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MEMPHIS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good First Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 7685 Frosty 103 7586 John Connor 106 7666 Brazilian 110 B of Memphis 110 7525 Emp JosophinellO 7549Verify 110 1107553Bannockbnrn 7553Bannockbnrn 113 7512 Widower 113 second Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 7367 MarchieDS 87 7468 Inca 3 87 7632 John Corbin 3 87 7632 Islnd Queen3 87 6920 Glen Albyn 3 89 7032 LHritannic 3 93 7634 Af ternnn 3 95 7667 Styx 3 96 7468 Capt Toboy5 96 7665 Bravo 4 96 7634 HanoBelle4 96 7636 Incetatus 3 98 7634 Swifty 5 99 7694 P Kitchon4100 7668 Nicolini 5 98 7632 Whiff 5 104 104Third Third Race 78 Mile MileTennessee Tennessee Brewing Stakes Stakes3yearold 3yearold and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horsea Wgt Wgt7527Urania 7527Urania 5 98 5335 Sir Dilke 4 102 1027664Timemaker 7664Timemaker 4102 7661 Gath 5 102 1027633Linda 7633Linda 7 108 Fourth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds Allowances Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 7690 Moncereith 117 7664 Trnxillo 122 7690 Gaston 122 122Fifth Fifth Race 1 18 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingEnd End Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 7665 Aim 3 88 7587 Play Boy 3 88 887552ConnieLee 7552ConnieLee 3 91 76G5 Seelbach 3 88 7554 Elkin 3 86 7668 Anger 31 99 7590 J Steadman 5103 7659 Domingo 6 115 115Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt Wgt7511Forfoit3 7511Forfoit3 89 7522 Stella B 3 89 7516 Hester 4 98 7522 Foreseen 4 100 7664 Trilby 5 102 7273Amanda V 4 102 7590 Joe OSot 6 103 5394 Don Fulano6 104 7527 OilyGammon5105 7516Charm 6 105 7667Sea Robber3 106 7524JR Q Ban 6 110 4397Nentral 5 Ill