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OAKLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Lace 5tf Furlonere Furlonere4yoarolds 4yoarolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 6989 Billy Ayresa 108 6986 Encino 4 107 6841 Maj Cook 5 103 6961 Toano 11 108 6931 Monitor 4 104 6182 Gold Bug 8 108 6900 Candor 5 106 6931 Miss Ross 4 102 6888 Blue Belle 5 106 698 TimMurphy12108 6993 AmeliaFonso4102 6076DrMcAlli tra10S 6843 Zamloch 5 108 6927 Jack Martin4104 6931 Sea Spray 5 108 6076 Spry Lark 4 102 6931 Sir Richard 7111 7111Sacoiid Sacoiid Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 0932 Ft Augustus 102 6994 Rienzi 105 6982 Cogent 105 6845 D J Tobin 107 7010 Roselle 107 6984St Distaff 105 6988 Mercutio 110 6994 Nebula 6983Altamax 110 6788 Quantrell 105 Third Race l Mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wgt Ind Hoi es Wgt 6956 Baron 8 101 6989 Sooladin 5 101 6989 Tobey 5 101 6766 Leonville 6 101 6988 UnaColorado6lll 6983 Huntsman 6 101 6959 Peter 115 109 5706 LFlush gld5101 6725 Disparity a 99 Sir Edward 6 134 13469S9 69S9 Tar Tartar7101 6929 Devault 4 110 6989 IkeL 5 104 104fourth fourth Race 1 116 Miles 4yearolds and upward Allowances fnd Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wet 6935 S Clicquot 4 100 6961 Cabrillo 5 109 6794 Ivy 6 104 6935 Salvation 5 109 1096993Cash 6993Cash Day 6 114 6934 AdSpreckels4107 AdSpreckels4107Fifth Fifth Kace 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 6991 Claudiana 3 84 6982 Argestes 3 84 7008 La Flecha 4 ICO 6932 Laura Burt 3 90 6729 Ferton Lass6106 6991Grandezia 3 89 6885 Heartsease 4 100 6346 Let Me See 4 95 6957 Zylpha 5 104 6991 Apto 3 89 6957 Mary Nieves4 95 6927 Joan 4 100 100Sinfalto Sinfalto 4 103 6956 Josephine 6 107 107Sixth Sixth Race 6 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wsrt 6956 Luc Borcia 4 95 6959 Thelma 6 98 6988 Caliente 4 100 6983 Peril 7 98 6994 McLight 6 113 6961 Applause 5 108 6988Howard 6 107 6518 Satsuma 5 110 6994 Pollock 4 102 6983 San Marco 4 110 6829 Midlo 4 102 6935 GeoMiller7 114 6986 Logan 9 109 6929 Morven 6 105 6839 Detective 115 100