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MEMPHIS FORM CHART CHARTMEMPHIS MEMPHIS TENN April 14 Fourth day New Memphis Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather threatening track sloppy Presiding Judge M Lewis Clark Starter C Chinn TI3T 746 FIRST RACE 13 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Horses Wt S St M 54 M StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7428 WILSON 113 3 12 12 12 T Murphy J W Schorr Son75 2 45 7405 VEREFLY 105 5 5WIDOWER 31 354 2 Garner A Calm 562 WIDOWER 113 7 7LI 6 6 32 Clayton J E Madden 552 LI HUNG CHANG 113 1 514 5J4 41 T Burns E F Simms 652 7405 DOMSIE 108 6 7 4 5 Songor J H Weathorfordl2 15 6 7428 KING FIRE 108 2 21 21 6 Webster W L McDonald 12 10 4 RANDAZZO 454 7 7 RWilliams T P Hayes 254 4 85 7405 LEICESTER 113 9 998 Penn A H D H Morris 8 7 254 254BRAZILIAN BRAZILIAN 113 10 10 10 9 Murray J Brennan 20 30 10 10KICKSHOE KICKSHOE 110 8 8 S 10 Neal W W Dardon 20 30 10 7405 LOUGH MASK 10811 11 11 11 McHalo T J McHale 25 30 10 10Time Time 25 51 51Winner Winner Br c by Jim Gore British Blue Blood BloodStaitgood Staitgood Won easily Widower likes a route King Fire and Domsie stopped badly on the end Wilson was at home in the going Leicester away badly was vilely ridden by Penn Scratched Philip Byrnes 108 SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wt St 54 M StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7302 OILY GAMMON 101 3 3 41 154 I1 T Burns F McAullife 35 35 out 7427 HARRIE FLOYD 93 9 554 51 554 21 Hirsch C M Barrow 7 8 254 7314 REVENUE 107 4 7 8 41 3 R Jones R R Rico 30 20 8 7207 WHIFF 104 2 454 1 21 41 Hinkey J H Lynch 8 10 3 7227 HIBRNIA QUEEN 103 G 6 6 6 52 Clerico W H Willis Williamson 12 20 8 8S 7427 INCA 89 8 S 9 9 6 Coombs J H HWeath Weathorfordl2 20 8 7036 DENVER 101 7 9787 Garner Arthur rthur Be Benson 672 7427 CAPT TOBEY 100 10 10 10 10 8 Thornton tf S Barry 25 30 10 10P 4845 AGATINE 96 1 21 354 7 9 PCampbellP P M Civill 12 15 6 7427 TUNIC 90 3 5 11 2 3410 Songer DOSS Storey 15 20 8 8Time Time 25 53 1 06 4 1 20 20Winner Winner Ch g 5 by Falsetto Glone GloneStart Start gooj Won easily second and third driving It was a weak finish on Whiff Revenue came strong Ht the end Floyd ran a good race Tunic and Agatine were used too much on back stretch Hibernia Queen had no speed Denver ran a bad race 7469 THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds Allowances Ind Horses Wt St M 54 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7429 SHARON 107 1 25421 I 154 1 Clerico WallaceKetstrgS 254 out 4318 BUCKVIDERE 112 2 1541 2 3 22 RVilliamsA Cahn 35 35 out 7352VDAN HUGER 107 3 3 4 32 2 3 Garner G C Bennett 4 8 out 7248 B OF KILLAKNEY102 4 4 31 4 4 4 Hirsch A H D H Morrisl2 10 out Time outTime 26 52 120 148 148Winner HeartseaseStart Winner B c by Esher Heartsease Start good Won in a gallop Buckvidere was choked into submission first part Sharon was best tit Killarney favors a fast track trackScratched Scratched Burlesque II 112 747O FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St V 54 M StrFin Jockeys Op Cl PI 7432 BILL ELLISON 105 4 3 31 31 12 T Murphy P Stanton Co 4 3 1 7427 AFTERNUN 95 3 37369METAIRIE 12 12 is 21 Songer W D Stringer 6 12 5 7369METAIRIE 104 1 9663 Hinkey C B Campbell 20 60 20 7432 R Q BAN 110 5 22 21 22 42 PCampbellSmith Watson 10 8 3 7418 BOB CLAMPETT 103 8 7 7 554 51 Neal Stubbs Bros 883 7316 WAR CLUB 91 6 6 61 42 6 Wilhite W W Darden 562 7227 DICK BEHAN 106 9 97387K1NG 10 10 9 7 Hirsch Caesar Young 85 2 45 7387K1NG ELM 104 7 8988 Combs R J Ferris 15 20 8 5370 BRISEI3 87 10 5n 8 o 10 r T Burns E F Simms 8 10 4 4092 SWIFTY 99 2 41 4 7 1 J Garner C A Dukes 10 10 4 Time 26 53 Winner Br g 5 by Faustus Bank Stock StockStart Start good Won easily second and third driving Behan was outfooted He is a bad horse these days Metairie and Bob Clampott ran well The weight anchored R Q Ban Afternun tired when the pinch came 7471 MFT FIFTH RACE 7S Mile Purse 1400 3yearolds and upward Selling lad Horses Wt St 54 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 743U VAN BRUNT 109 1 IH 154 lifcUHm Garner G C Bennett 4 2 45 7283 SEA ROBBER 103 5 25425425421 2a T Murphy J WSchorr Son 3 3 1 7333 MARQUISE 103 6 6 6 Wi 41 38 Hirsch Timmons Marks 254 254 1 7443ELK1N 95 7 7 7 7 65441 PCampboll Smith Watson 883 7430 JDGE STEADMAN 103 3 51 554 6 7 554 Turner R E Maddox 15 15 6 7427CHAR CHRISTY 92 2 31 454 3 3 61 T Burns J W Carroll 10 15 6 7004ROBT BONNER 96 4 454 3 4 51 7 Songer J E Madden 5 6 2 2451 KNUTE 100 8 8 8 8 8 8 Webster W S OBrien 12 15 6 Time 2654 53Ji 1 19J4 1 33Ji Winner 33JiWinner B h 5 by Cheviot Active ActiveStart Start good Won easily second in a drive Robber ran a good race Marquise finished strong The going did not suit Steadman He is a bad horse anyway Knute was outclassed There jockeyScratched were spurs on Van Brunts jockey Scratched Ivory 95 Moncreith 105 Nicolini 106 Lismore 106 B F Fly Jr 106 rTirTfc SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Wt St M 54 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI li 11 11 12 Hirsch Chas Cougle 85 115 910 41 21 2 23 Garner P 910P Corrigan 331 Rowo 331Rowo Clarkson 95 115 910 354 32 31 4n T Burns T P Hayes 74 9 JACK tf a 101 1 2H 56 5 51 66 Webster J S OBrien 15 25 8 7065 A L KYRIS 96 6 7776 Songor J E Madden 10 12 5 7352 TIN CUP 93 7 6667 Wilhite J W Schorr Son8 10 4 Time 2S3i 5254 1 05 1 1854 Winner LexingtonStart 1854Winner B c 3 by Pirate of Penzanco Miss Lexington Start good Won cleverly second and third driving Lexington Pirate was best Goldie Locks ran well wellMcGuigan McGuigan ran the winner up to 815 and got him J W Schorr then offered him 375 but Me Guigan refused to sell sellScratched Scratched Ferris Hartman 100 Lady Doleful ICO Helen Wren 103 Charm 105 Nicholas