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NEW ORLEANS FORM GHART GHARTNEW NEW ORLEANS LA March 13 One Hundred and Third Day Crescent City Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Col R W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald 6963 Q FIRST RACE34 Mile Purse 200 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St X V 3A StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI e 94 ROUBLE 102 6 3n 3K IH IH Gatewood C C Campbell 683 6894 M1S8 ROWETT 103 5 51 52 4K 2 J Gardner Lilly MeadeStk Co 4 7 2 26687KATHERINE 6687KATHERINE 97 2 21 1 31 3 Songer W H Laudeman 2K 3K 65 6894 HIBERNIA QUEEN 97 7 76 51 4K C Combs W H Williamson 8 10 4 6750 WHIFF 102 9 9 9 6 51 W Dean JH Lynch 20 30 10 67111GALLEY WEST 94 4 IH 2K 2 6 T Burns P Knykendall 6 7 2 j 5783 DICK BEHAN 102 3 6777 ABarrett Caesar Young 85 65 25 5116 LISM ORE 102 8 8888 Clay AGodfrey 10 15 6 6921 SIR JOHN 99 1 4K 4K fell T Powers R Bradley 20 25 10 10Time Time 25 50 116 Winner B g 5 by Rossington Leila K KStart Start good All the five leaders were driving Boy on Rowett waited too long Katherine was crowded against rail all last sixteenth The Queen interfered with when Sir John fell and finished strong Behan was in his own way Roubles race was far above the notch Queen should have won She was best bestScratched Scratched In Command 96 6964 SECOND RACE 78 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wt St V K A StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6890 SEELBACH 102 8 8 f K 21 25 IK Clay W H Roller 12 15 6 6924 EARTH 95 2 2K 6 31 IK 21K T Burns H Ray 431 4315096PATROL 5096PATROL 107 3 31 3u 42 31 38 J Hill J E Seagram 85 85 35 6783 BREAK ODAY 95 7 5 2K I1 4 42 A Barrett J E Madden 8 10 4 6782 STRATHREEL 105 1 41426 55 58 RWilliams E L Graves 85 2 45 6924 TAGL1ONA 100 6 7 8 8 8 6 Sensor R E Cox 12 15 6 5776 TIM 1RVEN 97 5 6 7 7 7 7 W Dean L T Caton Co 30 40 12 6924 BEN WILSON 97 4 IK U 5K 6 8 L Smith J C Tucker 40 60 20 20Time Time 24J 49J 1 16K 1 30 Winner 30Winner HighlandsStart B g 3 by Strathmore Belle of the Highlands Start good Won cleverly Earth tired badly last sixteenth Patrol seemed short Break oDay ran well for threequarters Seolbach was lucky but ran a wonderful race in the light of his recent goingScratched performance He evidently likes fast going Scratched Pauline A 90 The Plutocrat 105 Ray H 97 6965 THIRD RACE 1 18 Miles Purse 200 4yearolds and upward Selling Wt St M K 5 H Fin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6921TENOCH11TLAN 109 5 li li 12 UK Knapp M T Danaher 3 115 45 BerryC909 6922jOTHO 108 2 5 2 3K2 21 Caywood A Berry 3K 3 1 C909 JACK THE JEW 102 3 6 6 5 41K3K J Hill T D Sullivan 5585 6911 LIZZIE MACK 103 8 3 3 2 3 4K Barrett E D Brown 562 6909 BILLY McKENZlE 109 1 7 7 6 6 55 Sweeney J W ONeall 8 10 4 6921 AL MILES 97 7 8 8 8 7 6 L Smith Geo Flanagan 15 20 8 6911 IX1ON 110 6 41 4 4 5 7 Oveiton A G Westou 10 15 6 6036 L OF THE WEST 107 4 2K 5K 788 Hirsch C J Kelly 3K 4 85 85Time Time 27 53 120 1 45K 1 58 58Winner Winner Blk g 5 by Fonso Pretense PretenseStart Start good Won handily The winner was best Jack was closing at end Lilly sulked all the way Otho ran a good game race Ixion showed speed for a mile So did Mack She hung on at the end too tooScratched Scratched Newhouse 105 Pares 108 6966 F0 FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Horses Wt St X K 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6S55 GASTON 100 5 5K 4n 5K 45 1 T Burns D Waldo 2K 2 45 6819ALAMO 98 1 3 53 31 1 22 Gatewood Mrs W W Lyles 2 95 35 6920 AL KYRIS 92 2 IH IH li 22 3n Powers T P Hayes 12 10 4 6708 MARQUISE 105 3 4K 6 6 3K 4io Scherrer Timmons