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DAILY RACING FORM ISSUED EVERY DAY A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 126 FIFTH AVENUE CHICAGO ILL EDITOR F H BEDNELL BEFELL COPYRIGHTED COPYRIGHTEDEntered Copyrighted Entered according to act of congress in the yoar oar 1897 by Frank H Brunell Runnel in the ofiice office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington D C USA Entered in the Post Office at Chicago aa sec ¬ ond bond class matter SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS 8UB80BIPTIONB MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE AT DENVER The DENVERThe Denver Stationer Company cor coir Fifteenth and Lawrence Sts SATs StsAT StAT AT DETROIT Morehead Forehead DETROITMorehead Detroit Russell House News Stand MableyGoodfellow Building Newstand Newsstand NewstandAT Newsstand AT MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEEPlankinton Milwaukee Plankinton Lamination Hotel News Stand Pfister Fitter Hotel News Stand StandAT Stand AT LOUISVILLE C LOUISVILLEC LOUISVILLE T Dearing Daring Third and Jefferson Sts SATs Louisville Book Co 356 Fourth Ave AveAT Caveat AT NEW ORLEANS ORLEANSH ORLEANS H J Holle Hole 641 Commercial Place PlaceAT Placemat AT SAN FRANCISCO FRANCISCOFoster Francisco Foster Orear Rear Market StiFerrylStand StiFerrylStandAT AT TORONTO ONT ONTJ ONT J D McSweeney Mesentery Palmer House News Stand F W Nye Co 137 King St West CHICAGO ILL MAY 13 1897