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1897 15 MILES FROM ST LOUIS ON THE WABASH WABASHBARNEY BARNEY SCHREIBERS MOPELFARM THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD BLOODFOUL FOUL SHOT BY MUSKET SLANDER Ithuriel Touchstone TouchstoneVerbena Longbow Verbena Miss Bowe Catton CattonTranbys Tranbys dam Pantaloon Castrel CastrelIdalia Legerdormain Idalia Decoy Filhoda Pnta PntaFinesse Finesse f Melbourne Humphrey Clinker West Australian Morpeths dam Mowerina Touchstone Emma Camel 3 Whalebone a a Brown Bess 7 Duchess of Solim Daughter of J Brentandorf Brentandorfi i Mrs Cruickshank Canteen Waxy Pope Calendar 7 Castania Hambletonia Hambletoniaf Stamford Harmonica f Tros Priam PriamJAUy Cassandra JAUy dam of Yattendon Alice Grey j Eons Emigrant Gulnare f The Colonel Whisker Capapie My Ladys dam grandsiro of Sister to Cactua Cactuaf Sultan SultanDuchess Yattendon YattendonBell Duchess of York f Dover Patron PatronMaid Bell Brand Maid of Kent a noted race mare Sophy Skelhinda Skelhindai i Sally Brass by Longtoniac BARNEY SCHREIBCR BRIPGcETON MO