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CONEY ISLAND ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 5 12 Furlongs Main Track Straightaway All Ages Allowances Allowances8693Yemen 8693Yemen 8 123 91592Harry Reed 4123 9159 Tremargo Tremor 4 114 48283Rnbicon 6 114 9069 Brandy wine5 114 90733Domitor 3 110 8830 Prompt 3 110 110Second Second Race 58 Mile On Turf The Daisy Stakes 1500 Guaranteed Guaranteed2yearolds 2yearolds 8645 Water Crest 122 9068 Gen Maceo Maceio 122 122Decanter Decanter 122 9002 Mirthful 122 8442 Makallah Mazola 119 119Third Third Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap91622The 91622The Winner4126 8408 Deerslayer5118 Deerslayer5118S939Lehman6 S939Lehman6 117 9073Bon Eder4115 Eder41158902TCrmwell4llO 8902TCrmwell4llO 9003 Free Advice5114 9001 PeepoDay Peapod 4 112 4829 Challenger3108 Challenger310890732Brisk 90732Brisk 4 106 8730P Kauvar Kava 3 105 1059069tSir 9069tSir Play4 103 9069fAll Over 6 102 8505 Bastion 3 10S Ferdinand Farina 3 100 10085023Savarin 85023Savarin 3 93 8639 Cassette 4 95 8938 Zanone4 105 105M M tf Dwyer entry fSink Sink entry Fourth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds Allowances The Swift Stakes 2000 guaranteed 9004 Storm King 123 8897Cleophus 121 9071 Casseopia Cassiopeia 121 90712Bnddha 116 9160 On Deck 116 8940 Loch Ness Ill 8940 Haphazard Ill 8443 Kobo Kobe Ill 9069 Imperator Ill 8730 Chum Ill IllEastern Milestone Eastern Ray 108 91603Elkins 106 106Filth Filth Kace Ace 58 Mile MileFuturity Futurity Course Course2yearolds 2yearolds Selling 8317 Glorian Gloria 112 8937 Fixed Star 110 9002 Blueaway Bleary 108 9163 Bairpin Hairpin 108 9063 Blue Board 106 8144Nosey 106 10690682The 90682The Dipper 106 9000 Juda Judah 105 105916320lney 916320lney 104 E645Watar Crest 102 102Decanter Decanter 102 645 Pontifex Pontiff 102 102807C3Pco 807C3Pco Auckland 102 9068 Laurel Leafl02 Our Breezy 99 9163 Checkers 99 9000Geisha 99 8154 Inspection 99 9159 Eileen D 91 High Hoe 94 94Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile On Turf Turf3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 9073 Ben Eder Edger 4 116 8727 Beaufort 3 112 8834 Cromwell 5 108 8902 Sunup 5 108 8943 Discount 31 103 8694 Langdon London 5 102 8943 Albert S 4 101 8902 Alvarado Allargando 114 100 9069 Alarum 3 98 8938Dolando 4 98 9072 Falornian3 98 89403Haphazard 3 95 8902 Emotional 4 91 8798 Braw Lad 3 91 8732 Orion 3 86 9073 Trayant Rayon 3 86 868768Shultz 8768Shultz 3 86