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SINGERLY RACE RESULTS RESULTSSINGEKLTT SINGEKLTT MD April 3 Weather clear track good First Race J mile One Chance 107 JMoore 3 to 1 won Oak 108 CHueston 5 to 1 second Te Ko 107 Neary 10 to 1 third Fifiold Southerner Wistful Beloved Black Bess Val ¬ kyrie and Pleasant Smiles also ran Timol 20J4 20J4Second Second Race mile N P Y 111 Neary 4 to 5 won Merritt 105 H Brown 3 to 1 second Anna Duffy 105 El is 8 to 1 third Troussean colt Lizzie S and Miss Fonso also ran Time 54 54Third Third Race mile Miss Pearl 105 Asburn 4 to 1 won Trint 105 Jones 4 to 1 second Graceful 105 A Mooro 6 to 1 third Dr Reed Miss Ordway Lida Woodlands Connomaugh and Collusion also ran Time 1 20J4 20J4Fourth Fourth Race mile Parthenia 105 C Hueston 6 to 5 won Red Star 107 A Moore 6 to 1 second Cumberland 107 Asburn 6 to 1 third Frank Fuller Margaret Roth Bert Lizzie W and Pocahontas also ran Time 1 20 20Fifth Fifth Race mile Penubrook 112 Ellis 3 to 5 won Republic 109 Mclntyro 8 to 1 sec ¬ ond Knight of Honor 109 Andrews 30 to 1 third Saint Ilario Chiswick Artillery Horace Argo ana Mountain Maid also ran Time 1 06 Sixth Race 6 furlongsRoller 112 JMooia 10 to 1 won Helena Belle 107 C Huoston 3 to 1 second Little Dorritt 107 Kuhn 2 to 1 third Walter O Tattersall Irish Pat Brook ¬ lyn Little Cliff and Gloriana also ran Time Singerly entries for Monday are areFirst First race 4 i furlongs selling Repetition 102 pounds Copeland 102 Syde 102 Parthian 102 Glover Vendig 102 Baccarat 102 Hazel 100 Charm 100 Silver Queen ICO Eunice 100 100Second Second Race 3 mile selling Sam Farmer 114 pounds Cockade 111 Marguerite II 109 Peep oDay 109 Ventanna 108 SirClifdon 108 Jackson 108 Ha Ha 106 Mabel 95 Ethel Far roll 95 95Third Third Race 6K furlongs Jack Wynne 111 pounds Bronston 111 Mohawk 111 Silver Queen 111 Belisarius 111 Our Maggie 109 Pocket Piece 108 Henry Higgins 108 Little Dorritt 106 Frank B 97 97Fourth Fourth Race 5 mile selling Oracle 120 Ray Lewis 112 Gold Dollar 109 Jews Harp 109 Harry M 109 Sebastian 109 Bragalonne 105 Harry C 102 Cake Walk 100 Cheer Up 100 100Fifth Fifth Race 44 furlongs Rosedale 112 pounds Earn 112 Jim Swaine 109 Harry War ¬ ren 109 Despair 109 Minnie V 107 High Point Belle 107 Lottie A 107 Mattie Chunn 107 Ivanna 107 107Sixth Sixth Race 58 mile Wah Jim 109 pounds Metropolis 109 Grampian 109 Little Jim 109 Duckadoo 109 Bessie Abbott 107 Mollie May 107 SiBterMyra 107 Belvina 107 Bizarre 107