Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1897-06-05


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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM CHART CHARTMILLDALE MILLDALE MOLDABLE KY June 4 Ninth Day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track fair Presiding Judge L P Tarloton Tarlatan Starter Col Cool J P Chinn Chin Q J PC Q FIRST RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 V4 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners C 8496 BANQUO BANQUET II 105 7 51 81 71 3tf U HWilliams Williams P J Miles 8625 THREE BARS 110 5 3tf 4 3V4 23 Nutt Mutt W P Givens 8604 VISCOUNT 1UO 6 71 51 4H42K 3V4 T Burns ESGardner Degrader Son 1 8519 CAPT APT PEIRSAL PERSIA 104 10 13 61 51 61 43 J Hill E F McLean CLean 61 52 5iyi Baughman Bagman BobinsonMoore Robinson 25 20 8 8371 ASTRADA AMSTRAD 100 8 9 9 9 9 61 James E A Meyers Meyer Co 25 30 10 8535MUNDEN 105 3 22 1 1 S 71 J Gardner J F Dickenson Dickinson 10 15 6 8627 POUTING 100 2 Itf If 2iy2iy4 81 Conley Coney W C Overton Overtone 562 8325 SUGAR CANE 100 1 61 71 81 71 91 BeauchampJay Hardy Co 15 20 8 8475 HICKOBY HICKEY LEAF 105 9 10 10 10 10 10 Everett Kanffmau Dodd20 30 10 Time 24 50 103 116 129M Winner 129MWinner Ch c 3 by Pirate of Penzanco Penance Thrift ThriftStart Thrifts Start good Won driving Banquo Banquet was messed about at start He was best and closed fast when clear in stretch Hill pulled Peirsal Perusal up at flag fall Munden Minden and Pouting raced each others heads off first five furlongs Filibuster was badly handled Three Bars ran a good race Overweights Overweighs raceOverweights Capt Caput Peirsal Perusal 2 pounds Sugar Cane 3lt G Q O Z K O Q SECOND BACE RACE ACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 8560 BANISHED 110 5 44 4i V1A A Clayton WMWallace 65 75 12 8477 THE DOCTOR 102 2 21 21 21 H Nutt Mutt Dr W Kehoo Echo 15 12 5 8826 ST BAYMOND BEYOND 100 8 8 S 31 tf Hirsch B W Coble Cobble 30 50 15 8626 FBIAR BIHAR JOHN 105 6 7 61 4 BeauchampJ Beach Bauer Co 12 15 6 8603 MILLSTREAM 105 1 Wt Wt 51 J Hill ES GardnerSon Gardner 5 6 2 8650 WILFBD WILED LABIEBIOO LABILE 7 61 31 62 Murray J Brennan Brendan 8 8 S 8429 TOM COLLINS 105 4 3a 7 71 T Burns Simms Sims Anderson 2 85 35 8560 LA GBANGE GANGES 100 3 3BUCKS 1j U Stf St Bandall Banally J T Bush 20 20 8 BUCKS BUCKSAW A V 100 10010 10 10 9 9 Dale F H Curran Currant 25 30 10 8477 THE DAUPHIN 100 9 9 10 10 HWillims Williams H C Duffy 15 20 8 Time 24Ji495 103 Winner B c by Longstreot Longest Exile ExileStart Exiles Start good Won easily The next four wore all in sharp action Collins had no speed what ¬ ever This was not his race Raymond and Banished finished strong Grange waswell weasel away and showed speed for half a mile The Doctor ran a good race So did Friar John Or r THIBD HID BACE ACE 1 116 Miles Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St X Yt M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op C 8562 ELUSIVE 93 3 31 IH 11 12 IB TBurns Burns C Porter Co 71012 out 8537LETGHER out8537LETGHER 105 4 52 5 41 2Hi2ltf Fowler Million Daris Dais 2335 8602 HARBINGER 98 5 2 2J4 2H 32 3tf HWilliamsB Williams CDnffy Codify 50 60 15 8601 HONOR 97 6 4W 4H 5 5 43 Hirsch A H D H Morris IS 20f 6 8362 858496BASPEE ItJLIN Italian 100K2 Iitf3ltf3tf 41 53 BeauchampC Bacchantic E Bailey 7 6 85 8496BASPEE 110 1 6 6 6 6 6 Graham T Perkins 20 30 8 Time 24 49 11554 1U4 l47tf l47tfWinner VegaStart Vegetate Winner B f 4 by Sir Dixon Vega Start good Won pulled up second and third driving mildly Elusive outclassed the lot Islin Insulin showed early speed but was short Harbinger tired in the stretch Rasper Grasper had no speed Letcher Fletcher ran his race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Panmure Manure 97 Gaston 102 102Overweights Overweights Overweighs Letcher Fletcher 3 ponnds ponds Islin Insulin 2H 8661 FOURTH BACE ACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolda and upward Soiling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M yt 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 