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NEWPORT ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track slow slowFirst First Race 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 7416 Adalid 3 88 7356 Cotton Qneen388 4006 Masquerade 3 88 4930 G PattersonfS 90 7435 All Bok 3 90 5443 Scott Farris 3 90 54 17 Katie L 3 92 7341 Sistan 3 92 7092 Sugar Cane 3 94 2339 Wat Hardin 3 96 3562 JoeMnssle 3 99 5238 Peggy 3 100 100Minnie Minnie Clyde4100 4950 Alice W 4 100 7399 NellFlaherty4100 3393 K Thatcher 4100 7358 Three Bars 3 101 7285 Herminia 4 102 5000 Biscayno 5 104 7399 Pete Kelly 5 1U7 1U7HarveyCnrry5107 HarveyCnrry5107 HarveyCnrry5107Second Second Race 4 12 Furlones Furlones2yearolds 2yearolds Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 7391 Hume 100 7333 Conan Doyle 100 7379 Tola Simmons 102 Doc Doods 102 102Wid Wid Tate 105 Willmetor 105 105High High Admiral 105 Louis D 105 105Third Third Race 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 7402 Carlotta C 3 90 7420 Winthrop 3 93 5443 Lady Juliet 3 98 4421 Red 3 99 7380 Kalitan 3 101 5924 John Carr 3 101 5289 Myth 3 102 7355 J H C 3 105 5180 L Crtright 5 105 4645 VirgieDixon4lC6 7377 Robinson 4 110 7416 Sautenr 5 Ill 7419 Capt Drane8 113 113Fourth Fourth Racts 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt tnd Horses Wsrt 7359 Mattie Lee 4 100 7381 Hilda 4 100 1005141Asaph 5141Asaph 4 102 4552 Elsket 5 103 7402 The Sculptor7105 7402 Miss Rowett6105 7204 Elano 5 105 7173 F M B 5 105 2213 La Moore 5 105 7392 Leonard B 5 108 7377 Sidkel 4 Ill 7322Judith 6 Ill Firth Race 12 Mile 2yearolds Selling Sellingmd md Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 7287 Sister Corona 107 7389 Sister Mamie 107 7389 Volzette 107 7378 Clara C II 107 7389 My Maryland 107 EvemugChimeslO 7400 Berwell 107 7125 Lady Henley 107 7436 Ladyofthe Wstl07 7410 Mary Cavalier 107 7378 Donna Page 107 7319 Virgie Cook 107 7378 Marg Eastin 107 107Sixth Sixth Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Sellingtnd tnd Horses Wet Ind Horses Wet 7419 Impecunious3 91 4272 Raseudyll 3 94 7401 Swordsman 3 96 7356Rockwall 3 100 Glint 3 100 7399 Royal Dauce3 101 7416 Twelve Fifty4R 2 7402 Everest 3 103 4930 UncloEli 3I104 739 Skylark 7 104 7359 TariffRefrm6105