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OAKLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 12 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses VYgt 7604 Fodic Folic 113 7817 Zapata 108 7900 Castake Costae 105 7210 Lord Marmion Marion 108 7900 Benecia Seneca 105 Bramolla Granola 105 105Deuial Deuial Denial 105 Bonnie lone 105 7817 Cassandra II 105 7503 Morinol Morin 7765 Lizzella 105 7817 MissDividond110 7839 Old Jack 110 7817 Cima Cia 105 7841 St Calatine Palatine 105 Texarkana Tearaway 108 7817 Mirth 105 Second Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 7885 Groyhurst Grouchiest 3 97 7762 Coda 4 107 7763 ABuchanan5109 7505 Lost Girl 3 95 7945 Mollia Mollie R 5 109 7789 GeoPalmer3 97 7606 Sal Clicquot4 108 7504 Pollock Pollack 4 109 7901 Two Cheers 4 Ill 7883 Ricardo 6 111 7886 Logan 9 114 7887 Cogent 3 100 7945 Walter J 5 112 7489 Sooladain Scolding 5 111 7663 Rienzi Frenzied 3 110 7450 Monitor 4 1Q9 1Q9Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Sellingfad Selling fad Horses W rt Ind Indo Horses Wsrt West 7902 Horatio Oration 3 110 7947ColWheolr3110 7762 Mobalaska4104 7764 MajCook5 106 7821 Yemen 109 7821 Howard 6 112 7505 Fortunate 3 98 Joe Maxim 4 106 1067555TimMrphyll106 7555TimMrphyll106 7822 A Andrew 3 95 95ConMoto ConMoto Connote 4 110 7821 AmhaFonso4102 7843 Olive 5 107 7662 M ercutio erection 3 107 7762 DonGara4110 7761Perhaps4104 7793 Kowalsky Koalas 4 113 7500 Roadwarmr4104 Roadwarmr41047500Peril7 7500Peril7 lOj lO 7461 Toanoll Tonally 109 109Fourth Fourth Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling nd Wgt7839Dalion Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 7839Dalion 10t5 78il Eddie Jones 109 7900 Flushingtonl01 7900 SanDuradgo Sandra 68 7946 C of Flanders 106 7384 Irritator Irrigator 106 7882 LosPrietosl06 7841Chas Lebelll6 7882 Aluminum 106 78S2 Mel Burnham106 Burnham1067696Dousterswivel 7696Dousterswivel 106 7900 Outlay 106 106Fifth Fifth Race l 116 Miles Miles3yearolds SellingInd Selling 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 7842 Alvarado Allargando 4 104 7789 Nebu Neb a 3 86 7464OsncII3 867464OsncII3 96 7763 May R 3 86 7886 Manchester 5 116 7843 Red Glenn 5 108 4948 Morte Mote Fonse5116 Fonse5116Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yoarolds 3yoarolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wjrt Writ 7663 Alma 97 7883 Rufalba Rural 97 7452 Grandezia Grande 97 7491 Fsnnie Fannie C 103 7505 Widow Jones 97 7502 Lena 102 7452 AltiTO Atilt 102 7887Fashionpiate102 5435 Jerilderio Derider 102 7949 Florinel Fluorine 102 7663 Lady Hurst 102 7343 Mrs Shade 1 102 7491 Hallelujah 97 7887 LosCerillosl02 7593 Reel 97