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HIGHLAND PARK CLUB CLUBDETROIT DETROIT MICH MICHENTRIES ENTRIES CLOSE MARCH 15 1897 1897Address Address to Walter O Farmer Secy Newberry Building Detroit Mich SEVEN STAKES GUARANTEED IN VALUE 9500 THE SWAN STAKES For fillies two years old each 100 less to 500 Starters to be named 5 to accompany the nomination 0 additional with tho selling price the day preceding tho to start The Club to guarantee the value of race mile mileTHE the stakes to bo 1000 of which 700 to the first THE GARLAND STAKES For twoyearold fil ¬ 200 to the second and 100 to third To carry lies 5 to accompany the nomination 40 ad ¬ 100 Ibs Winners of a sweepstake since May 1 to ditional to start Tho club to guarantee the carry 3 Ibs extra of two of any value or one of value of tho stake to bn 1000 of which 700 to 1500 value 5 Ibs extra or three of any value the first 200 to second and 100 to third win ¬ since that date 10 Ibs extra Winners of five ners of a sweepstake of 1000 value to carry races of any value to carry 10 Ibs extra Start ¬ 3 Ibs extra of two of any value 5 Ibs extra ers to be named through entrybox the day pre ¬ nonwinners of a race of 500 allowed 5 Ibs of ceding the race mile mileTHE two races of any value 7 Ibs maidens beaten THE RUSSELL HOUSE HANDICAP For three two or more times 12 Ibs Starters to bo named through entry box the day preceding the race the yearolds and upward 10 to accompany nomination iO additional to start The club Vt mileTHE mile STAKES For twoyearolds 5 to guarantee tho value of the stakes to be 1500 THE BANNER 5U additional to the nomination of which 1200 to first 200 to second and 10 to to accompany start the Club to guarantee tbe value of the Weights three days prior to third to appear which 1200 to first 200 stake to be 1500 of to tho Winners after publication of weights race secoud and 100 to third winners of two sweep ¬ he made 5 Ibs extra Acceptances to to carry of tho value of 1500 value stakes of any or one through the entry box the day preceding the to carry 5 Ibs extra of three or more of any 1 mile mileTHE race value 7 Ibs extra those not having won a THE INTERNATIONAL STEEPLECHASE A sweepstake allowed 5 Ibs and if such have not steeplechase handicap for threeyearolds and won two races 8 Ibs Maidens if never placed upward 10 to accompany tho nomination 10 in a sweepstake allowed 12 Ibs extra Starters additional to start Tho club to guarantee the to bo named through entrybox the day preced ¬ value of the stake to be 1000 of which 700 to ing the race mile mileTHE the first 200 to second and 100 to third THE DETROIT DERBY A sweepstake for three Weights to appear two days prior to the race year olds foals of 1894 10 entrance to accom ¬ Full course about 2Vt miles milesSTKOTJI pany the nomination 100 additional to start STKOTJI BREWING Co STAKES A selling The Club to guarantee the value of the stako to sweepstakes for threeyearolds and upward 5 be 2500 of which 1800 to the first 500 to sec ¬ to accompany tho nomination 40 additional to ond and 200 to third Winners of a sweepstake start The club to guarantee the value of the of 1500 value to carry 3 Ibs extra of two of stakes to bo 1000 of which 700 to the first any value 5 Ibs extra beaten nonwinners of a 200 to second and 100 to third Those entered stake in 1897 allowed 5 Ibs nonwinners of three for 2500 to carry weight for age Allowance races in 1897 allowed 8 Ibs beaten maidens 15 2 Ibs for each 250 to 15001 Ib allowed for Ibs Starters to be namod through antrybox each 100 loss to 1000 then 2 Ibs allowed for the day preceding the race Y miles Will by May 15 be converted into a firstclass veniences7ofTaUmodern Race IT rack Summer Meeting begins second week in June Fall Meeting September 6