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ST LOUIS FORM GHART HART GHARTST HARTS ST LOUIS MO July 1 Fortyfirst Fortifiers day St Louis Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judgo Judo Jos Jose A Murphy Starter C C Chinn Chin 9432 FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 100 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt J StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9352 LOTTIE GLOTTIDES BURNS 105 9 4 43 4 1 Parram Para Foster Hrumfd Thrum 30 50 25 40 81S48 7786 DOMSIE DOS 108 8 2 2 1 2 Webster J H Weatherford Waterford 85 95 75 81 S48 THE BREWER 108 7 7 6 3 3 Freeman W W Dardon Dacron 4 6 3 5 9199 TEMANITE TENANTED 105 5 88 62 4 Preston F M Daily 50 75 50 60 NETTIE NETTLE BELL 105 6 9 7 26 5 J Lynch Booker Leigh 30 50 30 40 935 PR BISMARCK 105 2 3n 52 51 61 W Dean LazarusHanloy Lazarus 4 2 3 x4 LOUGH PLOUGH MASK 108 1 5 10 8 7 DHennossyT Dennis J McHale Chalet 8 12 8 10 9199 LITTLE GALLANT 105 10 10 9 7 8 Lawton G S Barry 20 40 20 30 9154 HIGH PRIESTESS 105 11 11 11 9 9 Ashley W C LaRue Argue Co 15 25 15 25 9290 EASY STRIDE 105 4 1 15 10 10 Reidy Reid E F McDonald 15 30 12 20 9 90 DR PAQUIN AQUINAS 108 3 6 3 11 11 Uinkey Inky C P Benson 15 40 15 30 30Time Time 26 53 1 10 Winner 10Winner FanstusPost Fantasist B f by Sir Thomas Maud F by Fanstus Fasts Post 3 minutes Start fair Won ridden nut second driving Easy Stride showed a world of speed Domsie Dossier ran a fair race and Burns a better one Scratched oneScratched overstretched Cake Walk 105 Emma Jono Ono 105 Prosperous 105 Blanche 105 Overweights Overweighs 105Overweights The Brower Browner 2 pounds 9433 SE SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yoarolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 93513BELLE DIABLO DIALOG 102 9 31 18 110 ltd W Dean G E Moore 6 6 2i 3 90273QOLD BAND 102 11 91 71 3 2 Franklin G W Curtis 15 20 10 12 93168 BOB WHITE 104 1 41 51 21 31 Greene TB Watts 6 S 5 7 9316 REUBEN ROWETT ROWE 107 4 1 2 5 41 Hinkey Hinkle C E Mnenshaw Mannish 10 12 8 10 93512EL ALMA 102 3 21 31 4 52 Webster P Grogan Groan Co 75 85 65 85 9351 CHEP CHEAP ATA ALTA 102 8 7 4 S 68 C Monahan Jonathan A Covington Coving 30 60 30 50 9111 GARNET RIPPLE lOt 5 51 6 of 72 C SlanghterC Slaughter P Kennedy 4645 9351 PLAY BOY 104 2 8878 D HennossyT Hennas J McHale Chalet 4544 3919 MONDAMIN MONOAMINE 104 7 10 9 9 9 Foucon Soupcon W E F SEverhrtSO Sever 50 25 40 1704 B HINRICH6EN 107 3 61 10 10 10 J Lynch J F Fanning 40 50 40 40 9198 NYLIC 1C4 10 Fell Lawton F Gilhooley Girlhood 40 60 40 50 50Time 221Winner Time 251 53 1 06 1 221 GracePost Gatepost Winner B f by Charaxus Caraculs Miss Grace Post 3 miuutes minutes Start fair Won easily Belle Diablo Dialog went to the front when she pleased El Alma failed to run her race Gold Band ran a good race Reuben Rowett Rowe had some speed Bob White tired on the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Free Quotation 102 Aunt Mary 102 Biscuit Cutter 104 King Somnns Sons 107 Overweignts Sovereigns 107Overweignts Mondamin Monoamine 5 pounds QzL SQL QzLsL sL THIRD THlliD Halide RACE HACE ACE e 0 2 Furlongs Pnrso Pro 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses WtSt Watt K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 93532UTOP1A 107 1 1 12 14 u Garner G C Bennett 44 3 165 9389 MAY GALOP GALLOP 105 2 292892BENAMELA 23 SKI 2 26 DHonnesjy Hones G C Moshier Mushier 12 12 10 12 92892BENAMELA 110 7 79355GREYHURST 63 41 55 32 Foucon Soupcon J F Fogg Foggy 2 3 115 2 9355GREYHURST 104 5 5l9196ZARINA 31 33 31 4n CSlaughterBSchreiber Slaughters 1 65451 l9196ZARINA 961 4 41 52 4 5io Webster A C Bornays Boras 40 60 40 50 7700 LIZZIE TIZZIES H 94 3 39193JTHE 5 6 6 6 Rector D A Honig Hong 20 50 20 40 9193JTHE PLANET 105 6 7777 Hinkey Hinkle J Downing 15 25 12 20 Time 20Time 26i 521 1 21i 1 29 Winner 29Winner Ch g 4 by Ecuador Kittie Kitties Gnnn GnnnPost Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second