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INGLBSIDE FORM CHART CHARTSAN SAN FRANCISCO GAL March 6 Sixtythird Day Pacific oast Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track sloppy Presiding Judge Jas H Rees Starter R Havev FIKST KACE Mile PnrseOO 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wt St X Vi StrFin Jockeys Owners On Cl PI 68COGOOD TIMES 119 5 52 25 1 Sloan H E Leigh 35 710 out 6791 GEORGE MILLER 130 3 IB 12 iy 210 HMartin W L Stanfleld 8 685 6826 fl CARRUTHERS 107 2 3tf 32 32 32 Spencer W M Wallace 20 50 15 682H 15682H SWT WILLIAM 1194 4 4s s 410 412 415 Slaughter H T Griffin 952 35 6793 THE SINNER 116 1 23 5 5 5 Piggott H H Hunn 10 8 3 6749 HYMN 118 Left at the post Suydor A Martin Co 15 20 6 l184Winner Timo26i4525 l184 Winner B c 3 by Rossington Famine FamineStart Start good Won easily after a stout drive Good Times was far the best Miller can carry weight well Carrntheis is improving Throw out this race for Sir William The Sinner favors a hard track trackScratched Scratched Tryst 103 Midlight 114 Widow Jones 102 Play Boy 104 iQ SECOND RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Wt St Vi StrFin Jockeys Owners Op 01 P 105 4 4K 41 3a 11 12 Spencer C W Stoffers 2 2 TT 99 3 72 71 2K 2 2 T Sloan Ed Corrigan 85 85 35 104 7 21 22 IB 3 3 Clawson R T Comisky 5 6 2 106 6 31 3tf 53 41 42 Sheppard A Y Stephenson 20 30 10 99 5 51 52 41 52 5tf Slaughter D A Honig 6 8 3 103 2 63 62 6 6 6 Barringer F W Graham 30 40 12 6829 ROADRUNNER 108 1 Itf I 7 7 7 Piggott T H Boyle 15 12 5 6826 D J TOBIN 100 8 8 8 8 8 8 H Russell D J Tobin 20 30 10 Time 10Time 273i55K 122 149 149Winner Winner Br g 6 by Three Cheers Lady Emma EmmaStart Start good Won handily Two Cheers was the best lorse Soniro was interfered with on the first turn Encino too was cut off on the first turn Roadrunner sulked after three fnrlones Scratched fnrlonesScratched Doubtful 101 Marcel 103 6 Overweights D J Tobin 5 pounds Soniro 5 Blue Bell 103 S4f THIRD RACEl 18 Miles Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Handicap ind Horses Wt St j H M 7g Fin Jockeys Owners Op Cl P 6799CANT DANCE 95 1 22 23 H 11 12 T Sloan Ed Corrigan 3 = 2 1 olHT 6773 LINCOLN H 92 2 32 35 3 3 23 Thompson S C Hildreth 44 out 6800 GREYHURST 94 4 1 1 21 2 33 Slaughter H T Griffin 75 85 out 6827 PALOMACITA 96 3 4 4 4 4 4 E Jones BurnsWaterhse 8 10 out Time outTime 26 51 Ji 1 04 1 175 1 147s 47s 2 02 02Winntr Winntr B c 4 by Longfellow Round Dance DanceStart Start bad Won easily Cant Dance was the best He liked the going and is real good right now Lincoln II finished strong Greyhurst bolted at the start He is going back Palomacita is improving Watch her herScratched Scratched Yankee Doodle 105 105Orerweights Orerweights Cant Dai ce 4 pounds Q1T FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 Special OOtt I DECLARED OFF fl Q I Q FIFTH RACE 12 Mile 2yearolds Selling The Crocker Stakes 1500 gnar JOrtO anteed Ind Horses Wt bt M Vt StrFin Jockeys Owners Op pj Cl Cl6797MISS 6797MISS ROWENA 98 2 12 12 13 E Jones BurnsWaterhse 1 45 nut 6726 ALUMINUM 