Marks 452 COUSIN JEEMS 106 7 6 SH 4 SB 5 Caywood Mrs Shrimpton 10 15 6 6856GOLD TOP 95 4 2K 21 iyt 6 6 Barrett F H Hickok 6912 F M B 93 8 8 7 7 7 7 Combs J R OBrien 10 15 855 ALV1N W 94 6 7 8 8 8 8 Clay A W Wallace 10 12 Time 25 50 1 16 1 29K Winner Ch c 3 by Sayxe Esther G GStart Start good Won driving Gas ton was the best He came very fast at the end A poor ride beat Alamo Al Kyris ran a good race Gold Top blew up early Overweights Gold Top 2 pounds FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses K StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 673 PARMESAN 51 42 3 1 K T Burns T H Magee 85 2 45 6922 SEN PENROSE 101 7 6 4 2K 1 Caywood C C McCafforty 3 135 1 6856 NAIRETE 96 6 42 21 1 2 3 Clay W H Holler 662 6287 SQUIRE GILLAM 96 10 10 10 8 6 43 L Smith M T Danaher 20 25 10 5320 MERRY SAINT 96 2 22 3 7 5K 52 W Dean E Jackson 30 30 10 6384 BARNEY ADLER 94 3 IK IK 6 4 6 Combs J W Levy 10 12 5 5211 SHDFFLEBOARD 93 1 7 7 5 8 7 Songer H McCarren Jr 10 15 6 4334 C S BUSH 101 4 8 8 9 9 8 Gatewood J C Grumes 20 30 10 6908 BENEFIT 91 8 31 6K 3 7 9 Coley H J Cassidy 20 30 10 6S63 106S63 SANGUINE 98 5 9 9 10 10 10 Hirsch F Reagan JO 30 10 6832 HARRY S 101 Left at the post Powers T Murphy 95 2K 1 Time 25 51 117 l31fc 1 44 44Winner Winner B c 3 by Britannic Cheeeeistraw CheeeeistrawStart Start good Won easily Parmesan was pocketed to the last sixteenth Then he came strong Nairete looked a sure winner to the last eighth When Parmesan challenged he quit Penrose strongBerate ran a good race Gillam finished strong Berate ed Kenstqn 94 Beware 97 Oldhim98 Elyria 101 101Overweights Overweights Squire Gillam 2 pounds Sanguine 4 6968 C ± J Q SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 200 4yearolds and upward Gentlemen Riders Ind Horses Wt St K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl Pi 6891 PROVERB 145 1 1583H 15 13 13 is Mr Fenner John Call 4 42K 583H TWELVE FIFTY 145 2 2K 23 23 25 Mr Mehle J W Forman 6 6919 PLUTUS 147 7 7 51 6 33 MrJohnsonMorgnWilliamn 35 2 6807 HARMONY 145 4 6 7 42 41 MrLbouigeW H Laird 431 6482 JOHN B EW1NG 145 6 66S04 53 4 3K 51 Mr Bnck L T Caton Co 8 8 3 6S04 INCOMMODE 145 3 4K 6 7 6 Mr Avery S Ciolini 6923 HALF MINE 145 5 3K McMillanTime 3 5K 7 MrBradfrdR McMillan Time 26 62 119 Winner B g 6 by Ventilator Maxim MaximStart Start good Won easily The best horse won The contest was a sort of joke Scratched Summer Coon 145 Overweights Plutus 2 pounds 6969 SEVENTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 200 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St K StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6375 SOBRIQUET 90 7 6 53 2 li T Burns T Licalzi 331 5699 LONGBROOK 104 K I I95K 2H 2 12 21 Scherrer R A Smith 3 2K 1 6375 NOVER 95K 2 41 31 3 31 L Smith S Edwards 652 6806 WINSLOW 98 12 12 7 7 46 Hirsch T H Barrett 562 6858 STARK 93 8 8 8 5 5 Gatow Gatowood Mrs W W Lyles 8 10 6H33 RUTH II 93 5 U 1 6 6 Power W S McGhee 6 6 6417 FICTION 100 4 7 4417 7 W De Dean A Halstoad 10 12 6919 WATERMAN 105 3 3 6K 8 8 J Hill TDSullivan 6 6 6893 MISS STURGES 103 10 51 9 9 9 Walker W Wilson 8 12 6812 WILD TARTAR 92 9 9 11 11 10 Combs Small McCuo 15 20 6911 LAURA GOTTA 95 6 10 10 10 11 Barret 6852 JAS V CARTER 106 13 12 12 12 12 WTaylor C DeWitt 6806 GLENDAGA 95 14 13 13 13 13 Clay W Nesbitt NesbittCampbell 6147 GLUCK 100 11 11 14 14 14 Campbell J A Johnson Time 25 50 1 16 Winner 16Winner Ch f 4 by Sobranje Arrason ArrasonStart Start good Won easily The winner was much the best Ruth tired at the stretch Win slow was closing fast at the end Scratched Hippogriff 95 Overweights Nover 3K pounds Laura Cotta 5 Winslow 3 Longbrook2K Jas VCarter4