cleverly Greyhurst Greyhounds didnt didn't like the going Benamela Enamel finished strong So did Zarina Czarina Utopia had a world of speed speedScratched speeds Scratched Moralist 99 Botanic 99 Hano Hanoi Belle 103 Dawn 94 Longtime 99 Overweights Overweighs 99Overweights Zarina Czarina 2 pounds CA t K FOURTH RACE 34 Mile The Missouri Stakes 1500 Guaranteed tytfcOO 2yearolds Soiling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 H fltrFin faltering Jockeys Owners O H L C 9237 MARZELLA MARCELLO 93 1 1 15 11 18 J Woods J Huffman ll51252 2 8687 BEN FROST 98 2 2 2 2 26 Britton Briton J Huffman ll51252 2 92373FRED BROEN8 96 3 4 43 32 31 C Combs JW Schorr Scorer Son 6744 9290 NIGHT GOWN 100 7 3 32 43 4 J Mathews A Cahn Can t85 85 65 75 7845TOM 757845TOM LILLY 100 5 66 52 51 C SlaughterA Slaughter Cahn Can t5 85 65 75 9237 EQUITOME QUITO 101 6 5 51 6 6 E Jones A C Bernays Betrays 40 60 40 50 9237 BARRISSO BARRIOS 100 4 7777 Garner G C Bennett 6866 tCoupled Coupled 6866tCoupled in betting Time 25 52 1 06 1 21 21Winner Winner B f by Albert Montvale Mountable MontvalePost Mountable Post 4 minutes Start good Won impressively second cleverly Marzolla Mazola and Ben Frost had tho thou speed and ran away from their field Marzella Mazola was run up 600 over her entered selling price of JOO JO by J W Schorr Scorer She was bid in Fred Broens Barons finished strong Night Gown could never get up Marzella Mazola reveled in tho thou going I O FIFTH RACJli Racal 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolas and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 93913ROYAL CHOICE 104 2 32 36 320 2 13 Garner G C Bennett 4434 939DCAPPY 4434939DCAPPY 89 3 1 12 12 12 2 Rebo Reebok J F Fogg Foggy 85 2 75 95 9389FLORIDAS 959389FLORIDAS 104 1 25 26 22 315 330 o SlaughterJ Slaughter C Cahn Can 65 65 1 1110 9123 ROB ROY II 101 4 4 75Time 4 4 4 4 Mitchell J B Gray 60 75 60 75 Time 26 52 1211501 KissongonPost Kissing Winner 1211501Winner B c 4 by Hindoo Indoor Kissongon Kissing Post 1 minute Start good Won easily next two driving Gappy Happy died in front Floridae Florida was pumped out trying to catch her Royal Choice ran over his field in the stretch Ho was best ridden gallopScratched gallops Rob Roy II could not raise a gallop Scratched Bob Millican Milliamp 113 Hawthorue Hawthorne 106 Charley Christy 103 9437 SIXTH RACE 68 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Maidens Allowances ind bind Horses Wt St J4 J4 fc StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 93873DULAC 108 2 1H 12 16 is Brittou Briton J Huffman 45 1 35 35 9290 BALANCE ALL ALLSKIP ALLS 105 5 41 42 31 23 C Combs L M Barry 30 30 15 15 SKIP SKIP93523AFRICAN 105 4 32 35 21 3 Warren T H Ryan 12 15 6 8 93523AFRICAN 108 6 7 71 56 43 J Mathewa Mathew H B Durham 10 15 10 12 9029 BRIGHTIE BRIGHTEN B BKINGS KINGS 105 3 21 2n 48 58 WDean Dean C B Campbell 12 20 12 15 KINGS PON PONT PONKAMSIS PANAMAS 105 11 8886 Greene T B Watts 20 40 20 30 KAMSIS KANSAS KAMSISMOUND 105 7 9997 CSlaughterBSchreiber Slaughters 10 20 10 15 MOUND CITY 105 8 61 62 7 8 Hinkey Hinkle G Grassmuck Grass 20 40 20 30 SEVEN SLIPPER 105 12 10 10 11 9 Bonner Boner Deenng Deeming Bro 9352 ALLIE SALLIE B 105 10 11 11 12 10 Reidy Reid Biehop Bishop Co 8 10 8 8 GOV GO BOYD 108 1 SB 51 6 11 Robo Robot W L Cramer Crammer 12 20 12 15 SIR 15SIR JOSPH JOSH LISTER103 13 13 13 13 12 E Jones Caesar Young 20 40 20 30 DES 30DES MOINES 105 9 12 12 10 13 Ellis James Luzader Blunder 20 40 15 40 7824 DEERFOOT BEETROOT 108 14 14 14 14 14 Webster Waters Hodges 12 25 12 20 Time 20Time 131 26 51 1 08 Winner B c by Bnbbler Bubbler Ella Duke DukePost Dukedoms Post 12 minutes Start fair Won easily second driving Dnlac DNA was much the best Skip ran a good race So did Balance All Kamsis Kansas will improve So will Mound City Gov Go Boyd is of no account accountScratched accounts Scratched Clara C II 105