99 3 32 33 23 TSloan A B Spreckels 4 62 6772ESTRO 626772ESTRO 101 1 22 2H 31 HMartin J N Burk 6 5 5 6830 DUCKLING 94 5 Wt 41 42 Slaughter BurnsWaterhse 1 45 out 6830MORELLITO out6830MORELLITO 112 4 51 62 52 Hennossy Williams Bros 10 12 5 6830 QUEEN MAB 96 6 63 62 63 Clawson L Ezell 683 6772 D OF YORK II 105 7 777 Speocer W L Appleby 30 40 12 6618 MICHAEL II 101 8 888 Piggott Lone Stable 15 20 8 Cpupled in betting Time 12tf 26 38 51 51Wiuner Wiuner Ch f by Midlothian Paloma PalomaStart Start fair Won driving iRowena was the best and is a sweet filly Estro was next best He was run off his feet by Rowena Aluminum likes such going as today Duckling finished strong and likes a route routeScratched Scratched George Lee 101 101Overweights Overweights Aluminum 354 pounds AQf Q S1XTH KACE1 14 Miles Over 6 Hurdles Purse 400 4yearolds and up VjCjrriJ ward Selling Ind Horses Wt St Vt StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 5796 RELMJ1NGTON 133 1 12 13 13 13 in G Cochran Ed Corrigan 12 25 out 6839 TUXEDO 141 2 25 2i 215 28 2 5 C Sloan A Burns 3 2V 1 6816 GOV BUDD 133 4 31 32 38 36 36 SmmerfieldMatt Storn 6 25 8 6816 HELLO 140 3 41 41 410415420 Peters J Cassidy 15 20 8 6774 DUNGARVEN 139 5 5 5 5 5 5 Porteous L Ezell 20 30 10 Time 10Time 224 1A 1AWinner Winner AngeliqueStart B g 4 by Emperor of Norfolk Angelique Start good Won pulled up Reddington was the best Tuxedo ran an honest race but was outclassed outclassedScratched Scratched Sen Hoffman 128 Herman 136 685O SEVE SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St M H btrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6768 PALMERSTON 104 5 2 2u 2V4 IH 11 Piggott J H Shields 10 6 2 6841 B MURPHY 103 1 1 42 3 22 2 T Sloan L Ezell 75 2 45 6748 COLLINS 105 6 6 7 655 612 33 K Jones Ed Gaines 4 31 6829McLIGHT 108 2 51 33 43 4a 4 H Martin S C Hildreth 10 12 5 6S42 BASQUIL 94 4 41 5io 5 51 53 Slaughter T J McHale 2 2Kj 1 6040 ADAM ANDREW 90 3 31 1 Wt 31 650 Clawson AtkinLottridge 15 20 8 6768 MAHOGANY 105 7 7 7 7 7 7 Shepard MDndBurkmnSO 60 20 20Time Time 265 54 1 2iy2 1 47 47Winner Winner Ch c 4 by St Blaise Emma EmmaStart Start good Won driving Palmorston was the best and is cherry ripe He revelled in the going too and was beautifully managed The Babe was unlucky and forced into deep going Collins finished strong McLight likes a hard track Basquil has staled Andrew was short shortScratched Scratched Harold Lindsay 90 6851 EIGHTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wt St M H M StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6827 DAVID 105 4 2a 2 16 11 16 Piggott Benson Arthur 25 13 out 6749 DUNBOY 101 1 1 Itf 2 21421 HMartin V M Murrv 6 8 out 6794 SIMMONS 110 3 4 4 4 4 3 Slaughter Colla Sippy 10 30 out 6723 SALISBURY II 105 2 SH 3Ki 33 32 4 Thorpe BurnsWatorhse 3 4 out Time 25 515K 103H 117 133 Winner Ch g 5 by Wawekus Treasure Trove TroveStart Start good Won easily David simply galloped all the way Dnnboys race was good Sal ¬ isbury weakened on the end endScratched Scratched Mercutio 99 Boreas 108 Sallie Clicquot 110 Yankee Doodle 110