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FRIDAYS MONTANA RACING ANACONDA Mont July 2 Friday was raw rainy and windy and the crowd small Betting was good The track was bad at first but fair later The results were 2 30 trotting Golden Star won the second and third heats Barbarac Barbara won tho thou first heat Timo232 2301 232 2 19 class pacing Journeyman won the sec ¬ ond bond and third heats Edith W won tho thou first Time219 225 2281 mile twoyearolds toeholds running Amazian Amazing Lamley Langley won Los Prietos Prestos second Katie H third Time 49 49Seveneighths Seveneighths Seventieths mile running Jim Bozeman Ham won Lena second Latah Lath third Time 1 34 34Half Half mile heats running Bill Howard Ham V won in straight heats I Dont Don't Know second Lulu Horton third Time 49 491