST1AN 107 5 31 3 26 215 Patton RRussell 24 3 1 6529 LALLAH ROOKH 105 4 4DART 65 41 31 W Barrett Lilac Stable DART 110 2 26467JMIDROSE 22 26 36 414 Miller R Stiro 6467JMIDROSE 107 6 5 44 5 5 Lynch B Barnes 6247 LADY MARTIN 109 7 7766 Fletcher W Bloss 6533 ECLIPSE 110 3 41677 Brophy Manor Stable 4485 4485Time Time 204 1 02 1 344 Winner 344Winner Br g 10 by Irpquois Bertha BerthaStart Start good Won handily Mohican has not forgotten his old trick of racing well in mud Midroso had little speed speedScratched Scratched Gonzales 110 Ponce do Leon 107 Hallio Gay 105 Overweights 105Overweights Midrose 2 punds Lady Martin 4

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Local Identifier: drf1897021701_3_1
Library of Congress Record: