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LATONIA ANTONIA ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 90213Tonto 3 92 89823 Pouting 3 8869 Hats Off 3 95 8982 Filibuster3 97 8931 Anna Garth4 97 8681 Hedan3 97 9789782Eheinstrom 89782Eheinstrom 3100 8982 Con Eeagan3 100 8744 Waldine4 102 90233 Frontman Fontana 6 102 8909 CarrieLylo5J 102 8744 Miss Eowett6102 8936 Reddington Redding 4 104 104Second Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 8932 The Doctor 97 8932McCleary 90252Tempo 100 9026 Goodrich 8538 FirstCall Fiscally 100 81518Creedmore L100 8932 Tom Collins 104 S9322Qeo B Cox 104 104S910Hampden S910Hampden 112 Plaudit 112 112Third Third Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 9021 Fessy Essay F 3 87 8824 Salsetta Shasta 3 87 8801 Mellie Nellie 3 89 8U96 MMLghliniS 91 8977 Marie C 3 95 8979 Faunette Facetted 3 100 8647 Pierrette Pierre 3 100 8978 Miss Ross 4 102 102Lizzie Lizzie Tizzies Logan 4 102 8496 Orinda Rind 7 105 7809 HibrniaQun6 106 8911 Lufra Laura 4 108 108Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 90673 Viscount 3 93 5446 Chatterbox4 93 8661 Raffle Boy 4 93 9062 Donatus Donates 3 99 8826 John McElroy399 89S22Protus 3 99 99S663 S663 Elano Eleanor 5 102 8S29 Lit Walter6102 9062 Simple Jack4 103 9062 Prince Karl6105 7457 Amazement 4 108 108Fifth Fifth Race 4 Furlongs 2yearolds Soiling 8935 Exquisite 95 8500 LidaB Linda Pasmala Pamela 95 DoraB DraB PasmalaBevoke Bevoke Evoke 100 8935 Dayo Day Alice Ryan RyanMelba Ryan 100 8662 Patty Whack 105 105Melba Melba 105 8981 Taffeta Silk 105 105Keelona Keelona Keelson 105 105Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile Mile3yoarolds 3yoarolds and upward Selling 8867 Eddie Burke 3100 90643Tne Socman Stockman 3101 310190642Gaston 90642Gaston 3 101 9064 Dorothy 1114 101 1017922Abe 7922Abe Furst Furs 3J104 9067Sidkel4 110 9024 Joe Clark 4 112 i9023Egbart 6 114