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HIGHLAND PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 8763 Alice W 4 102 8954 Edith 6 104 8821 Sister lone 8 104 8919 LitBramble4104 8878 Pinchback Pinchbeck 4 104 8S782Terranet 4 105 8821 Pete Kelly 5 106 8819 O Uominion7106 S87S DistbanceIII6107 8763 Bismarck 7 109 8821 Whiff 5 109 8358 W C T 3 110 110Second Second Kace Ace 4 12 Furloncs Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances 8917 Clif Cliff tondale tonal 103 8918SSkillman 103 8232 Tennie Teenier 105 8877 Gyp y Prince 105 8028 M of Eichfield105 Arthur A 108 8918 Bailey 108 88222Alabaster 108 108Third Third Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 7989 Naughty Girl3 9U 89153Cogmoosey3 92 9288803Elkin 88803Elkin 3 100 S881Necedah5 109 7837 Scandland Candled 6 110 8220EobtLatta6lll Fourth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 8877Banastar 113 7676 Wilmetor Kilometer 113 113Big Big Staff 113 7971 Coyne Cone 113 113Fifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles 3yoarolds and upward Selling 8880 Reformation3 89 8951 Tonica Tonic 4 97 8861 The Planet 3 97 8855 Harry Lee 3 97 9789532Bender 89532Bender 5 103 8385 Wolsey Wools 6 103 8788 Blasco Blanco 5 103 8821Sky Bue Blue 4 104 8880 B Browmng4 105 S7642LadyDoleful4107 Sixth Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowances88773Mary 88773Mary Cavalier 100 8916 Ma Angelino Angelina 100 8916 Madam Gerst Gears 100 8724 Peter McCuo McCoy 103 8010 Jim Armstrongl03 8856 Annie LaurettalOS Laurent 8856 Flying Bees 105 8212 Ella Rae 105 8477 Dunbar Unbar 108