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THE IDEAL PARK STAKES STAKESEntries Entries to the nineteen stakee of the Ideal Park Racing Association close before another issue of DAILY RACING FORM reaches its readers Entries to be eligible must be received at the office 932 Monadnock Building or be post ¬ marked not later than 12 p m Monday March 1 Advices by mail or wire from prominent horsemen all over the country show that a large number of nominations are en route or will be forwarded before the closing hour Knowledge of the quality and number of these together with the lists of subscriptions obtained by a personal canvass of stables operating at San Francisco and New Orleans and reports from John W Kelseyi who is touring the training grounds of Kentucky Tennessee and Ar ¬ kansas form strong basis for the prediction that Ideal Park is to have a season of grand racing a meeting not to bo outclassed by any of the historic sessions of sport that for ¬ merly made Chicago the shining center of turf interest For obvious reasons no definite in ¬ formation as to the stakes can be given until after the date of closing but all of those inter ¬ ested in the success of Ideal Park may await news announcements with every feeling of grat ¬ ification that the efforts of the association to place the track in the front rank through liber ¬ ality and honest methods are certain to be met by hearty responses on the part of horsemen of the best class It is proposed to beautify the track and improve the plant in many ways bo fore racing begins and altogether the outlook is highly satisfactory