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1875 H P McGraths McGraw Aristides Armistices 0 Lewis Is76 W Astors Castors Vagrant Swim 1877 D Swigerts Swingers BadenBaden Baden Walker 238 1878 T J Nichols Day Star Carter 237M F 1879 Darden Arden Cos Coos Lord Murphy R ner near 237 1880 J S Shawhans Shamans Fonso Fonts ewis Lewis 237237tf 237tf 1 1881 Dwyer Bros Brows Hindoo Indoor J McLaughlinHurd McLaughlin McLaughlin 240 1882 Morris Cos Coos Apollo Hurd Hurdy 24054 j 1883 Chinn Chin Morgans Organs Leonatus Lents Donahue Danaher 243 1884 W Cottrills Contrails Buchanan Murphy 2404 F F237J4 1885 J T Williams Joe Cotton Henderson Enders 237J4 F F236H 1886 J B Haggins Haggis Ben Ali Duffy 236H F F239J4 18H7 Labold Labeled Bros Brows Montrose 1 Lewis 239J4 F 1888 Chicago Stables Macbeth Macabre II G Covington Coving 238 F F23Wt 1889 Montana Stables Spokane Kiley Kelley 23Wt F 1890 E Corrigans Corrigan Riley Murphy 2 45 S 1891 Jacobin Stables Kingman Wingman Murphy 252 S 1S92 Bashford Bradford Manors Azra Ezra A Clayton 241 S S239M 1893 Cushing Orths Orts Lookout Kunzo Kino 239M S 1894 Leigh Roses Chant Martin 241 S 1895 Byron McClellands Macmillan Halma Alma Perkins 1896 M F Dwyers Dyers Ben Brush Simms Sims WEDNESDAYS KENTUCKY DERBY In the sparse Louisville books on tomorrows Kentucky Derby the twentythird twenty to be run Ben Brown was favorite at the end of last week He has been heavily backed of late and if the Ornament rumors are true has a good chance Fit and well though Ornament holds Brown safo sao The Kentucky Derbys Derby tabled history is From 1875 to 1895 inclusive the distance was one mile and a half In 1896 the distance was reduced to one mile and a quarter quarterFrom quarter From 1875 to 1879 inclusive weights wore Colts tOO pounds fillies 97 pounds in 1880 colts carried 105 pounds while fillies and geld ¬ ings dings carried 102 1884 colts carried 110 pounds fillies and geldings 107 from 1886 to 1890 colts carried 118 pounds geldings 115 pounds and fillies 113 pounds poundsFrom pounds From 1891 to 1893 inclusive colts and geldings carried 122 pounds and fillies 117 117In In 1894 the standard scale of weights was Colts 122 ponndsfillies ponds and geldings 117 pounds but this scale did not apply to the Kentucky Derby of 1894 and 1895 the latter stakes having closed when the preceding scale was in opera ¬ tion ion tionIn toning In 1896 the distance was reduced to a mile and a quarter and the conditions otherwise changed as follows Colts 122 pounds geldings 119 fillies 117 nonwinners nominees of a threeyearold race of 1500 allowed 5 pounds maidens 10 pounds poundsWednesdays pondweed Wednesdays Derby field will come from the lot displayed below belowJ below J C Cabns Cans Typhoon II ch cby cabby Top Gallant Dolly Varden Arden Garner GarnerFoster Garner Foster Bros Brows Dr Shepard b c by Buchanan Yoltine Online Taral Aral TaralFurst Tantalus Furst Furs Bros Brows Ben Brown b c by Belvidere Belvedere Miss Gossip Ballard BallardC Ballard C T Pattersons Patterson Cos Coos Ornament ch c by Order Victorine Victorian Clayton ClaytonTurney Clayton Turney Tourney Bros Brows Dr Catlett Cattle ch c by Candlemas Candelas Allerna Ballerina R Williams WilliamsE Williams E Wishards Wishers Carnero Caner b c by Candlemas Candelas Sis ¬ ter tear Geneva Perkins PerkinsA Perkins A C Cahns Cans Buckvidere Duckier ch c by Belvidere Belvedere Elkhorn Lass T Burns BurnsE Burns E Frazers Grazers Cavalero Caballero ch c by Cavalier Gila GilaT GilT T M Greenes Greenest Fleischmann Freshman ch c by Harry OFallon Fallen Lady Royster Oyster C Reiff Riff ReiffJohn Griffon John Rodegaps Bodegas Goshen b c by Glenelg Genteel Duchess May Bayless Payless BaylessJ Payless J W Schorr Scorer Sons Meadowthorpe Meadow b c by Kantaka Kanaka Baby T Murphy