8627 POWHATTA 95 1 3H 3K 3121 Yt Nntt Nanette J Furr Furor 6 6 2 8535 D OFMNTRSEIIlOO 6 H 1112 nyjjjs HWilliams Williams J R Ford 15 20 8 8191 RAYMOND 100 3 61 61 4V4 81 3 = W Hicks RntledgeStevons 2 8646 VICE REGAL 97 2 2142 21 Hi 4W Randall W J Smith 8 8456 J P B 97 9 9 7 7 7 5H Hirsch Lancaster Co 7 8623 MERMAID 95 5 4 4V4 5H 4 6H Gilmoro Gilmore Smith Shuman Human 3 7897 RAFFLE BOY 97 8 8 8 8 8 72 James T P Faught Fraught 20 20 8 8623 ELEANOS ELEANOR MAC lOd clod 7 5 51 61 6H 82 T Burns W A Porter 3 2tf 1 8535 LIZZIE TIZZIES MACK 100 10 10 9 9 9 9 BoauchampE Bacchante D Brown 10 10 4 7794 TARIFF REFORM 97 4 7 10 10 10 10 Conley Coney W Gibson 762 762Time Time 25 SO 117 1434 MartinStart Martins Winner 1434Winner B m 6 by Powhattan II Vic Martin Start good Won driving The flight of sir behind tho thou leaders were also hard at it Eleanor Mac is of no present account Montrose faltered in the last hundred yards His speed was start ¬ ling Raymond finished strong He saved ground on tue true stretch turn Eeform Deform broke down at the Quarter Dole Mermaid could not keen UD Q J JO FIFTH EACE ACE 1 12 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 8400 COBILLA COBOL 104 I 354 21 li Nutt Mutt S K Hughes Co7 6 2 8417 ASPASIA APHASIA II 104 2 21 li si W Jones WL RKLewis 3 4V4 85 6493 FBOGMORE FORGOES 104 1 lij3H 3tf TBurns Burns ESGardner Degrader Son 4 6 2 8600 FRANCISCA FRANCISCAN 104 8 5 4V4 4H BeauchampJ Beach Bauer Cp 452 8007 TAFFETA SILK 104 3 61 62 62 Randall B T Humel Hume 3 3V4 65 8080 FLOHIDA FLORIDA ROSE 104 7 7 51 6 Murray A N Smillie Millie 783 783ALBIS ALBIS ALBS 104 5 4 7 7 Everett Ireland Bros Brows 20 20 8 MOON HAWK lOt 9 988 Dale PPJobnspn Co30 30 10 10IERNE IERNE ERNE 104 11 11 9 9 Hart C E Bailey Railey Riley 20 20 8 LADY FLIGHT 104 6 8 10 fO Fowler Fpwler D L Moore 652 8050 FAN W FONSO FONTS 104 10 10 11 11 James H G Owsley Wesley 30 30 10 8022 PATTY WHACK 107 Left at the post Graham T B Jones 30 30 10 Time 10Time 243 50 57J Winner B f by Deceiver Knic Nice Knac Knack tart poor Won cleverly next f ur driving Corilla Corolla was tho thou best Frogmore Frog got away running Francisca Franciscan was n the outside the entire route Gorilla saved ground on the stretch turn Aspasia Aphasia ran a good race Fraucisca Franciscan made up a lot of ground Overweights Overweighs groundOverweights groundcover Patty Whack 3 pounds Continued pn 2nd page SIXTH RACE I Mile Purse S300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yt 5i StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 862 A1MEE GOODWIN GODWIN 95 2 42 31 32 32 1 Nntt Nanette Fishor Fisher Tarr Tarry 7 4 95 8559 FRONTMAN FONTANA 100 1 22 2 11 U 23 James E F Sellers 10 15 P 8627 CARRIE LYLE 105 3 13 1 25 2V4 3 J Hill H D Brown 3 5 8604 ON D AGUE 107 5 10 5 V44K 43 Wt Clerico Cleric G H Brown 5 6 z 8625 J ZIMMERMAN 110 9 7j 81 8 6 53 Hart T Licalzi Laical 6 7 2V 8540 YELLOW ROSE 95 4 3tf Wt 52 7 62 Everett A Duffy 20 12 5 8263 ELANO ELEANOR 107 7 6 7 10 Wt 1 Fowler W J Speirs Piers 12 15 S623 HILDA 9910 8 10 9 8 8 H Williams D L Hardosty Hardest 8 6 7796 TOOTS 95 8 5 61 61 9 9 T Burns P J Miles 85 2 o 8475 STANZA 102 6 9 9 71 10 10 BeauchampJay Hardy Co 15 20 8 42HWinner Time 24 49 1 15H 1 42H Winner B m 5 by Springbok or Moccasin Jennie V VStart Start Start good Won in a gallop There were smart doings behind the leaders at the finish On dague ague dropped out of the race rounding the first turn Frontman Fontana and Carrie Lyle were used too much early Their dispositions partly accounted for it Toots was shut off on the far turn when moving up She is not what she used to bo and may be passed up for a term Elano Eleanor ran a queer race Zimmerman is getting to himself He was coming at the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Elsket Else 95 Sim Siam W 107 Ben Naiad 109 109Overweights Overweights Overweighs Yellow Rose 3 pounds Hilda 4

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Local Identifier: drf1897060501_1_3
Library of Congress Record: